Perception. Step by step how to bend the world.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:20 pm 
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The Buddhists call it "Enlightenment". Some call it seeing the "Silver Lining". The hippies call it "getting high". Pua call it "inner game"

I call it Perception.

They all have one thing in common. Changing how you see the world and yourself.

Next time you're stuck in a 4 mile tail-back and taking 2 hours for a 15 min journey. How would you like to be able to actually enjoy being in that situation rather than raging your ass off?

How about changing the way you see yourself? Create that confidence to go say hi to that girl?

Go take that bungee jump you thought was once too scary?

Everything you feel, pain and pleasure. Fear, joy, despair, want and need. Is all created in the mind. Its all perception, how you think consequently creates chemical reactions which in turn give you your emotive state.

So maybe im some druggie just talking gibberish. What can i back this up with?
Firstly, search online for anything like: state of mind, happy thoughts, power of the mind etc...
Im sure you've all heard before how having a happy frame of mind actually helps you do better. Countless reports and research shows it works. Christ, you can even heal yourself faster! - Become wolverine! :P

Secondly: I myself am living proof of once a shy, insecure, underachieving, lowly shadow of a person. Read my journal and see how f*cked i was. I didn't even see my own potential.
Now here i am of 4 months after; to say the least.. intense work on myself.

So me preaching about perception is all well and good. How do you get to see the world differently?

I could now go on like every other post telling you what it is to be an alpha male. What you should think and act.
You cant change just by reading a post or a flick of a switch.
It takes practice, time and effort.

Tomorrow, similar to my journal, ill set out objectives for you to carry out over the week, 1 week later, will be your next set, and so forth.
Don't expect instant results. This journey will take at minimum: Months.
It is a journey of self discovery. Inner game. Outer game, Meditation, Reflection, Review. You will have your highest of highs. And reach your lowest of lows. Both equally important as each other.
If you have determination and dedication and desire, You can achieve anything you want.

What do i get out of this? Handing back help to the community, without you guys, i wouldnt be writing this now.

Thoughts and Opinions always welcome.



Limit Nothing. Achieve Everything.
My Journal: boyos-journal-vt137995.html

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:17 pm 
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that's real nice man! you give something back to the community, i like that. it reminds me of what Arnol Schwarzenegger once said :)

i agree that it will take a long time untill you see the results but it IS worth it.
i also changed alot since i got in the game and learnt about inner game :p
and i'm still learning .


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:14 pm 
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I call it self-actualization. It's basically how you perceive yourself and is a reflection of your inner game, which if perfected, can lead to a state of enlightenment. People use different words to refer to the same fundamental truth about existence and happiness. But it's all part of the same whole.

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!” ~Audrey Hepburn

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:55 am 
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Call it whatever you want,perception,enlightenment,self actualisation,inner game,etc...It's really the LAW of attraction in play.Simply put your thoughts
create your reality or what you think is what you get.Watch the movie "secret" ... 40602.html

Most people are the type "I'll only believe when I see it" but to see it you have to attract it to yourself first.So it's a chicken and egg thing,which comes first? :)
In physics there is the phenomenon called "experimenter's expectation",scientists
think that there is a much smaller thing than an electron so they "see "it" in their
experiments.In essence they created it themselves by their thoughts.Serious people have researched on this but don't realise it's simply the law of attraction and it's effects. But then again normal 3d people can only think in 3 dimensions
when there are more dimensions in reality as Einstein postulated.The deeper you go the crazier it becomes. :)

law of attraction=Your reality is the outcome of your thoughts.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:18 am 
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Thanks for all the comments above,

As all said, the name doesn't matter. You can name it what you want. Clearly however, Its an extraordinary phenomenon. One you can use and manipulate in many different ways.
I just had one email with reference to experiencing an "aura". Depending how much you focus your state of mind, you can actually effect how people react towards you.
I can personally say i can relate to this experience, perhaps again i was just perceiving people acting differently. Or perhaps they really were.

Do your thoughts change your body language? how much/the way you smile? or is there truly another subliminal sense we all have that picks this up. When you read into how much information we process when we first meet someone and create a first impression. It suddenly becomes plausible..

ETA for Step 1: 4 hours

Limit Nothing. Achieve Everything.
My Journal: boyos-journal-vt137995.html

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:31 am 
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Step 1:

Are you ready to get rid of your Approach Anxiety? Your low self asteem? To get anything you want, and achieve everything you desire?

Our first objective then: Master your inner game.
Why do this?
In order to be able to control your thoughts and consequently emotions, you need to reach this "enlightenment" the Buddha's go on so much about.

I can only describe it as a switch in your head. My journal has the story behind it, i approached my problems one by one. I Finally found the deepest core of myself, the core reason for my depression anxiety and insecurities.

