[OFFICIAL] Stealth Attraction In-depth Review

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:32 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:19 am
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Website: http://seductiveintrovert.com
Let me start off by confessing something that might get me in some trouble...

I used to hate Richard La Ruina (Gambler) and his PUA Training stuff.

Back in the day, if anyone asked me about him and his company, I'd tell them that he was just another copycat with no original content. I thought he was just another marketer trying to prey on the hard work of other PUAs and nothing more.


I watched the trends of this PUA community over the years and noticed him getting more attention and rising to the top. Now, PUA Training has a tremendous and influential presence. Of course, I eventually realized that I should probably be a little more open-minded and less judgmental of Richard and his company. After all, people don't become this successful if they don't have something very valuable to offer, right?

Richard asked me to write a review for his Stealth Attraction program. What he might not have realized when he asked me this, though, is that I'm not going to just provide a standard review saying why this product is so great and shit. I'm going to tell all of you fuckin' EVERYTHING. The good, the bad, and the ugly, no holds barred.

I'm about to tell you everything you need to know about Stealth Attraction... but I'm also going to tell you everything I learned about this supposed Master-Pickup-Artist-Guru Richard La Ruina and more.

You see, I've been in constant contact with him ever since he bought this forum (I was the most active moderator at that time, so naturally he contacted me with any issues regarding the site), and things have been tense. I also met him face-to-face so I got a chance to check out what he's all about live in-field at one of the biggest clubs here in Korea. I'll tell you more about that in just a bit, but first...

Stealth Attraction

As a "community veteran," or someone who has been in this Seduction/PUA community for several years, I've read, heard, and seen practically everything out there. I've tried most of it, too, so I know what works and what doesn't. I've also seen countless wanna-be gurus peddling useless shit and/or rehashed material.

Naturally, when I sat down to watch Stealth Attraction, I was skeptical and was expecting the same kind of bullshit I've seen hundreds of times before.

Instead, my mind was blown.

The content I was seeing with my very own eyes was phenomenal and, for the most part, very original.

I was most surprised with Richard's original spin on old techniques. He makes them better.

A shit-ton better.

You see, I already learned how to do "flash game," and it was something I got pretty damn good at. Flash game involves getting a girl's attention before you approach her so that she's primed and excited about you approaching her. It minimizes rejection at the opener, but it takes a lot of energy to pull off.

Richard makes doing this absolutely effortless with his "Forcing IOIs" technique. My jaw pretty much hit the floor when I realized how much energy I had wasted using flash game over the years when I could have gotten better results just by doing what Richard teaches.

In Stealth Attraction, Richard reveals all the secrets to his most potent techniques and strategies. In my humble opinion, it's the epitome of outer game on steroids. Click here to check it out.

You all know that I'm a big fan of keeping seduction simple and easy, right? Learning and applying Stealth Attraction makes pickup a HELL of a lot easier no matter where you are in your game.

Let's break this down even further... Who is this program for?


There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that a beginner would benefit from this program a lot. However, it would be like giving the keys to a Lamborghini to a 16 year old with his first driver's permit. This shit is too good for beginners.

Yeah, it would help you an ass-load if you're a beginner, but I have to admit... I would be incredibly jealous. I personally went through all of the difficulty of swimming through oceans of ineffective material and learning a lot of hard lessons that way. Why should you skip all the hard shit when I went through it all before finding Stealth Attraction? It's just not fair. Go away.

In all seriousness, though, Stealth Attraction provides a dangerously effective system for practically eliminating rejection. I believe, however, that getting rejected by girls while you're learning pickup teaches you very important lessons. If you're a beginner and you learn how to never get rejected right off the bat, I don't think that'd be a very good idea.


If you're at an intermediate level where you're seeing an inconsistent mix of both good and bad results, you're probably really hungry for something that will snap all the pieces into the right holes.

I actually think Stealth Attraction is perfect for the intermediate guy. If you're already kind of familiar with the things that the pickup artist community teaches, you're really going to be able to recognize the value of what's taught in this program. I certainly did.

As you watch this program, you're going to run into a lot of moments where your mind just opens up while you think "Oh my god... I've been doing this wrong the whole time!" Like I said, many pieces will just snap into place and the results you get in field will start getting very consistent.

It should be a no-brainer to get this program if you're at an intermediate level. Click here now to check out more of what Stealth Attraction has to offer.


If you're like me, you're going to watch this program and recognize it for the genius it is. I can tell the beginners and intermediates that this is a program that will make your game better and more consistent, but you've already got that. If you're advanced, I can tell you what this really is:

It's a heavy-hitting microcalibration mental programming system that quickly conditions you to deconstruct what you already know in order to clean out all the kinks, and then put it back together into something very similar to what you had before, except making it practically flawless.

