Want to Emulate a great?

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 Post subject: Want to Emulate a great?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:07 am 
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Thank you for taking the time to look at this. I want to preface this with something. You are about to learn some stuff you will find extremely hard to believe. It is my hope that if this post reaches 100 people at least 1 of them will take it upon themselves to research the things I'm talking about in order to change their lives.

Firs off Hello, I'm Fudge_88 you may have read some of my other posts. You either hate me and think I am a troll or you love me dearly for the advice I gave you. Thanks either way. The people who can't believe I live like this show me that I have something special. For you others who are open minded I want to show you a path to some whole...other shit.

"Greatness isn't a skill. It's an attitude." - Conor McGregor.

Lets first dive right into one of the craziest aspects of my attractive lifestyle. Synchronicity.

The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

The past few days I have been struggling with this idea. Why haven't I obtained my goal of putting 1 million dollars into my bank account? I have the best marketing knowledge. I'm working hard every day putting 100% of my effort into building passive income. I'm intelligent. I persevere. The list of my strengths and skills goes on. I mentioned this in another thread if you happened to have followed that. why-so-many-awkward-shy-guys-end-up-hat ... 87158.html

Through synchronicity I discovered I lacked caring. I described how in the thread.

Yesterday I heard the quote from Conor I just happened to be watching that particular channel when he just so happened to have said that. Still regardless it appears that I was meant to hear it. It was the answer I was looking for.

How did I come to this awareness?

For a period of my life I focused 100% on obtaining supernatural skills. I began researching extraordinary people. People like Prahlad Jani. Looking over miraculous events such as the woman who lifted the car off her baby.

To me if they could do it so could I. I'm like that. The commonality I found was that all of these people were in something called the Alpha Brain Wave Pattern.

I studied how to go into this brainwave state at will. You can induce it by controlling your breathing and focusing on relaxing.

Lets do it together. Close your eyes. Become aware of your breathing. Tune into your breathing. When you notice it slow down you will be concentrating like you should. Take a deep breath n through your nose and hold it for a few seconds. Now release it very slowly and notice how all of the muscles in your face the back of your neck and your shoulders releases all of the tension and relaxes. Now take another deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Then release it slowly and notice how all of the muscles in your shoulders back and down through your arms releases all of the tension and relaxes. Now take another deep breath and hold it, then release it slowly and notice how all of the muscles in you hips, buttocks, and down through your legs releases all of the tension and relaxes. Take one more deep breath hold it for a few seconds then release it slowly and notice and enjoy the relaxing sensation spreading over your entire body. Sit there and continue to breath in slowly and out slowly and soon you will notice your brain will feel different. You will get a sense of being very small. Now you are in a super state. This is where miracles happen.

You have the power to wield miracle as a weapon. Or rather. I have the power to wield miracle as a weapon.

I began going through my day to day life trying to stay in this state as long as possible. My focus is so sharp. I began to notice that whenever I was going through a particular throught pattern or some event was going on I started seeing things related to my particular event or thought in the world.

I didn't understand what was going on. I began to question my sanity. Things like asking myself what am I missing in order to obtain greatness then watching TV and seeing a Quote about greatness. At first it was only once in a while. Then the frequency sped up and now it's every day I'll see or hear some sort of message.

I reached out to my family to see if they knew about this stuff and just had kept quiet about it all of their lives. They didn't and they thought I was crazy. I began trying to ignore it, but I couldn't stop seeing the patterns and coincidences since I became aware of them.

So I started searching the internet. I think I ran a search like. "I'm seeing events related to my life on the Simpsons." or something else along those insane lines. I can't remember the exact search term I used. I ended up finding a video of this guy. He seemed out of his mind. He spoke for 5 minutes without blinking and it creeped me out.

I decided to continue down the rabbit hole and checked his sources. It lead to a site that talked about a term called synchronicity. A term coined by a psychiatrist known as Carl Jung.


Finally. I'm not crazy...this is a thing. A known thing. I began studying synchronicity and discovered that there are in fact different types of messages.

This began my disillusionment with science. They attempted to study it and found it outside their scope.
A 2005 study at Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab, suggested that there is a small, though statistically measurable link, between human thought and patterns that occur in random data sets. There is no evidence as to whether this is caused by individuals unintentionally recognizing complex patterns and then molding their thoughts towards an unconsciously known result or the thoughts of the individual are themselves affecting the random patterns in a manner of individuation. This study's results have not been replicated, and its methodologies are disputed. Since the theory of synchronicity is not testable according to the classical scientific method, it is not widely regarded as scientific.

