Regarding pushing an interaction right away

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A Sticking Point or SP is an issue you CONSISTENTLY run into.

It is NOT a point where you get stuck with ONE SPECIFIC GIRL.

A Sticking Point is:
I keep getting LMR whenever I bring girls back to my place. This has happened at least 10 times already! What am I doing wrong?
A Sticking Point is NOT:
I got LMR with this one girl! What do I do?
If you have not already gone out and practiced enough to have a real Sticking Point from meeting an ABUNDANCE of women, YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO POST HERE.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:21 am 
MPUA Forum Enthusiast

Joined: Fri May 26, 2017 3:21 am
Posts: 58
This is what the forum is all about. When all you're getting is numbers, you're playing a numbers game. The girl could've given her number to you for many different reasons. However, what you have to understand is, She's not putting the amount of weight into it as you are mainly because it took her no effort to give her number out. So to her you're just another cute guy that hit on that she gave her number to. There's nothing special about it, so if she talks to you again at that point doesn't matter to her. Guys put weight into a number because we had to muster up courage, confident, and generate and keep conversation going. They didn't have to do anything. So it means nothing. Now the stronger the emotional connection you generate during an approach the more likely they're be open to hearing from you again, but its still not a big guys. Guys are hitting on girl every day. Its nothing new there.

Pushing the interaction both secures emotional investment and potentially allows you to close the deal right there and then.
I like the way you put that but see that'd what I'm kinda lost on what are some things I can do that would make me stand out to her wether its emotionally or sexually or whatever it be. I feel like sometimes I feel the girl is really into and even turned on alittle by the way she's looking but once I get the number and move on and I don't usually text until a few hours later the attraction is gone. I think I need to start to hit them up right away. But also you mention pushing the interaction please tell me what's the best way to do that. Details will be appreciated. Thanks

Im unsure of what happened to my previous responses but i was just encouraging you to pick up the phone and call girls when you get there numbers from now on instead of texting them. When you call a girl you have a direct line into her consciousness. Theres no time for thinking, forgetting, or misunderstandings like you get with text messaging. I almost never text a girl when I get her number unless there was a obviously strong emotional connection made; which led to some form of physical contact (even if thats just a tight hug after the interaction).

The phone call to me acts as a first date almost. So I call a girl up and talk to them just as I would on a first date. I'll spend 30-hour if i need to. Sometimes more. Then the second date is usually at my home.

Try that instead of texting. Start calling them in the evening after getting their numbers. That night if you met them during the day, or the next night if you met them that evening. Call and just talk. Don't worry about what to say. If you can talk to a girl on a date, you can talk to them on a phone from the comfort of your own home.
Imma try that out as well I've always seen reccomend at ions for that but idk I always feel like it would be hard conversation on the phone since I don't know her that well but my text games kinda wack anyways so imma switch to that.

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