Tr@veler's Lodge

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 Post subject: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:21 am 
PUA Forum Leader

Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:22 am
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So I've had it. My game has slipped and I'm pissed off. I'm not sure what happened but here goes nothing and I'm starting a journal courtesy of Artfulroger's advice. I'm usually ad at keeping a journal mainly because I just forget about it and maybe I'm afraid to commit to it. But I want to give it a try.

My game has slipped massively. It's not what I say it's what I do, and it's ALL IN MY HEAD. I remember last year I had no problem being the guy that hit on every chick and went physical fast, who approached, isolated, got a close (number or kiss) and got out of there to the next girl.

Now it's a different story. I'm apologetic in my actions, I'm not confortable escalating, and I have AA which fucks me over. What happened? Not sure yet. I'm in Uni, and since it was new to me in my first term I just hit on chicks like whatever, and the results were there in the form of f-close and a lot of k-closes, both inside and out of Uni. Then I took a break from PU and for three months focused on my studies.

After that I got back into it full swing and at first it was going quite well. But now I'm hesitant to approach and also hesitant to escalate. The thing is I need to do this on MY terms. I've been going out with different people and they each have different styles and I've tried out new styles thinking this is the way to do it now. It fucking isn't. My style is the only way.

Back when I was pretty good last year I went full on direct, 60 Years of Challenge changed my life, and I was getting results. When I restarted now I wanted to try to the RSD route and try state based game, but that isn't me. I love 60 and believe totally what he says; I get him, his points, and they just got me results. Fast. But his beliefs I believe in too. So thats where we'll start. With 60 Years of Challenge and how I've turned into a massive pussy, and how I'm going to turn this around for everyone to see. Complete transparency. I don't know how long it will take guys, but it doesn't matter. I know what I want in terms of game, and I know what I want in terms of a girl/girls. Here is my re-transformation from man to pussy to man again. In this journal I will be posting both in field reports and my beliefs/realizations that I have. These may be things you've already heard, maybe even read but deal with it. Hear it from this point of view too.

So my first report will come soon, but I've got to go right now. Until then.


 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:25 pm 
PUA Forum Leader

Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:22 am
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So it's time for some pure and utter honesty here.

I think I know the reason (or one of the reasons) my game has suffered and is suffering right now. I was gonna say it's a complicated matter but it isn't. The simple matter of the fact is; I've lost the drive in my life right now.

This isn't specifically about pick-up only, but rather encompasses pick-up as well. It has to do with my life in general. Me as a person. I haven't been quite so honest for a while with myself, and it's good to let it out.

I've lost the drive, the real motivation, the fire, behind things I do. Behind EVERYTHING I do. I'm not depressed, but I'm just drifting through life. I don't know why I find it so enjoyable but I really do. I've been sitting back and relaxing and watching my life go by, for the better or the worse. I long for hot summer days where I can do nothing but chill and have a barbecue and relax with my friends on the grass and drink some wine.

This attitude, whilst relaxing and taking my mind off things that induce stress in me, has made me lose that umpf. That certain spark that defines me as a person. It's weird, it's like I have two sides to myself. One that is the no bullshit let's get to it side, and the other which is the take it easy, relax, sit back and just ENJOY life, side. And I know that only in the first can I truly accomplish my goals. But if I'm also very honest, I haven't had the second for quite a while, and once you're in it, it's addictive. Really it is, I want to get out but it's hard because it's like heroin. You enjoy so much and it becomes a HABIT.

But I've noticed something. When I'm in this state of enjoying life chilling and relaxing, I suck. I suck at everything. I suck at everything apart from relaxing and chilling. I'm quite good at that man. People look up to me like, damn he can relax. Haha. Great feat.

But this isn't really what I want. I'd love to lie in a tree and play some guitar with Jack Johnson, but that's just not me or my way of life. Maybe once in a while, but not as a lifestyle. I have shit to do. I have places to be. I want to do things in my life. I want to achieve greatness.

And I've been afraid of stress recently. So this is why I've slipped into this relaxed, chilled out zone, where I don't really take care of my health as much as that's another thing to worry about, I don't really go sexual with girls because that's also work for me, and even my creativity has been lacking in terms of my films and film studies. Bang. Three hits.

The thing is I can be the guy who is disciplined, who is stubborn in what he does and believes in what he does. And right now I'm not that guy for the very reason I've listed above. It's almost like I'm afraid to even get that umpf back in fear of losing it again. But that's not how it works. It's a conscious decision. And I could ramble on and on about how to change my fucking life or I could just change it. Because this is what I'm good at. Changing my life. I've done it a bunch of times, and I can do it again. Discipline and intent.