Probability theory can attempt to explain events such as the plum pudding incident in our normal world, without any interference by any universal alignment forces. However, the correct variables required for actually computing the probability cannot be found. This is not to say that synchronicity is not a good model for describing a certain kind of human experience, but, according to the scientific method, it is a reason for the refusal of the idea that synchronicity should be considered a "hard fact", i.e., an actually existing principle of our universe.

Supporters of the theory claim that since the scientific method is applicable only to those phenomena that are reproducible, independent of observer and quantifiable, the argument that synchronicity is not scientifically 'provable' should be considered a red herring, as, by definition, synchronistic events are not independent of the observer, since the observer's unique history is precisely what gives the synchronistic event meaning for the observer.

A synchronistic event appears like just another meaningless 'random' event to anyone else without the unique prior history which correlates to the event. This reasoning claims that the principle of synchronicity raises the question of the subjectivity of significance and meaning in the sequence of natural events.

Correlation can also be described as an 'acausal connecting principle' and so has been proposed as an analogy to the phenomenon of synchronicity. Though correlation does not necessarily imply causation, yet, correlation may in fact be a physical property shared by events without there being a classical cause-effect relationship, as shown in quantum physics, where widely separated events can be correlated without being linked by a direct physical cause-effect.

Synchronicity has been proposed as a corollary phenomenon of the many-worlds or parallel universes theory of quantum physics, in that the subject is somehow 'navigating' to those particular alternate worlds that are correlated to their past history, among the myriad possible other worlds that are not as correlated to their past history. Although this idea has made it into the popular press, it is considered pseudoscience by most scientists as the parallel universe theory states that all possible futures exist simultaneously, therefore the subject indeed lives out all possible futures in parallel.
I began explaining it to my family and actually pointing out events that we shared together for the proof. Eventually they started telling me about it happening to them to. I had made them aware of something that was happening in front of their faces their entire lives, but they were oblivious to it.

Now I understand how it works and the differences between messages. I use it proactively to find answers that increases every other aspect of my life. You cannot rely on these messages 100% some of them are meant to steer you in a bad direction and can cause you to fall if you aren't careful. It also has an interpretation aspect to it. Two different people can hear the same thing and interpret it different ways.

Case in point 99% of you will think I'm a nutbag and it's understandable. 1% will look into this then start to see the stuff in their day to day lives and become aware.

Anyway, I wanted to share that before I got banned. I'll check back with the forum in a week to see if my account is still active. If it is I'll talk about when I got ran over by a bus march 2013 and how I used the alpha mindset to minimize the damage to my body during the incident and heal the nerve damage in my arm afterwards.

I did get hit by a bus. I have medical records and a missing toe to prove it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I have much, much more to share of things that go beyond the scope of science that I use in my day to day life. A lot of it gets into the law of attraction, but it's just a piece of a much larger puzzle that I've discovered.

What I learned from Conor is...Fuck your feelings about me being great. If I can help the few, screw the many.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
and demonstrate to all of us what’s really possible. I learn what those few
extraordinary individuals do that’s different from everybody else, and then emulate

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:38 am 
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I was told I shouldn't be banned so I'll continue the story.

On the way home one day I was late for the bus. It was just pulling way and I ran up to the door and knocked on it. The bus driver wouldn't let me on. So I continued to run beside the bus attempting to get her to open the fucking door. She refused and the passengers on the bus even began to yell at her to open the door.

She still refused. We came to a point where the bus driver had an option to take a right or a left. I had been standing on the left side of the bus. I thought to myself "ok this chick isn't going to stop. I'll run to the next bus stop when she makes this right and she won't have a choice but to let me on." She chose to make the left. Boom. The wheel cut in my direction and my back foot hit it which pulled my foot under. "I can't believe this stupid itch just did this I thought in an instant."

Then My mind thought about a report I read about people in car accident who fell asleep not being injured because their bodies were relaxed. The same process I described earlier I began to do immediately. Relaxing my body and going into the Alpha state. The bus rolled up my entire leg over my lower back hit the ground (I should have rolled or something at this point but I didn't the thought actually did occur to me at the time but I decided to not break my alpha concentration, stupid choice. The bus then rolled up and parked on top of my entire left arm. The woman got off the bus and started trying to talk to me asking me if I was alright. Get the bus off my arm.

"I shouldn't move it." she replied.

"Please?" I said thinking, "bitch are you serious? What are you going to wait for a jack? get this fucking thing off of me."

The other passengers kept urging her to remove the bus.

So she got on the bus. I thought she would just slowly get it off but this bitch hit the gas. WTF?