Even if you're advanced, some of you might be pickup material addicts like me. Looking for that last piece to perfect your game? If you've already got all that Inner Game stuff handled, Stealth Attraction is that last step you need.

Some of my favorite things...

There are just way too many valuable techniques and lessons that this program teaches. Some of my favorite things include:

1. An awesome micro-escalation system that practically eliminates rejection.
2. Incredible flexibility in the applicability of these techniques.
3. THE RESULTS or, more specifically, the ratio of how much effort you need to put in to the amount of positive results you get. Richard really prioritizes getting as much as you can for the least effort.

What about the Cons?

If there's anything bad about the Stealth Attraction program, I would have to say that it is not 100% original. There are plenty of new takes on old ideas.

In the old glory days of this community's beginnings, we had a few different gurus teaching very different ideas. Ross Jeffries taught NLP-based seduction, Gunwitch taught sexual state-based seduction, Mystery taught social value-based seduction, etc. and everyone else in newer generations of the PUA community just seemed to rehash old content in various ways. We don't get the new schools of thought anymore like we did several years ago.

In that sense, Stealth Attraction is not the next new ground-breaking trendsetter in the community... but, fortunately for everyone, you really don't need to do that in order to create a devastatingly effective pickup system. I really don't see anything wrong with this.

The Final Verdict:

There are a ton of PUA products out there today with more and more being created every day. A lot of them are shit, a lot of them are decent, but only a few really stand out as high-quality and EXTREMELY FUCKIN' AWESOME.

Stealth Attraction is one of those extremely fuckin' awesome programs. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that this program is a definite must-see for any aspiring PUA. I wouldn't recommend it if it weren't.

Click the image below to find out more:

The Man Behind It All

Even though I used to closed-mindedly resent this man because I thought he was just a marketer, I learned to have a ton of respect for him and what he does.

Richard La Ruina (aka "Gambler") actually went through all of the tough phases in learning pickup over many many years just like I had done, except he also learned to build an empire of followers and clients in the meantime by offering value in ways I never even thought of. He also lives the lifestyle that he teaches on a daily basis. If you're friends with him on facebook, you'll see the proof every day: He's always surrounded by beautiful women, and the sleazeball takes plenty of naughty photos of his ladies! ;)

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Richard when he came to Korea for a meeting with the Korea branch of PUA Training. We went to one of the biggest clubs in Seoul and one of the first things he did was find a couple of girls... and then he basically fed them to me! I got to see first-hand what techniques he uses to absolutely dominate any place he goes to.

A couple other very famous, world-renowned master PUA gurus were with us. I won't mention who, but I witnessed Richard pretty much getting all the girls while one of these "masters" just sat there while he could do nothing in the presence of Richard's seductive prowess.

If you think of "Gambler" or "Richard La Ruina," you might not picture a lethally effective seducer who can out-game practically anybody, but that's what he is.

I realized that this is why his company was able to rise straight to the top. It wasn't just because of marketing... it's because he's fucking good and definitely a force to be reckoned with. I absolutely trust in his ability to teach anyone to make them the best PUA they can be.

His business practices are so chill and ethical, too. As you might already know, he owns this forum! However, you can find the Reviews board littered with negative reviews for PUA Training stuff here and there. He simply replies to them to work things out to make sure his customers are satisfied in the end. He doesn't need to censor anything because the positive results speak for themselves.

I really admire this dude! His Stealth Attraction program has some of the best of what he's ever offered, so be sure to check it out here.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:32 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:19 am
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Master Pick-Up Artist University

Oh, one more thing.

After getting Stealth Attraction, you'll get the opportunity to enroll in PUA Training's MPUA University.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "This is one of those scammy recurring payment things!"

Well, I took a good hard look at this online "MPUA University" program to see if there was anything bad I could say about it. You see, I never liked those monthly payment program things, either.

When I browsed through all the courses, though... well, I couldn't remember the last time I was so damn impressed.

I think the last time I felt this impressed was when I tried Nutella for the first time.

There is a HUGE gap between what you pay for and what you get, in your favor. Richard really over-delivers on this. It feels like he put all his resources and heart into this. You can really tell that he's proud of it, as if he's built his own house brick by brick with his bare hands.

What's Inside MPUA University?

It's jam-packed with value. Richard's SPAM the store here. It has everything PUA Training has to offer.

It gives you a full YEAR (Yes, 12 months) of training, and each month has 4 separate modules for you to work on. That's some intense improvement for every week of your life for an entire year. Think you'll become a monster pickup machine by then? Yeah, I bet.