Here's what I need to do:

Get my health and fitness in order - eat right and exercise again. Minimal alcohol
Work on my creative projects
Go out and go sexual - go direct and get back into it full steam no apologies

That's it for now. Just had this realization and I needed to get it out. I have to become the man again. There is no other way.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:52 pm 
PUA Forum Leader

Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:22 am
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So I've been reading through 60 Years of Challenge, and something really hit me.

His whole approach to how you are with girls, how you interact with them. He tells you to be completely humble and genuine, and confident in your humility and genuineness. This is so important to me. This mindset, this way of being, this behavior is what I truly want to be. To be completely honest in not only my intentions, but in my way of being with the girl.

He talks about diffusing drama when the girl gives you shit and tries to stir up the conversation. He says to diffuse it by just being completely humble and not letting her break rapport with you. This is so true. Breaking rapport is something so many preach, but I know that in my experience it has lead nowhere. Seduction is a MUTUAL thing. The opening is just a screening process to find the girls that are interested (and you can increase your chances of making more girls interested just from your presence, your confidence in starting a conversation, in the way you are) and after that everything should be mutual, and it is your job not to let her break rapport with you, or bait you into breaking rapport with her. His way of dealing with this is by being completely and utterly humble and genuine and honest, delivered simply and with confidence.

Being a clown, being the fun social guy isn't going to get the girl. Being the social guy only increases the chances you have at meeting new girls, but seduction ultimately gets the girl. That's what it truly is. Escalation and seduction. I truly believe that. And all these games you play, they're worthless. I'm sick of these games, being cocky funny, push pull, teasing, all breaking rapport in the hopes of creating attraction. In the meantime whilst I am wasting my time with these girls trying to create attraction I could be looking for a girl who will be attracted to me anyway, just from my presence. I am out there to meet her. To meet the girl that likes me for me. The genuine, humble me, the confident me who started a conversation and escalated mutually together with her. That's what I really want. Not these games that girls play. From now on I'll give them one chance after I've opened to turn this into a mutual thing, to be on the same team, if that doesn't work, I might give them one more chance, and if that doesn't work I'll leave. There is no point wasting my time with a girl who doesn't want to mutually escalate with me, who doesn't want to spend time with me, the real me, right then and there, trying to convert her into a good lead, into an interested girl.

I will try to diffuse major drama with love, as 60 says, and if that doesn't work try it again, and if that doesn't work leave to find the one girl that truly does like me for me. Complete honesty and humility, genuineness and confidence in my words and actions. In my intent.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:47 pm 
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Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:22 am
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Field Report.

Yesterday night I went out to a house party. Been reading a lot of 60 years of challenge. We had a dinner beforehand and as such there was some wine involved. Get the night starting good, letting myself go for the night.

I have done a lot of work on my values, beliefs and opinions about things in my life, and created an entire list of things I value, beliefs I have, etc. I have these values, beliefs and opinions and that I honor them and live by them. I keep them sacred. Therefore I needed nothing else. I was and am happy with these values and beliefs, and so I sought no validation from people, and was just having a good time.

Anyway, so we roll up to the house party. I walk in with a bunch of friends and we go to the main living room. A few chicks stand there. A friend of mine introduces himself casually. I notice a girl is giving him a huge IOI, being very open and receptive to being touched. She wants it. But he doesn't take the opportunity, maybe he missed it. Maybe he just didn't want it.

Anyway, I talk a little bit, standing in the middle of the room. Two speakers are right in the middle of the floor, and I accidentally unplug the cable with my foot. Playfully and completely uncaringly say it was an honest mistake, tease the girl who placed it there that it's probably the worst place to put a bunch of speakers.

She plugs it back in, and a few seconds later it happens again. Then this open and receptive chick starts laughing, and we start talking. I'm touching her, she's touching me. It's on. I'm being very touchy-feely, because that's what I set out to do for the night - be touchy-feely. I'm touching her lower back, pulling her in, and when I'm not she's leaning into me. Our cheeks are brushing up against each other, I'm looking at her seductively - I want to kiss her. I'm touching her hands from time to time. And she's liking it. This has all happened in a matter of around 3 minutes. I tell her we should get some fresh air, and take her outside.

Once outside I take her to an isolated area, but others can still see us. I make sure her back is facing the other people, so she can pretty much only see me and maybe through the window. In a few minutes we're making out, but she won't open her mouth much. Weird kisser. Anyway, a little more kissing and talking. She says she has to get back to her friends and we exchange numbers. She leaves and I return to my friends who were watching me the whole time and they begin to cheer stupidly, which I didn't really like because I like discretion, and find being discreet to be a great virtue, because the girl will believe that you aren't trying to impress anyone, but rather are with her because you genuinely like her. So this was stupid of them, but whatever, they don't know the game.