I lay there cracking jokes with the people huddled around me to take my mind off the pain while controlling my breathing and staying in the alpha state.

The ambulance took forever... Ambulances suck those stretchers are uncomfortable as hell and the neck brace (which was uncalled for) what sticking in my windpipe. They charged my like 4 thousand dollars for a 10 minute ride to the hospital.

While I was there I kept feeling darkness. The world is full of people who don't care about you. The doctors and nurses. I looked into their eyes and they seemed cold and heartless while they smiled in my face and pretended to care.

They looked like they had those marionette masks on.


I had to go under and they removed my big toe on my left foot. My arm was in a cast and my leg was in a cast. Any time my leg wasn't elevated above my body blood would go down to it and I felt like my foot was going to explode.

My favorite rapper had a seizure that same day. Crazy coincidences.

My left ass cheek had swelled to twice it's size from a hematoma.

A there where a few hair line fractures in my ankle and toes. They had to take my big toe off because the skin was divulged. Basically the skin peeled off like a banana.

My elbow got dislocated and the ulnar nerve was severely damaged.

That was it. I had a few scars from skin tearing off here and there.

I could post pictures of my foot as proof on paper that says fudge_88 but who the fuck would want to see that?

After a week I was home in a wheel chair. They had my arm in a sling and my arm had "Healed" in that manner the tendons and ligaments in the elbow had shrunk and conformed to that angle. Those stupid fucking doctors. The ulnar nerve was damaged "Severely" so I couldn't move my pinky or the finger next to the pinky.

This sucks. I went to a nerve and hand doctor and he told me my arm would be stuck at that angle for the rest of my life, and if I wanted use of my hand again he would have to cut open my wrist and re-adjust the nerves so that a different one would take over. Or have a retard hand forever.

Fuck That. You're not cutting open my wrist and fucking with my nerves for a surgery check sir.

The guy who was watching over my foot messed up and I ended up with a bunch of dead skin where the toe used to be. He happened to be the student of the other guy who was looking over my hand trying to push surgery.

The doctor kept trying push a surgery on me that would allow him to cut off half my foot. I could see it in his eyes. I knew a salesman when I saw one. He was only pushing the surgery to get a check. They get paid extra for surgeries. I feel sorry for this man's other patients. Plus my mother happened to be a RN Nurse with a masters degree and she frequently pointed out the doctors contradictions and blatant lies.

I went to a wound clinic against the doctors advice and they fixed and sealed up my foot instead of suggested a surgery to take off half my foot.

I had a decent job with great benefits at the time. I got put in disability. 40% of my wages cut. Now I just barely have enough money to pay my bills. with 120 dollars to spare for food for a month. I tried to get food stamps but 60% of my check was 50 bucks over the limit to qualify for food stamps.

I used the alpha brain skill I knew and relaxed all of the stuff in my elbow and slowly extended my elbow day by day. The shit was excruciating. The same thing with the toes in my foot. They had gotten stuck in the straight position and wouldn't bend back. In about a week I restored the mobility to my elbow and toes.

My hand was numb too btw this is what comes with nerve damage. All of the muscles were sunken in and it looked like a skeleton hand. Pretty gross honestly. During the same week I did some research and discovered a bunch of the body is controlled from the core. If you look at the back of your hand you have these lines that are connected to your fingers. They look like thick strings. I don't know what these are, Tendons?

I traced the one that controls my pinky and the other finger down to my elbow and began controlling my fingers like a puppet master. I couldn't feel shit, but I could extend them. The strength in teh hand was like at 2-3% because none of the muscles worked. The doctor couldn't explain what was going on other than my body compensated. I consciously did that shit. Anyway, medical records to prove that the mobility was restored even though the nerves didn't work as well.

This would be the equivalent to a man who lost the ability to walk moving his legs anyway. I didn't give a fuck. Honestly, I was inspired by a manga character who was in a battle where a dude started controlling parts of his body so he severed his own nerves and started controlling his body through sheer will.

The nerve damage took a bit longer. From march to November 10th, (My birthday) I concentrated every day on restoring the nerve damage. I saw the power coming back to my hand over time the muscles started filling out again and eventually I had restored it back to 100%

The doctor couldn't explain it. They did tests on my nerve and by all scientific and medical accounts I should not have been able to get the feeling and strength and mobility back.

I did it on my own using the miracle power I taught myself! What's more the sensitivity in the portion of my hand that used to be numb has more sensitivity than before. I touch the area and feel it like at 130%.

I touched the back of my hand as I typed that last line to remind myself and enjoy the power.