After that... I finally understood myself. I understood who i was, and what caused me to be that person. Understand your reasoning, why you get happy and sad. What causes it. - Thats what they mean by understanding yourself.

So next time the event that really annoys you comes along. It wont, because you are aware of it and why it annoys you.

Enough preaching..

Here are your first steps for this week:

1: Set yourself objectives and end goals.

Sit down for a good 30 min and ask yourself:
What do you want to be? Do you have a role model? What are your dreams?

Write them down and remember them well; as these will help you continue on this rather arduous and long training program.
Remind yourself every day why you are doing this, it really helps to motivate you.

Write yourself objectives and what you want to achieve this week:
Make them realistic!!! For example: go out and sarge twice a week. Your better off achieving easy targets rather than failing hard ones.

You cant achieve your final goal in one big leap. It takes lots of small steps.

My favourite example it when me and my friend went out running. We reached the last 400m of a 10k run, my friend was exhausted and was about to drop.
I said to him: "come on sprint to the finish, its only 400m!"
"No" he replies... "I wont make it"
"ok then, sprint with me to the next lamp post, its only 30m away!" - i urge him.
"now the next one!, and the next one!" - i shouted at him for the next 400m.

We sprinted the whole distance... This emphasised to me. Reaching your final goal is MUCH easier taking one little objective at a time.

2: Read this forum topic:
practical-attainment-of-inner-game-cont ... 67840.html
(saves me repeating a lot of things)

3: Write a journal/diary/report whatever you want to call it.
Save yourself 15 minutes a day and reflect on the days events. Ask yourself:

What did i do good today?
- Its weird at first. But get used to complimenting yourself. So many of us are so critical of ourselves because we strive to be better.

When i make a mistake... i used to get angry and annoyed. Criticise and call myself an idiot for making a mistake anyone else could of done.
Now i realise, a mistake is one step closer to your goal. Not the opposite.

So really remember when you do something good, make a note it just as much as an error.

What could of i done better today?
- Constructively criticise yourself. What can you do next time to prevent that mistake/error?
-How could of you handled that situation better?

What is the most important thing I must accomplish tomorrow?
-This ensures you continue progressing and achieving your goals.

What new thing can i try tomorrow?
Life is a journey of discovery. The more experiences we have, the better we can handle any situation.

Lastly: Carry out the no negative thinking 10 day challenge.
This is simple, but difficult task. You cannot allow a single negative thought enter your head. Regardless what it is, you MUST discard it immediately. By any means you find easiest. Me personally; i closed my eyes momentarily and uttered "no no no no no no". Haha, then carried on.

Do this for 10 days straight, and write down how you feel at the end of it. :)

If you fail to do so, and continue thinking this negative thought for more than 10 seconds, you fail the task and must go back to day one.

It took me 34 days... to achieve it. You may do it in 10. It might take you months. But keep at it.

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to post or Private message me.



Limit Nothing. Achieve Everything.
My Journal: boyos-journal-vt137995.html

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:40 pm 
MPUA Forum Addict
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Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:40 pm
Posts: 276
Good thread. Thank you for sharing this information with everyone and for giving back to the community.

Where is Step 2? :P

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:06 pm 
MPUA Forum Enthusiast

Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:18 pm
Posts: 38
cool post boyo. nice for sharing.

One disagreement though, or maybe a misunderstanding about mastering your inner game FIRST. Am i right in thinking you meant to master your emotions and inner game first before taking action? and when you don't feel so good (i.e your inner game is lapsing) you go back to working on your inner game again to feel good?

I believe you control your emotions through proactive behaviour and action, you don't wait to feel good and then act, you act on a behaviour that you know will benefit you In the long run and then feel good for taking that action whether you fail or succeed!

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:57 pm 
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Call it whatever you want,perception,enlightenment,self actualisation,inner game,etc...It's really the LAW of attraction in play.Simply put your thoughts
create your reality or what you think is what you get.Watch the movie "secret" ... 40602.html
The Secret is a 2006 film consisting of a series of interviews designed to demonstrate everything one wants or needs can be satisfied by believing in an outcome, repeatedly thinking about it, and maintaining positive emotional states to "attract" the desired outcome.
Most people are the type "I'll only believe when I see it" but to see it you have to attract it to yourself first.So it's a chicken and egg thing,which comes first? :)
In physics there is the phenomenon called "experimenter's expectation",scientists
think that there is a much smaller thing than an electron so they "see "it" in their
experiments.In essence they created it themselves by their thoughts.Serious people have researched on this but don't realise it's simply the law of attraction and it's effects. But then again normal 3d people can only think in 3 dimensions
when there are more dimensions in reality as Einstein postulated.The deeper you go the crazier it becomes. :)
stumbled across this thread..i must say. i love this movie..gotta watch is again..

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