This whole interaction happened in a few minutes. I think 15-20 minutes. A friend of mine asked me how the hell I picked her up so fast. With a a knowing smile I said "I just saw a window of opportunity and took it". Thanks 60. Thanks game. They will never know.

This is the real difference between normal guys and guys who know and play the game. To a guy who plays the game this sort of stuff is quite normal in a way, almost expected. Things move extremely fast. You want them to move fast. You lead. You take action. You touch a lot and escalate quickly. You make it on as quickly as possible. But for people who don't know or play the game, this thing seems almost incredible. It's not. It's just using the window of opportunity, being-touchy feely, and just escalating quickly. This is what it done. It happens fast. You screen for interest, and when you get it you escalate. Be the touchy feely type of person.

That's it for now. I must say that pickup was a breeze in a way. A breath of fresh air. I'll text her today and see if she still remembers or not :twisted:

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 8:57 pm 
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I just realized something. I should've escalated further on this girl. I think this is why the interaction ended. I took it nowhere after we were kissing outside. I should've taken her inside and "checked out" the house and looked around for a free room. I think she wanted that. In fact I'm pretty sure she wanted that.

A rule I've set out now is to not kiss a girl when I meet her if I want to see her again another day, and when I do kiss a girl I use it as a tool to escalate to a full close for the night.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:30 pm 
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Field Report.

Today I went out to central london to meet SteveJabba. He had a small gathering and we just went out to approach a bit. First thing I noticed about him was his presence. He's got a very good presence and seems dominant. He's got a good build too and is quite tall so that helps.

Anyway we pretty much just spent the time walking the streets and having goes at approaching.

After the meet I stayed out with a few guys there and we approached more. I got three numbers out of this, with one of the quickest pickups I've ever done in my life.

However the one I want to focus on is this one:

Approached a russian girl on the street, told her I find her cute, very genuine, very honest, and just some normal chit-chat. I told her we should go for a coffee, but she was going to some pancake party. She invited me but I declined (I had to approach more, and also didn't want to go to this party either). I said we should go for a coffee some other time. She agreed, said it was random and gave me her phone number.

A few hours later still out on the streets I texted her my number.

Traveler: Hey this is my number. Keep it safe ;) Traveler
Her: Oki :) What u up to? X
Traveler: Just hanging on oxford street with some friends, then heading to a bar later. Wanna join?
Her: Sure :) let me know where u go x
Traveler: A friend of mine showed me a cool bar near Oxford circus. Let's meet at oxford circus at 8. Cool?
Her: U talking about aqua? At a really bad party, so gonna leave now. Thought u r having drinks now if not ill head home x
Traveler: Well all my friends left so you can join me in Covent garden now if you want and we'll have a drink in a bit.
Her: Oh noo. Why did they leave? I'm with my brazilian friend alone. Let's have a drink at 8 then. Buzz u closer to time. x
Traveler: Ok!

A little while later
Her: Ok gonna get a taxi from here. Where shall we meet? Nice eve for arts garden no? X
Traveler: Where's arts garden?

At this point I'm tired as hell and it's either sticking around for her or heading home. So I just call her. I can't hear her properly, so at first the conversation goes all like "Hey can you hear me? blabla". Then I ask where this place is. She says she's just leaving the party and will call me in a bit.

I stick around and walk the streets a little. She doesn't call. I give her one last chance with a text "I'm around Piccadilly if you want to come"

And then leave. Never heard from her again. WTF happened here? Too needy? Could be...Or something happened over there? I have no clue actually. Any input would be greatly appreciated. She seemed to have gone from hot to cold in an instant.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:09 pm 
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I came to a realization about good leads.

I looked back at my good leads a while back and why the girls wanted to hang out with me again. For the most part (around 90% of the time) it was because of comfort, trust and connection, plus escalation. This is so key. I was a little playful here and there, sure, not taking shit, etc. What really hooked them, though, was trust, comfort, and connection. They wanted to see me again because they found a deep connection with me, we connected mutually as human beings. And then all I had to do was escalate to stay out of the friendzone. If she ever gave me shit I just blame it on her, because she's so hot and attractive, and then just go back to building trust, comfort, and connection and escalating. I believe that this may be a better way to create good leads from now on, rather than using all these techniques like cocky funny, push-pull, teasing, etc. These all break rapport. This is the exact opposite of what I want. I want to build rapport and escalate. To create good leads. To have girls want to see me again. To be a DECENT PERSON who escalates unapologetically and who goes for his intent.

Now what does escalate mean here? It means escalating physically, sexually, and the entire vibe itself. Coming from a sexual frame, but also building trust and connection.

What does building a connection mean here? It means being genuine, honest about things I believe in, about my beliefs about her, about my intention about her, about genuinely being interested in her, about genuinely liking her and wanting to see her again. I think I will take more time from now on with every girl instead of just rolling up, getting the number and fucking off. I will spend more time with her, because after all, that's what I want. To spend genuine, honest, sexual time with her as a person.