From March - November I spent every day learning. I learned things like memory pegging. I created a mind vault to keep track of everything and started storing the stories of information behind doors. Things like Portuguese, Japanese, Hindi, the 48 laws of power, speed reading, Marketing, I trained my brain with Lumosity.com and put myself in the top 99.9 percent of performers out of the 40 million people who use their services. Pandoras Box, The dicarlo escalation ladder, the tao of badass, I watched man transformation, and wake up productive from david D/Eben Pegan/ Whatever the fuck his name is. I memorized the conversation cure from vindicarlo, the attraction code, all of the stuff about approaching. Paul jenka's getting laid in NY. I watched david d's approach program (fucking garbage) and his body language program (decent). This is the foundation for my PU game. Before that all I knew was double your dating. Since I've added much more advanced knowledge and evolved my systems.

I also researched other miracles that the 99% pegged as hoaxes. I wanted to see what really is available in the world. Science is an illusion to me. A paradigm created by individuals who try to fit the world in a box. I stepped outside that box during this period.

After My birthday they made me go back to work. I was a completely different dude. I worked as a help desk technician. I basically in a working day I spent about 2 and a half hours actually fixing computer problems, The rest of my 8.5 hour day (minus an hour lunch and 2 15 minute breaks) was spent off calls with a computer in front of me. I spent 100% of my time creating a product I could market.

Work From Home Now, and money tree marketing(free eBook giveaway) I got the book written in about 2 months. I proof read it about 6-7 times and had close relatives proof read it as well.

I took a low settlment (about 200k -80k I had to spend on my lawyer) and quit my job. I Gave my mother 20k. Spent 15k on a super lawyer for my brother to help him beat a life sentence, and paid my oldest brother 5k to go through a money management training program by T Harv Eker. I ended up with about 80k.

I spent 5k and got the full wardrobe Paul Jenka talks about for his uptown and downtown looks. I also bought a thousand dollar pair of gucci loafers. Snake skin.I only got them so I could walk around listening to that song from Rocko. U.O.E.N.O.

"This a thousand dollar pair of shoes you don't even know it."


I spent 5k on a trip to New York to see Dave Chapelle at the Radio City Music Hall. Spent a weekat the Carlyle. I stole the rob... I still have the T-shirt they handed out at the door. It says "I was there."

While Before I arrived to new york I set up 9 dates off the internet. 5 of them flaked and I fucked 2 of the girls in my hotel. I did some day game in the streets too but didn't pulling anything back to my hotel sadly :cry:. I didn't have the skills back then that I do now. Back then all I knew was basic game.

I spent a lot of the money on projectors and expensive dinners a ps4 a bunch of games, other things. Of course I've hit the streets and sharpened and perfected the game I've learned as well.

Spent a bunch of money on bills and ordering 40-60 dollar dominoes take out like everyday. Going to a club and buying a 3k vip table popping bottles and shit...

Anyway, I only have about 10k Left and so I've started promoting my book and getting into my real estate business. I'm pretty angry at myself for wasting so much time playing like a child. Back to business unless I want to get another job. The door is still open to my last job since I was so good, but living like a king this past year has made me spoiled and I want a million dollars.

I'll save the other pieces to the supernatural puzzle for another story.

I've already started seeing things technologies being tested about creating artificial limbs through cells and what not. I know for a fact that eventually I'll have another toe on my left foot.

What can you take away so far?

Your mind is capable of great and powerful things. The only limits you have are the ones you put on yourself. When people talk about AA the idea is laughable to me. Practice going into the Alpha State. When You're approaching women clear your mind and go into the Alpha state. Un-focus your eyes and go into the alpha state and approach. The immense power that you wield is disrespected by your inability to act. If I didn't act I wouldn't be walking without experiencing excruciating pain from rigid toes or typing on this laptop sharing this story with both of my hands.

Right now I'm not updating my field report until I get my money streams going.

I'm going to use this thread to journal everything I do to create this wealth and build a more attractive lifestyle than I already have. My plan is when I obtain this wealth I'll have a plan and path laid out for you the reader that you can emulate and follow to the exact same wealth. Every now and then I will dig into the super natural and reveal more of the secrets I've found about the world that every one else denies or is afraid to get into.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
and demonstrate to all of us what’s really possible. I learn what those few
extraordinary individuals do that’s different from everybody else, and then emulate

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:28 pm 
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I've started the day off by Building Good Karma. I checked my inbox today and saw an excellent PM from my student on here. He talked about three N closes he got with the framework we're developing for him. I'm mainly pointing him in the right directions and tuning up his machine here and there. We're going one step at a time and I've added another layer to his close.

