10 things I wish someone taught me!

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:03 am 
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Hey guys I'm Slywalker! I've been a PUA since 2003, my game is tight but could definetly improve more, but then again who the hell couldn't use some improvement? My point is, I know what I'm doing when it comes to pick up! The other day I was sitting down, sorting my thoughts as I usually am, I came on to an interesting subject, when did I leave my AFC/RAFC status and become good at picking up girls? What methods did I use? What was important?
I came up with just about ten things that was all major turning points in my PU-career, things I wish that someone would have told me when I was struggling..

This inspired me to start this post, for the next 10 days, Im gonna post one topic each day in this thread, sharing my knowledge and experience with you guys. This has nothing to do with "The Game" or "The mystery method" as I understand this is where most new guys start and get stuck, so see my approach as a different approach, an alternative way to MM.
Unlike some other members, I'm not trying to push an e-book, I won't hold back on information. If you have questions, feel free to post them in this thread. Plese do not PM questions, just share them with everyone!


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:22 am 
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Day1. Rejection is nothing and all girls are disposable!

The above statement is offcourse a generalization, but it is pretty damn accurate. Supposedly there are 51% women on this planet, and 90% of the men on this planet are AFCs with no game, so if you lose one chick, what does that matter? NOTHING! there are plenty of fish in the sea...

My mantra that keeps me going, that keeps me sarging and that keeps me succeeding is ALL GIRLS ARE DISPOSABLE!
Yes I have had my oneitis, two actually, but I got over them, by realizing this.

Say that things are going shit with the girl you are interested in, you feel that to fix it you need to put in soo much work and really go down on your knees. My advice is: Go downtown, walk down the busy street, look at all the beautiful women you meet, you probably saw 10 hotties in 10 minutes, imagine if your game was better, you could be dating any one of them.. This gives me such inspiration to keep practicing my game! So dispose that impossible oneitis and go approach a few new girls!

And what about rejection? When you approach a girl and she blows you off, does she already know who you are? Does she know you masturbate with lotion in front of your mirror flipping thru porno magazines every monday? NO! She doesn't know you, so see it this way, she is not actually rejecting you, she just rejected the approach, just go back to the drawing board with that one!

Some girls resort to personal attacks, "Back of fatso" or "Not interested baldy" don't take this personal! Again, she doesn't know you, and a girl who just attacks one of your negative personal features before she knows you is a bitch, that is her problem, not yours, you don't want her anyway!

Sometimes you do get rejected by a girl who knows you, a girlfriend or even a wife, she might tell you something mean, dump you and you are back in the single lane..
Well yes this is tougher, but just see yourself a ton of experience richer, ALL GIRLS ARE DISPOSABLE, use your new experience, practice your game, this is your chance to meet a girl that is hotter, that is a better person and most of all that will suit you better!

Being in the single lane is not misery, it is opportunity!

This was day 1 of advice, I hope you find it useful. Stay tuned for day 2!


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:53 pm 
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Some girls resort to personal attacks, "Back of fatso" or "Not interested baldy" don't take this personal! Again, she doesn't know you, and a girl who just attacks one of your negative personal features before she knows you is a bitch, that is her problem, not yours, you don't want her anyway!

Isn't a 'neg' just a more subtle version of this? I generally don't like the neg thing..

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:24 pm 
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Isn't a 'neg' just a more subtle version of this? I generally don't like the neg thing..
Negs are minor backhanded comments that just destabilize a girls ego, help her lower her "bitch shield". They make her think you not another loser coming up to her in a bar wanting to score. "back off FATSO" is just an insult.... there is a complete difference between negs and insults.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:00 pm 
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Day1. Rejection is nothing and all girls are disposable!

Being in the single lane is not misery, it is opportunity!
The only constant thing in life is change. Its the only thing you can be sure of. Instead of seeing things as an 'end', such as the ending of a relationship, see it as a beginning.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:05 am 
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Day2. With enough confidence you can accomplish anything!

This is one of those things you hear all the time but you don't really believe it.
One of the corner stones of NLP is "if one person can do it, anyone can" I personally don't really believe this is true, what Shaquille O'Neal can do in basket ball might be harder for me, I'm 5'11'' and he is 7'1''. So this statement might not be true in all cases..

But as it relates to pick up, it is pretty much true! You can use an amazing line, but say it with zero confidence and you have ruined it! And then you can use a really shitty or dirt simple opener like the Apocalypse http://www.bristollair.com/outer-game/r ... pener.html and use that will a shit load of confidence and it will work like a charm!

David X, one of the most experienced MPUAs and probably one of the best, he says he doesn't use any tactics or routines, he is always honest to the girl. His simple thing is that he uses loads of confidence and he always frames himself as being the MAN!

The point I'm getting to is that what you say doesnt really matter, it is all about your delivery! When I was in Spain I picked up 2 girls who didnt speak English and I speak zero spanish, it didnt matter, I looked them deep in the eyes and just spoke my words from the guts, standing tall with just massive confidence!

You have to believe in yourself, you have to approach every set with the mind set that "I can do this!". Later on in this thread I will talk more about NLP and how that can help you improve your confidence!

When it comes to state of mind, this together with confidence are really the pillars of inner game. Every time I approach a girl that I intend to pick up, I picture myself making love to her, not having meaningless sex, no I mean deep passionate love, keep that picture in your head as you look her in the eyes and introduce yourself! She will notice something different about you, she won't know what, but it is there, she will feel it.
And you, you are picturing a perfect, passionate love making scene with her, you are both great in bed and everything just clicks, with this playing in the back of your head you will have the right state of mind and great confidence to play your game like a master!

Casanova himself would be jealous if he saw what went on in the back of my head 8)

Thanks for reading and keep checking out this thread, there will be more things coming up!