Add to that not taking her shit and just keeping my frame, sticking to my ground, showing my intent without apologies and escalating, and I'm golden. I'll keep you updated.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:18 am 
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OK so update.

In the past week and a half I have been working HARD! I've been going out a lot, especially during the day, and now the past two nights as well.

I had some good experiences here, where last week in Brussels I got an instantdate with a girl, however things like religious beliefs and me going back to Vienna got in the way.

Then back here in Vienna I went out a lot and will continue to go out a lot.

What I've been working on is my fear, especially. Fear and momentum. I still have fear when it comes to women, and I've been attacking them hard recently, and I want to step it up a notch now. Going out a lone used to be a huge problem for me, now I can do so. I still get very nervous, however I have found ways to overcome this fear/nervousness right off the bat. Here's what I've found out so far:

The first few sets and "push sets"
This is what I've found for Daygame and want to test it out in Night-game, now. What this means is as follows: The first set is the hardest - I knew that. This is where all the fear amplifies, gets me that tingling sensation in my stomach, and makes my blood rush to my head. This is just an irrational, yet subconscious, reaction, and one that I maybe cannot change in the short term, but I can use it. Therefore I use the first set, or the first few sets as "push sets" for lack of a better expression. This means that the first few sets are ENTIRELY FOR ME - I focus on my fear and put all my attention on it, then my objective becomes to blast away my fear, to blow it out of the water. Since this is my ONLY objective, not getting the girl or even for the interaction to go well, it is easy to achieve my goal and the reward is incredibly high. Not only have I achieved a goal, but I have achieved a goal that was SCARY - this achieves a few things - 1) I have a chieved my goal and I feel good about that, 2) I have overcome a fear so I feel even BETTER about that, an 3) the intense overcoming of my fear has produced so much adrenaline that I can now build my momentum.

Building momentum or do whatever the hell you want
Continuing straight from the immense adrenaline push I can now focus on building my momentum, or do whatever the hell I want, really. I have completely demolished my fear by my own hands and therefore I feel comfortable - my comfort level has gone up. Therefore I can now focus on other areas of my game, for example building momentum or working on a technique or working on taking more risks. I can even go for a second or third or infinite amount of adrenaline pushes because there is always something you fear and I can use that now. However the important thing to note here is that I can now focus on things I couldn't have focused on before because of the crippling fear.

Leading into: You can focus on whatever the hell you want, apart from validation from the girl
After I have overcome this incredible fear and have gotten a push from the first few sets and possibly even built my momentum I can focus on whatever I want. And naturally since I have focused on and overcome my own internal struggles, I have not sought any validation from the girl - my goal was for myself. Nothing whatsoever was for her. And now it becomes much easier, if not automatic (though not always - in this case refocus) to focus on something OTHER than her validation. For this validation seeking behavior is what is the main factor in losing a girl. An ounce of neediness is already enough to make her lose interest. Therefore it becomes essential that you ar truly and genuinely interested in something OTHER than her validation - for example building momentum or working on taking risks or pushing your game forward, or working on your outer game.
This allows you to now think straight and know what to do in the moment to get this interaction to lead somewhere, meanwhile genuinely enjoying her companionship. Ideally you'd want to be in a state of complete self-validation and non-neediness and complete and utter "uncaringness" for a lack of a better word, and thus you can now completely and utterly just game her - this means do the steps in order to either make out with her, get physically close with her, get her on an instant date, get her on a date on a later date. You can be sexual and risk taking, be pushy and persistent without being needy, be fun and also completely and genuinely unapologetic. In other words you are a cool dude.

Now, I've been working on this for about one and a half weeks, yet it's time to focus on my outer game again as well. With this I mean knowing what to say and do in specific situations, how to lead to a specific outer goal such as making out, how to get a solid date, how to deal with groups and cockblocks, how to deal with shit tests, how to physically escalate smoothly, qualifications and fun roleplays, etc. how to bounce her around, how to seize windows of opportunity, how to build compliance all the way until sex, how to build a deep connection with her, how to pull one nighters, how to build sexual tension and keep it/increase it (and take the appropriate actions for windows of opportunity), how to game groups (which works surprisingly well after you have blown away your fear - sets BLOW open), basically all the outer game things.

That's it for now. I'm going out again today. I'll keep you updated.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:15 am 
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Hi guys, it's hot over here in Vienna, I'm boiling!

So I went out alone to a bar/club tonight, for the first time ever. It was an amazing experience, because I really didn't know what to expect.