I had him do the basics first. I challenged i think 11 new guys on here to use the forum to create themselves a framework. I gave them a basic design and told them to fill it up with information from the forum here. Only 1 man stepped up and made the framework. Now he is using it getting numbers. I love it. That made my day. I added some more advanced stuff to his framework and he is testing and refining everything on his own, and doing his own research finding the best stuff this forum has to offer in order to sharpen his own sword without me holding his hand 24/7


He lives in the UK. I'm an international teacher. Sweet.

Part of your attractive lifestyle should be to give value to others as much as possible. It will come back on you very hard. Just like taking value or doing harm to others will come back and bite you in the ass.

Karma Baby, I know you've heard of this one. How serious do you take this constant force? Have you tested it? Do me a favor if you doubt Karma spend a week spreading as much chaos and destruction as you can and hurt as many people as you can then watch how the rest of the events in your life unfold. People tend to believe negative things quicker than they will believe the positive ones. This is why you will never be great. That attitude of the 99% will keep you in the box with the rest of them.

Or go for the positive test and spread as much value as you can for an entire week and see how the events in your life unfold.

You could do a split test and spend one week destroying the world then the next week spreading love.

Sorry for the rant my open minded readers that wasn't meant for you. I actually wanted to condescend to these people for a second. But they really should do the test and watch how it unfolds since most of them can only believe something after they see it.

"Faith is not enough he has to know it...Knowing it is not enough, he has to SEE it." - Samuel L Jackson Unthinkable

Also, providing value to others increases your status regardless. When others depend on you it shines through in your behavior.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
and demonstrate to all of us what’s really possible. I learn what those few
extraordinary individuals do that’s different from everybody else, and then emulate

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:53 pm 
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Some good Karma I got for the day...

Yesterday I was trying to help a thick headed OP - so I don't catch a warning his behavior I am deeming thick headed not him personally. (don't worry about that last part the guy who reads it knows...sort of an inside joke)

He was being given bad advice in a thread. I sent out a message following the guidelines of the bad advice in the same extreme manner that the OP was behaving in.

My online account got reported by a bunch of women and was deleted followed by an IP ban. Yesterday I was able to charm the woman moderator at OKcupid into lifting the IP ban.

I had a year subscription I had to pay for which was not restored. I casually threw that in while thanking her and today she chose to restore my subscription instead of forcing me to pay for another one (which she really could have done.)

When observing good karma you have to look at these small things first. As you get into an attitude of acceptance the good karma trickles in at a faster, and faster rate.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
and demonstrate to all of us what’s really possible. I learn what those few
extraordinary individuals do that’s different from everybody else, and then emulate

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:55 pm 
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More good Karma.

Time to give you a lesson in financial freedom. I am attempting to break into the leads merchant business.

I'll detail later how this actually happened. You'll be able to use this process to bring opportunities to yourself.

Anyway I'm going to be a seller of real estate leads. Specifically motivated sellers. I'm compiling a list right now. First, I found out which houses are vacant by going on the internet and compiling lists of people trying to rent out properties.

5 days ago I contacted the county court house that I want to sell leads for. The county is too far to get to by a bus, and I'm not driving at the moment. I wanted to get a list of the people who filed for an eviction in the last 60 days. The woman said I would need to come into the place to check their computer systems which isn't an option for me. I started using the charm and persuasiveness I learned from PU and sales. She told me that there was nothing she could do because that information is not posted online, but if there was anyone who could do something about it it would be her boss, and she gave me her bosses email.

Another woman, I love dealing with women during business transactions they are so much easier to communicate with. Plus they tend to not have their heads up their own asses like most men. A really reasonable gender.

I sent her an email basically asking to be emailed the list. My intention is to cross reference the people looking to rent out houses with people who filed for evictions to build a more quality lead. When selling stuff I am always focusing on delivering the highest quality possible.

Today she said she is willing to have a report created at .10 a page. She said there are hundreds of Pages. Bamn! Now I have a connection no one else in the world has. I have the edge in the market.

Karma baby.

After I get this list I'll cross reference it a third time with a list off of listsource.com which will tell me who has equity higher than 70%

With this list I can now start soliciting buyers. They are going to pay me in advanced for the leads 10 bucks a pop for 20 leads, 8 bucks a pop for 30 leads or 8.50 cents for 50 leads.

I'll take their money and send out postcards to all of the addresses that match the three criteria (vacant, filed for eviction, more than 70% equity) asking if they are willing to sell the house. As they respond I'll add the leads to my customer's accounts through myleadboard.com

Don't bother going to the myleadboard.com website...it's invitation only it will say it if you go there so you will be disappointed. I know how to create websites So maybe later after I have my system running smoothly I may create something for you to use that is similar.