For example, Month 3 gives you:
1. Unbreakable Attraction
2. Advanced Attraction and Escalation Tactics
3. Lesbian Seduction
4. The Secrets of Constant Confidence

Also, Richard isn't the only one there to help you along the way. Many of the modules in many of the months feature several different reputable trainers. For example, much of Month 4 is taught by Adam Lyons, who you may know was voted to be the world's number one pickup artist!

Also inside MPUA University, in addition to the Stealth Attraction program, it also has the Social Domination Blueprint program for you to watch anytime:

...as well as the Approaching Confidence hypnosis track that slowly gets rid of your approach anxiety every day:

I actually tried the Approaching Confidence hypnosis track a number of years ago when I was deep into the NLP and hypnosis-based pickup stuff. If my memory serves, PUA Training was the only company to provide a good hypnosis thing for approach anxiety, and this Approaching Confidence track was it.

What does it do? In a nutshell, it made me feel good about approaching by replacing any negative subconscious associations I had with positive ones.

What about other monthly programs from other PUAs?

Don't even bother. Everyone else is just about the marketing. They just want any excuse to bill you monthly. MPUA University is a top-quality full-immersion course and from what I've seen throughout the years, it's probably the only one worth subscribing to.

You're most likely very excited about all the value this thing offers already, but there's no need to think about anything related to MPUA University for now. Take the first step by checking out Stealth Attraction first by clicking on the image below:

Edit: Richard's MPUA University inspired me to start my own online monthly training program. I learned the value of these monthly subscriptions because I saw the power of it first-hand. If you're an introvert, I created a fully comprehensive program just for you because, as an introvert myself, I learned that you can use introversion to your advantage in pickup. Learn more at http://seductiveintrovert.com

PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:12 pm 
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Stealth Attraction is definitely one of the best products out there, my whole game is based on richard's stuff, make sure you read "The Natural" before the stealth attraction, since it's more advanced, cheers !

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:05 pm 
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i love stealth attraction too and the MPUAU...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:46 am 
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Nice review there mate, big thanks for that!

After watching the commercial video (sent via email) of it, my thoughts were like : theres no way 3hours course could do all that the video promises.. Afterwards I started thinking about the guy, who has given his promise about it (have read his book "The Natural, it was really awesome, though I didnt like the way he brought up his other training programs, but hey I get it; man's gotta make his living :) ). It is not luck nor just accident Richard La Ruina is considered as one of leading PUAs in world; he knows his stuff, and has earned his position by hard work and showing it.

Before reading your review, I wasn't sure if I should check this out or not, but now I have the answer. I will totally try this, after I get my inner game in order first :) Thank you!



PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:27 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:19 am
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Nice review there mate, big thanks for that!

After watching the commercial video (sent via email) of it, my thoughts were like : theres no way 3hours course could do all that the video promises.. Afterwards I started thinking about the guy, who has given his promise about it (have read his book "The Natural, it was really awesome, though I didnt like the way he brought up his other training programs, but hey I get it; man's gotta make his living :) ). It is not luck nor just accident Richard La Ruina is considered as one of leading PUAs in world; he knows his stuff, and has earned his position by hard work and showing it.

Before reading your review, I wasn't sure if I should check this out or not, but now I have the answer. I will totally try this, after I get my inner game in order first :) Thank you!


Hey brother,

Glad you found my review useful.

However, I must advise you on something: You don't need to "get your inner game in order" before you start acting on the outer game things you learn! In fact, you REALLY shouldn't wait on practicing infield stuff. Outer game and inner game grow best simultaneously side by side.

I do understand the importance of inner game though, and why so many students are hesitant about hitting the field before fixing up some of their mindsets. That's why the first month of my Seductive Introvert training program is completely focused on inner game. Only one of the missions in the first month of training involves actually going out. If you're naturally introverted, I'd be honored if you gave my program a shot! You can learn about it at http://seductiveintrovert.com

Focusing on inner game for a month lets you ease into the other stuff really easily, but don't let it stop you from cold hard practice.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:56 am 
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I loved Stealth Attraction. Richard's material was eyeopening for me. It really can only be used at clubs. If you go to clubs a lot then you should definately get this product.

I was dissapointed with quite a lot of Richard's material after this though, 43 texts that lead to sex was unorigional and felt forced, there was also a joint PUA training and Daygame.com venture that was crap.

All in all, Stealth Attraction is worth a look for people in nightgame. The results were immediate for me. Unfortionately I do not go out to clubs often.

Previously Rugby7

My PUA Journey (2014): http://bit.ly/1yYjtSV
MY PUA Journey (2015): the-342-journal-vol-2-rugby7-vt187356.html
My Workout (Read this): http://bit.ly/1zIQncY

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