To start the night off I was sitting at home and I just sort of spontaneously decided to go to a club alone tonight. There is pretty much only one club in entire Vienna that's open on a Sunday night called Fledermaus (bat in German), and it's quite famous for it. I've never been to this club before, and never went out alone before, and I was quite nervous and scared at home. I read a little bit of Vin DiCarlo's Attraction Code because it has some nice segments about the story of a guy going out alone and his experiences, and I read his first experience of going out alone and that comforted me.

I decided to leave at 11PM and when I got there it was about 11.30PM. At first I circled the club because I was still scared but I had a plan with me which would save me in a situation like this that I typed up on my iPhone, it went something like "It's OK, just follow the system - overcome your fear, relax, approach, build momentum, pull if you see the opportunity..." etc. And I then basically told myself "Me is all I need" and I went in.

As I went in, the SPAM was very clublike obviously, but quite friendly. I ordered a drink and noticed there were three cute girls standing next to me. After a sip or two I went over to them and asked how long the place stayed open. They responded extremely friendly, and I noticed attraction from at least the one I was talking to. There was a cute small girl that seemed quite shy that I liked the most, and her older sister was also quite hot but she wasn't attracted.

We talked about really normal stuff like where we studied and what we did, and just basic getting to know each other conversation, but it was extremely friendly and comforted me a lot. I was in a pretty good mood. The only thing was they asked if I was alone, and I didn't have the courage to say I was, so I said I'm waiting for my friends, they're gonna be really late. I didn't like to lie this way and I don't think I will anymore in the future, since it kind of came back to bite me later on.

It turned out the cute little girl was attracted with her investment and hair flicks etc. haha, but I wanted to see what else I could do. So they went to the dance floor and told me to come with them but I said I'd join them later.

So they left and I stood around. I ordered a water and this is when I didn't approach anymore, because most of the girls were on the dance floor and I really don't like dance floor game because quite frankly I suck at it and I'm quite scared of it, especially alone!

So what happened was I stood around and I knew I had to do something, so I walked around, but couldn't get myself to approach because most of the sets being on the dance floor.

Then there was a two-set by the bar again, and I went up to them and asked the same question "Do you know until this place is open?" and it was a flat out rejection with a harsh "No" and they returned to their conversation. I'm guessing it's because I now used the opener incongruently, I didn't really want to know until when the place is open and the girls could smell it.

Anyway I went back to the three-set on the dance floor and we danced a bit, and then I chatted with the cute girl and she was still into me, so I said "I'm going to get a water, wanna join?" and she said yes, however she told her friends she was going to the bar and they joined, too.

So now I've pulled all three girls back to the bar and I really just want to talk to the cute girl. But she's run off to the toilet and I'm just making friendly conversation with the other two, and the girl I opened is asking me where my friends are again, and I said they're close by, they'll be here soon.

The cute girl returns but heads off to some dude on the couch whom she knows and he's got her arm around her, I'm guessing they probably fucked before or something because they were comfortable with they're touchy feeliness. I lost motivation to get her there, not only because of that, but because these girls were getting suspicious of my friends who were on their way, or at least they were expecting them to come down and meet them.

At that point I ejected and said I'd take a phone call, returned and said my friends are upstairs, I have to go, nice to meet you, all really friendly, and left them.


So it was an incredible experience and it showed me that it isn't really all that scary to go out alone. My only fear was to be the guy who approached girls and gets rejected all the time, which is why I didn't approach much tonight. Only 2 approaches but you know, better than nothing and not bad for a first time I would say. :)

Since the cute girl was attracted to me I should have really given her an IOI on the dance floor where she was giving me quite a few, and even though she ran off to the other guy I should've talked to them and seen what it was all really about since I could've possibly outgamed the guy but it was my first night out and I wanted to really just take it easy the first time, get accustomed to be alone and relying on yourself and your ability to make friends/talk to people. I think I have to talk to the bartender and bouncers too and get to know them as well, since that friendliness might actually help me. I want to just get to know the staff and the people there and just really be a social guy there and talk to people in general.

I could've also built my momentum like I wrote down in my iPhone, however the unexpectedness of all sets being on the dance floor stopped me, and yes I was scared of the dance floor and the tightness and compactness of people there and approaching all there and the idea of getting rejected was a little too much for me tonight.

I could've also possibly gotten the one girl's number, but I didn't because I wasn't very interested in her. She was friendly and all, however I really wanted the cute girl. It turned out she comes to Fledermaus quite often on a Sunday, so who knows, I might see her again. :) The cute girl was only here for the weekend visiting her friends and she actually gave me a hug when I said goodbye, but the fact that she was leaving was the reason I didn't get the number.