I'll sell the leads semi-exclusive so each lead can be sold out 3 times. I'll only need to mail out the postcards the first go around so the second an third time I sell a lead it will be pure profit.

The next post I'll walk you through how to get buyers as I do it in real time. Remember we are going through this journey together.

Stay tuned!

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
and demonstrate to all of us what’s really possible. I learn what those few
extraordinary individuals do that’s different from everybody else, and then emulate

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:12 am 
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Wow this took a long time to make....

I made the flyer with a few basic concepts in mind. The colors red, green, and black evoke physical reactions in peoples bodies for various reasons. Green relating to wealth etc. I researched colors a while back while creating banner ads for google adwords.

This color combination catches eyes and then while the attention is there they absorb what ever message I want to give them.

I may edit this in order to add sales copy on it. I used photoshop and even though it looks simple the shit took a long time to make.

It's extremely intense, and impactful. You'll feel something when you look at the ad.

Don't expect to be amazed by my graphical designing skills. That's not what I was aiming for.


I'll go create my ads and then I will come here and detail how to attract buyers to a leads business.

BTW you don't have to just sell real estate leads. This can be applied to any sort of business that requires leads. You are just a middle man. Which puts you in a space to make money in many markets and will give you an unlimited opportunity to develop your attractive lifestyle.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
and demonstrate to all of us what’s really possible. I learn what those few
extraordinary individuals do that’s different from everybody else, and then emulate

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:59 am 
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Just added it to my eStore

message to mods... I don't care about getting a backlink from this website. I saw cheif already say that building backlinks here actually causes your rankings to go down.

That being said I'm about to post a link so that people can see the store I use for purchasing of my lead packages. This is for educational purposes and I am not advertising you do buy anything you see on the store. Matter of fact... I'm telling you NOT to buy anything.

I hope that will due. I'm probably going to change the colors of the store to a darker background.

https://limit-lifter.myshopify.com/prod ... 1046855789

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
and demonstrate to all of us what’s really possible. I learn what those few
extraordinary individuals do that’s different from everybody else, and then emulate

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:04 am 
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If you want to take a look at the craigslist ad it's here:


I've made many others since I'm targeting the entire orange county Florida.

The florida thing has nothing to do with the connection I made earlier. I'm planning on flipping houses here in Atlanta, fulton county and another county. I had no access to the other county.

Well, not really flipping houses. Wholesaling houses. A great concept. I find motivated sellers (using the same process I'm doing to find the leads I'm going to sell) and negotiate with the seller myself putting their house under a contract which basically states that they agree to let me sell their house. I don't pay a dime.

I get them to agree to let the house go for like 50% of what it's worth. Then I turn around and sell my contract for cash to someone on my investor list. I can get about 5-10k off of each one of these deals.

Before you say "no one will do that" go look and see if there are people out there wholesaling houses. If there are then people are doing it silly.

Next, I'm about to go through every listing for people who are advertising to buy houses on craigslist and contact them all letting them know what I have to offer.

I'll also contact the wholesalers and cash investors in florida by doing google searches for stuff like "We buy houses Orange County Florida."

I'll just contact 100! or maybe... ALL OF THEM. All I need is 1 to agree. But I'm shooting for 3 sales. This will be my entire day.

Then I'll go start ninjaing LinkedIn. In my book Work From Home Now There is a chapter specifically dedicated to using LinkedIn to form business connections inside a company (under the radar) before you even apply to the job. Connections with the managers, other guys with the job title you're looking for, or hiring agents. I also teach people how to make this connection into a solid relationship. Finally you use your inside connections to assist you with getting the work from home position you desire.

I'll apply the same tactics here and start forming connections with millionaire real estate investors then get them to sign up so I can get them some more business. - I'll start working this angle after I've exhausted craigslist and google.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:24 am 
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To add a little credibility to all of this I snapped a picture of my living room with my phone.

Like I said my shit is a mess I'll clean it up after I get this money.


In the picture you should see my 3d projector mounted on the ceiling to the top left. The screen on right.

The mpua forum on my laptop screen.

That black stuff to the left of the couch is my ps4 and entertainment stand. Has my cable box and stuff.

The speakers on my couch are old analog surround sound system I have sentiment attached to so I haven't thrown it out. I have a digital system mounted on the wall. It's that long black bar under the projector.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:25 pm 
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Here is the list of guys I'm going to start contacting first.

The guys here are wholesalers who have already placed houses under contracts and now they are using craigslist to try and sell the houses for a profit.