10 things I wish someone taught me about Pick Up 10-things-i-wish-someone-taught-me-vt53087.html

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:08 am 
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Some girls resort to personal attacks, "Back of fatso" or "Not interested baldy" don't take this personal! Again, she doesn't know you, and a girl who just attacks one of your negative personal features before she knows you is a bitch, that is her problem, not yours, you don't want her anyway!

Isn't a 'neg' just a more subtle version of this? I generally don't like the neg thing..

A neg is never a personal attack, a personal attack is a personal attack and they are only done by horrible people.

Negging is teasing, negging is fun! Negging is the cocky part of cocky funny!


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:14 pm 
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Just seems like a more subtle version of the same thing, "nice nails, are they fake?" is a personal attack.. saying "are you stalking me?" is a personal attack, it's just done with a smile.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:51 pm 
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Just seems like a more subtle version of the same thing, "nice nails, are they fake?" is a personal attack.. saying "are you stalking me?" is a personal attack, it's just done with a smile.
I'm personally not a big fan of negs I prefer a more cocky & funny attitude, when you are cocky you neg her for things she say and do, not for things that she is!

But let me put it like this.. Saying "your clothes don't really match" is a neg and could be made funny, saying "your eyes don't really match" is a personal attack! see the difference?


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:00 am 
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Day3. Use canned material with care

I know how it is, you are new to the forum, you have read "The Game", possibly even "Mystery Method" and "Rules of the game".
You have memorized the lines and read the success stories, and you are inspired and ready to go sarge, but then you hear some more experienced PUAs on the forum talking about how canned material is crap and you shouldn't use it.

I understand the confusion guys...

There are pros and cons with canned material, lets list a few right here.
Pros: If you have approach anxiety a scripted approach might be easier to use, you can use your canned material when you are in a tight sport and you don't know what to say, some of it was made up by MPUAS so it should work all the time right?

Cons: There is a big risk of you sounding like a bad taperecorder just repeating what you heard someone else say, what if you run out of routines and you can't improvise? Some canned stuff were made to work in very specific situation and may not work at any other place. Without the right frame it is meaningless what you say you might as well tell her you are a childmolester. You are not being you and there is a risk she will be able to tell the difference from when you are quoting and when you are improvising.

I could keep the list of cons going for a lot longer, but probably the biggest con and fear many have for canned material is to get called out on it. You approach a girl with an opener and she says "Hi Mystery!" or "yeah I've heard it before, tell your 'friend' not to keep pics of his ex."

I actually recommend that you try some of the mainstream routines you have read, just so you have done it, test peoples reactions, and then you use what you though worked well to design your own routines!
But using other peoples routines all the time doesn't make you a PUA it makes you a recordplayer!

Personally at the moment I have No routines and No openers that I have memorized and recycle over and over. I am spontaneous in my approach midgame and close and I do it all with loads of confidence.
However, when I find something that works, I stay on the same theme for a while. For example: say that "oppinion openers" really work for you and matches your game, then I recommend that you use a different one everytime, make them up as you go! This is how you learn to be spontaneous and imaginative, this will help you keep your game going for longer and you will be able to maintain relationships where you can be yourself from beginning to end!

Formulas and Routines are two very different things, a formula is when you notice that a type of approach works great, and you can flex your forumla, use different words and change it after the situation you are in, but you are sticking to the same concept. Formulas are in my oppinion a great way to get started, find your recipe for success and use it, just use different spices from time to time!

As an ending to this post I just want to mention the debate that has been going on in the forum lately about being yourself and using natural game.
In a way I am myself, and in a way Im not. See there are several ways to do this, you can be and actor/recordplayer - this is not a good idea. Or you can be yourself, in my oppinion there are 3 selves.

Your worse self - AFC
Yourself - RAFC
Your better self - PUA

See, you can use everything you learn from the community and the world of pick up and still be yourself, but not your original self, you will be an improved version of yourself - your better self!!


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:16 pm 
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Hey Slywalker, Thanks for sharing, You know I can't quite figure out what it is that makes PUAs want to share thier knowladge with others, maybe to clarify things in his own mind, for reconition and hence boost in confidence, to give something back to the community he learnt from... I don't quite get it but I think its cool anyway.
So one thing though, how did the NLP stuff help you with your confidence.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:25 pm 
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Hey Slywalker, Thanks for sharing, You know I can't quite figure out what it is that makes PUAs want to share thier knowladge with others, maybe to clarify things in his own mind, for reconition and hence boost in confidence, to give something back to the community he learnt from... I don't quite get it but I think its cool anyway.
Some of it might be self gratification, but I doubt this is the case.

In sports, martial arts.. and pick-up I guess, you get to learn at a whole new level by teaching. You can be the best at kicking field goals or stopping penalty shots but won't really know what you are doing to be that good. Once you start to verbalize what you are doing, you become more aware of the subtilities and why exactly it works. It's part of martial training (well the martial art I'm doing anyhow). Once you reach a certain level the teacher asks you to teach the basics to newer student. It's not that he doesn't know how it's that he's giving you the opportunity to question yourself through teaching. You get not only of knowing why it works for you, you get to find out why it works for others and see the sutile differences in everyone.

Drink me, make me feel real
Wet your beak in the stream
Game we're playing is life
Love is a two way dream

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:36 pm 
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For me I thought it was basically because these people remember what it was like to be in a bad situation such as not being able to get a girlfriend or sex so they basically they can sympathise with others in this situation because they know what it was like.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:16 pm 
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this stuff is fucking golden but do you think its works on university chicks? cause im in university

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:43 pm 
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this stuff is fucking golden but do you think its works on university chicks? cause im in university
What's so different about university chicks?

Drink me, make me feel real
Wet your beak in the stream
Game we're playing is life
Love is a two way dream

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