I want to go out alone again and just get more comfortable and more social and maybe build my momentum in the future. I also want to be a little more daring in the future, however it's still new and I felt like a newbie today and that was really great. I had no idea what to really do in the moment, I just opened and did. And that was nice there was no real pressure of me performing or anything, I was just like a little puppy, wide-eyed and open for new experiences and curious about everything. And this is what also made me a litte more relaxed than usual. I was just a friendly guy who wanted to meet people. It was very genuine and I want to do it again. It was a nice experience.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:53 am 
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I've read your whole journal and it's really awesome. keep it up man! You have some seriously solid game. When I return to school in 2 months time my goal is to be like this.

My Journal (from AFC to MPUA, still a work in progress)

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:19 pm 
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I love an honest PUA journal :)

Regarding going out alone, it's very liberating and confidence-building with the right attitude, I do it wherever I travel, but rarely in my home town (it's a relatively small place so you end up meeting someone you know anyway).

“When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet.”-Ch'an (Zen) Buddhist aphorism

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:07 am 
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Fresh from the field.

I went out to the club alone again tonight, and had a few realizations and some experiences I really need to share and put down here. They are really fucking important right now, for me.

So I went to the club and it was raining first of all, and I was drenched but who the fuck cares? So I go into the club, pay the 6 euros and head in not knowing really what to expect.

I go in and it's half crowded so that's good, there are some cute chicks there. I decide to immediately go to the dance floor where it is pounding loud drum and bass music and some dubstep from time to time, at least that I could make out. I have a goal in mind and that is "Desensitize yourself, desensitize yourself..." and I can feel myself desensitizing to the people around me. I realize no one fucking cares about me and who I am and what I'm doing, and I feel fucking good. I keep this goal going until I am completely desensitized and am in full state. However, I have not approached yet but am just enjoying the fucking music, dancing like a mofo which was awesome because I never danced before but with this goal in mind the music helped desensitize me completely and I just fucking owned the dance floor for a while.

After I have completely desensitized myself to the surroundings, I know find myself looking around for cute girls. I am just observing for a while. I suddenly realize I am not approaching and I am stuck in my new comfort-zone, dancing on the dance floor. On one hand it's fucking awesome to have this as my new comfort zone, since I usually suck at dancing and don't like it, but now I fucking like it a lot and feel at home, really at fucking home, but on the other hand I'm not moving out of my comfort zone anymore, I'm not taking action.

So I decide to go to the bar and get a water, yeah a fucking water, no alcohol, and I still feel pretty damn good. I notice a cutie by the bar and I decide I will approach her right after I get the drink, and I do. I go up to her and tell her she's cute and I wanted to meet her. Her response was "Oh...ok, hi." I ask her name, we exchange names, I ask where she's from, she says here. She asks me where I'm from, I tell her to guess. She doesn't comply, and so I just fucking tell her "I'm from India" and she says "Oh, so is my boyfriend". I play it cool and just act like I don't care, asking her where exactly he's from. She doesn't know and I say "That's horrible. You don't even know where exactly he's from" and she's like "Well, from India." I say "OK, have a nice night" and continue onwards back to the dance floor. I feel a little bit of a rush after the first approach and I KNOW this is the time to approach again before it sinks down again. I go to the dance floor and three girls are doing some weird ass dance thing, and after a while I yell to one's ear "You guys make great entertainment!" She smiles drunkenly, my attraction goes the fuck down..."Yeah?" "Yeah, what's your name?" She says her name. I say mine and she goes back to dancing and so do I. Don't really think it's worth chatting her up anymore.

At this point I get back into dancing, albeit really tired this time around since my energy level has gone down. However I notice I am still afraid to approach. And this is where I stopped approaching for the night and just observed. I had opportunities to approach, especially a two set in front of me who I was really thinking about approaching but was in my head, and some dude approached and it turned out the one chick I liked was receptive. However I was in my fucking head because...I will get to that in a bit.

Now, look. I left the club fucking pissed off not because of the rejections or the stupid sets, but because of my lack of action. Fuck was the only word on my mind and I was just screaming that on the walk back on the empty street.

Here it comes, the fucking killer:

I realized this in my "fuck" rant - There are more than just the game parts to game. There is a thing called the Indifference Threshold that Alex from RSD talks about so nicely. It is basically the same thing as being "in state", "in the zone", "beast mode", "god mode", "killing it" etc. The Indifference Threshold is a nice name for it so I'm sticking with that. It is the point where you just don't give a fuck, and where approaching and gaming is your new comfort zone, where you just roll because you like it and you want to do it.

So there is the Indifference Threshold (IT from now on) and then there is the gaming process. Alright. Good. Now in order to game properly you must reach and pass the Indifference Threshold, and keep it past that point. You can see it as follows.

What to focus on:

Build Momentum IT Keep Up Your Momentum (Game)

You can focus on game but only after you have reached and passed the Indifference Threshold. After you have passed it you couldn't give a flying fuck about rejections and/or social pressure around you. You are there to pickup and you build your momentum through pickup to pass it.