These businessmen are always looking for more deals, so this is like selling water to a man dying of thirst in the desert.

http://orlando.craigslist.org/search/re ... ted+seller

Or being the only grocery store in town. Just take a look at that link. You'll see my ad and...nothing but potential customers.

This looks like it will work. I can do this.



I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:26 pm 
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Here is something you might be interested in. Since this is a PUA forum.

After watching the secret I decided to test out the law of attraction combined with my alpha brain wave skill. This trick I have done several times and it works on a consistent basis. We will call this a happy coincidence for the skeptics. For the open minded individuals this is basically a summoning ritual.

I did this so many times I actually stopped because I don't want to be married and perfect women were being presented to me that matched all of my criteria. I didn't want to seem ungrateful due to me not wanting to be married at the time. I am a nice guy for real and I don't like leading women on. I can usually justify myself into not getting into a relationship because women don't meet my criteria, but when I meet a flawless woman I don't have a leg to stand on with not locking her down.

This is where the rubber meets the road and you will start to get an idea of the powers that I wield, and you are fully capable of doing. This is about to get really personal for you. To me it doesn't matter. I haven't fapped in a month and a half and Have no intention of doing so anytime soon.

Remember this is not going to summon some puppet. You will happen to run into this girl. She is still a rational thinking human being so you still have to do the stuff you normally do. After you do this don't do it again. It will be like hitting the reset button. You will run into the woman within 48 hours. The contingent is that you have to be in places that will allow you to run into a woman. Like don't do this then expect her to come knocking on your door. Go out in public and just keep your eyes open for her. You will see her trust me. 48 hours is the standard. If you don't run into her in the 48 hours you did something wrong, or you saw her and didn't realize it. Do the process again.

First write out on a piece of paper all of the qualities you want. From trial and error I know you have to put down that she is sexually available. Also single. I ran into some that were in relationships and I didn't want that. Get as specific as possible. It's all in the details. Be realistic also. don't be a troll and put down you want a girl who is 10 feet tall of some bullshit like that. Talk about her income, her attitude, and how she looks.

After you have all of the details down. Find a porn star that looks like the girl you want. Bring the movie up. Next, unfocus your vision so that everything is blurry. Use the breathing techniques I taught you and go into the alpha brainwave sate and review the stuff you wrote down then hit play on the movie and tell yourself you want the woman to look exactly like her while still maintain the blurred vision and controlled breathing to stay in the alpha brainwave state. The sexual energy you get from the porn will power up everything and fap to your hearts content while in this state.

Keep your vision unfocused and your mind in the alpha state the entire time. You can repeat the qualities to yourself over and over again to keep your mind on the intention, don't think about anything else because it will bleed into what you are doing. After your done don't fap again for the 48 hour period and go about your daily life. Don't worry about running into the girl. In fact I find actively looking for the girl blocks the process. I don't know why that is. Just... when she is in front of you, REALIZE it then and there and act.

Final thought. This isn't something a skeptic can perform. I mean why are you doing this while maintaining skepticism? You're telling yourself it won't work from the beginning so it won't. You have to throw that shit away at least for the 48 hour period. Actually it still may work I don't know, I didn't move through skepticism when I tested it out. Also, I've never told anyone about this process until today, it's one of the many skills I've been hording to myself.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:08 pm 
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I wrote out a quick script to use on the phone with these investors...

Hi my name is (Name). How has your day been?

(I want to gauge the mood and friendliness so I can mirror their attitude with my tone of voice and speech pattern. If they tell me a story I'll joke around a bit before getting down to business.)

Do you still actively invest in real estate?

Them - "Yes, no, why do you ask"

Oh, well the reason I ask is because I saw online that your into selling wholesale properties. I'm with (My LLC Name i guess you don't have to buy an LLC, I did just to have some legitimacy) we're a motivated seller lead generation company. What we do is cross reference evictions with vacant houses and places that have equity over 70% in orange county. We reach out to these people and if any of them have any intent on selling we sell the lead over to investors like yourself for a small fee. We sell the leads in bundle packages: psl20, psl30, and psl50. Right now we're doing a deal of giving out 5 bonus leads for free for anyone who signs up before February, and we're only taking on 3 new clients. if that's something that interests you I can send you an email with a link to where you can get more information.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:55 pm 
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Hi my name is (Name). How has your day been?

(I want to gauge the mood and friendliness so I can mirror their attitude with my tone of voice and speech pattern. If they tell me a story I'll joke around a bit before getting down to business.)

Do you still actively invest in real estate?

Them - "Yes, no, why do you ask"

Oh, well the reason I ask is because I saw online that your into selling wholesale properties. I'm with (My LLC Name i guess you don't have to buy an LLC, I did just to have some legitimacy) we're a motivated seller lead generation company. What we do is cross reference evictions with vacant houses and places that have equity over 70% in orange county. We reach out to these people and if any of them have any intent on selling we sell the lead over to investors like yourself for a small fee. We sell the leads in bundle packages: psl20, psl30, and psl50. Right now we're doing a deal of giving out 5 bonus leads for free for anyone who signs up before February, and we're only taking on 3 new clients. if that's something that interests you I can send you an email with a link to where you can get more information.
Just got off the phone with the first guy and his objection was that he already has a team. I let him off the call then thought about the interaction and how to handle that rebuttal. The new script is now:

Hi my name is (name). how are you doing?

*removed the question about him actively investing in real estate. he seemed confused at how to answer this question and then said no. "I'm trying to unload stuff right now." indicating that if I was trying to sell him a house he wasn't interested. I came back with oh, ok well I'm sure you probably will be investing again in the near future then I moved on with the script*

Oh Ok, well the reason I ask is because I saw online that your into selling wholesale properties. I'm with (my company) we're a motivated seller lead generation company. What we do is cross reference evictions with vacant houses and places that have equity over 70% in orange county. We reach out to these people and if any of them have any intent on selling we sell the lead over to investors like yourself for a small fee. We sell the leads in bundle packages psl20 psl30 and psl50 and right now we're doing a deal of giving out 5 bonus leads for free. if that's something that interests you I can shoot you an email with a link to where you can get more details.

*I have my own team/own system/w.e.*

Oh good so you are spending money to generate leads already, If you could get 1 or 2 more deals a month added to what your already doing do you think that will be beneficial?

(I'm going to think of a rebuttal no one has said this but I am anticipating and preparing in advanced)

*Yeah but we only have a limited amount of money or some shit along these lines*

That's fine we are willing to work with you. Currently the bundles are 20,30, and 50 lead packages. If you want to try out our services first we can set you up with say a one time 10 lead package at the same rate of the 20 lead package.

If they still refuse I'll go by the three hard no rule and end the interaction.

I'm going to now run over to my store and set up a 10 lead promotional thing that only has 1 in stock.

I got started really late today so I will hang it up, I don't want to catch guys while they are trying to have dinner with their families or watching their favorite after hour shows. I'll start making calls around 9 am tomorrow morning.

I might do a thing where I sell investor leads also, since this guy needs someone to buy the house he has listed on craigslist that may be an even better answer... I'll add his name and number to a follow up sheet if I decide to go that route.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:19 am 
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Every time you get an objection, loop back.

Picture a scale. On one side are the benefits of your product, on the other his objections. Every time he gives an objection briefly acknowledge it then loop back and give a benefit. You want the benefits to outweigh his objections.

Go list every benefit you can think off in order from worst to best. The first benefit you talk about should be a middle strength one then once you get a rejection start with the weakest benefit then with every rejection move to the stronger one, then a stronger, one, then an even stronger one.

This makes your product seem increasingly good with every rejection making it harder to reject.

Saving the best for last, in sales, is called "keeping your powder dry"

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:26 pm 
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Thank You Warpped. I began doing that, then today the creator of the system I'm following (Rob Swanson) had an online coaching session today.

I just got off the phone with him. It was an hour long webinar and many people asked a bunch of stupid ass questions that he already covered in the initial training. I hate hearing people ask questions that were already covered. I hated that shit during school. Anyway, I asked him about more benefites I could add to keep the powder dry and he gave me a nice framework to deal with rebuttals. Basically ask them a qouestion that points to a pain point, and paint my product in the light of giving him his result.

For instance to the guy who said "I already have a team"

"Let me ask you a question do you have all of the leads you can handle, or id there an opportunity to increase that number?"


"What type of leads does your team often produce for you? The leads that are generated with our system tend to be very different than the ones I typically see produced with normal methods." - I can say this because of my emphasis on quality. Most people just can't keep up with what I can do.


"Hey listen (name) I can imagine the time and energy it takes to manage you team. With us you get the same amount of leads and business which keeps your current lifestyle, but with the benefit of freeing up all of that time."

I'm going to make some calls so I can get a list of all of the common reservations these people have then draft up some more responses in this keeping your powder dry question benefit style.

I am a hunter of human excellence. I seek out those individuals who break the norms
and demonstrate to all of us what’s really possible. I learn what those few
extraordinary individuals do that’s different from everybody else, and then emulate

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