Now what happened here in the club with me? I did reach an Indifference Threshold, but not the one I needed to pickup. I reached the Indifference Threshold of feeling good in the club and dancing. In other words I didn't care what people thought about me whilst I was dancing. I did not walk into the club like this. I was nervous, but by me taking action and with a set goal in mind of "desensitizing" myself, I reached the point where I didn't care anymore about me jumping around on the dance floor, since that was my sole purpose and goal at that point.

The same can and must be done with approaching and picking up chicks. Therefore, whilst I did reach the IT, I did not reach it for pickup, and this is where I went wrong. In order to game properly I must reach it through pickup itself. Through approaches, not through other means, but through approaches.

This means building my momentum through chicks. And then keeping the momentum up. How many sets does it take to reach the Indifference Threshold for pickup? Three is a pretty good number, and therefore I feel the first three sets are "Throwaway Sets", in other words sets where I will NOT get the number no matter what happens, I will NOT go for a makeout no matter what happens, where I will not do ANYTHING, I will open and LEAVE, because my sole purpose through these sets is to build my momentum up through these chicks, through approaching, to reach the Indifference Threshold.

Now, what do you do once you pass the Indifference Threshold? You keep your momentum up. This means that no matter what happens in sets, your main purpose is to keep your momentum up, to feel good. Rejections are now acceptable because your aim isn't to get the girl or hook the set, but rather to keep your momentum up. And THIS is where you can start gaming "on the side". Your main goal is to keep the momentum up, but should windows of opportunities arise where you can escalate, you take them. Girl giving you IOIs? Escalate. Girl begging to be isolated and kissed? Do it and escalate. Girl still receptive? See if you can pull. If something goes wrong here, you get back to building up and keeping up your momentum. This is your number one goal. Everything else is on the side. Suddenly your new comfort zone is approaching and talking to girls and escalating on them.

Another reason this is killer good is because you are suddenly screening masses of girls. You are talking to a lot of chicks and finding the ones who are receptive indirectly, because if they are you just escalate.

Mind you I have reached the IT quite a few times and my game was at its best at those points, but it was never so clear until now. Being "in state" is just reaching the Indifference Threshold and keeping it up and then gaming. The reason I came to this realization is because I have recently been doing a lot of day game on the streets, and one thing I realized was that my aim there wasn't to "get comfortable on that street" like it was tonight in the club, but rather to "get comfortable picking up chicks on the street" - and so my aim was to build my momentum through chicks on the streets rather than through anything else. Therefore build your momentum through chicks. Keep up the momentum through chicks.

The same has to be done in clubs. You have to accept that you are here to pickup girls and build your momentum through that and reach the IT through that and keep up your momentum through that. Then you can properly game because you just don't give a fuck anymore about what she thinks, what people around you think. Just accept that you are there to pickup chicks and yell it out loud in your head to everyone else, "Yes I'm here to pickup chicks".

EDIT: Also, you can reach the IT through different ways, as was said before. i.e To reach it and be comfortable dancing on the dance floor, or to reach it and be comfortable approaching chicks. However you can also reach it and be comfortable in the WAY you approach chicks. For example once during the day I built up my momentum and reached my IT approaching chicks in a COMMANDING way. I demanded their attention and commanded them to stop on the streets to talk to me. It worked 5 times out of 5. I knew what I wanted out of the interaction and I then just focused on COMMANDING them to stop and talk to me and listen to how I found them cute. I didn't care what they thought about me at that point. I may not have reached my IT socially, because I wasn't approaching a ton of chicks and was actually feeling nervous before every single set, but once I approached I approached with a bang! and reached the IT of commanding them to stop and talk to me, and thus I was able to game well. I built my momentum instantly through the bang! approach of opening. Therefore you can also build your momentum to reach your IT of a certain WAY of opening and talking to girls.

A change in routines is necessary. As I was in the club I looked around and so quite a few stereotypical "douchebags" or whatever you want to call them. Bad boys, blah blah. Yeah cool. Unapologetic, doing what the fuck they want, not caring about what anyone thinks. Yet they probably would get a little nervous still if they had to approach a chick like I do (because they hadn't reached the IT there yet). Anyway, whatever. As I looked at them I remembered a Tony Robbins speech about changing your life for success - and one thing you must do for success in any given field or success in life in general, is to change your routines and model the best. Now I'm not saying I will or should (or anyone should for that matter) model douchebags, but one thing I realized was that these guys who have this quality of being unapologetic, of not caring about what others think and just doing what they want, is because they probably have a completely different lifestyle to me. They probably have completely different routines.

For example, if a very extroverted, social guy wakes up in the morning, he's probably not going to want to talk to a lot of people right away. No. He gets himself in that state of mind at some point or another. He's got a routine that gets him out of his head, it gets him there quick, unconsciously, without thinking. He enjoys it and has been doing it for a long time and now it's a habit. It's just a fucking habit. He talks to people out of habit. Therefore he reaches the IT for talking to people quickly out of habit. He build his momentum out of habit. He's doing all of this so easily because he's been doing it for a long fucking time and probably hasn't really known anything different. His comfort zone is talking to people, just like my comfort zone tonight became dancing on the dance floor because of my goal of desensitizing myself and just feeling what that felt like. So this goal can be transferred onto reaching the IT in talking to girls, in picking up girls. The IT may even need to be reached in escalation. 60 talks about this. You have to build both your social momentum, and your escalation momentum. You might be awesome at opening now, but you still have to fucking escalate. Therefore you have to build your momentum and he recommends blowing the first set in escalation just because it will get you over the IT for that.

So what do we do with this now? We use it. We implement it. We go out and we make it our goal to first reach the IT by building momentum through talking to girls, and then we focus on keeping up that momentum and taking opportunities when we see them. We also build to our IT with escalation, building momentum through constantly escalating, and then if we do get to no or a rejection, we focus on keeping up the social momentum of talking to girls and then keeping up the escalation momentum as well. And we get the number, make out and/ or pull when we see fit. These are not the main concern here, these are not priority.

We change our daily routines, from sitting in front of the computer or at home to going out and talking to people (READ: girls) and reaching the IT, making talking to girls the new comfort zone for at least 7 days straight. This has to become routine and our brain readjusted to making this a daily comfort zone in order for this to be long term. This means gamins on the streets during the day and night, and in the clubs at night. Reaching the IT is top priority.

Build your momentum through chicks.
Keep your momentum through chicks.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:23 pm 
PUA Forum Leader

Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:22 am
Posts: 1200
Location: London
Field Report.

Just came back from the streets here in Vienna. I was kind of disappointed today because of the lack of hot girls on the street, and so I did 6 approaches.

I had my goal of building my momentum up in mind. I approached the first set, and didn't notice she was on the phone, and of course immediate rejection and she walked on. No matter, next one. She built up my adrenaline a bit.

My second approach was after walking around a little while. I knew I had to keep building my momentum, and then I saw this stunning 9 or even 10 just standing by herself looking at her phone. I went up to her with "Hey you speak English? I thought you were really gorgeous so I had to come meet you." She backs off a little, but I push forward, "What's your name?" Turns out she's going to a modeling casting (great situation for the "hand model?" routine! But I didn't use it). Anyway, my intention was not to pick her up, but build my momentum, and as soon as I felt neediness creep in I said goodbye.

My third approach was on an American girl who was taking pictures of buildings and so I just approached her, still quite nervous. Her response was incredibly good. Huge smile, I opened with "I thought you were cute. I had to come up and meet you." We had a chat, and my neediness was pretty much gone at this point. I was just having fun. She said I should walk her to the opera since she was going there, and I did. We had a cool getting to know each other chat, and then I said I have to run. I asked her how long she was n Vienna for, and she said only three days and she's coming back on the 20th. She said "I can give you my business card..." and she gave it to me. We hugged goodbye and I went on.

Then I spent ages walking around, disappointed at the lack of hot chicks in the center of the city, and at one point after about 15-20 minutes or so I walked around the center and back onto the same street. A black haired russian cutie walks past me, and at first I'm hesitant because of some stupid reason in my head ("Oh she saw me, she's not going to be receptive") but I thought fuck it and ran up to her and opened. She was friendly but in a rush, saying she's going to the opera (so many chicks going to the opera!) and actually asked me if I want to join. She was in transit for 17 hours and I thought I could make something out of this. No neediness in me and I walked on to the opera with her.

She needed to buy a ticket, and this strange dude was standing outside the closed ticket office with two spare tickets. I can't believe I even considered going in there with her, but luckily my 8 euros weren't enough for the 25 euros he was charging, and so after a stupid little fuss about ticket prices she bought a ticket (lol) and he said he'd join her...whatever. He was some creepy dude who said he worked for a ticket agency "unofficially", and wanted to sell 2 or nothing and then in the end decided he'll settle for one sale. On the ticket was printed 12 Euros, but he sold it for 20 haha, so she got ripped off. Anyway. I moved onwards

I made another approach on the street after a while on a girl, but neediness was there and I let her go and walked on, and then another Russian girl walked past me. I didn't want to approach because I thought she must've seen me approach the girl before her, but I decided fuck it, and built up my momentum. I opened strong and she was receptive but in a rush too (Russians are always rushin'), and so I decided fuck it "Let's go for a coffee, take chances, take chances" she laughed and said maybe. She is only in town for a day, and meeting her friend now, but I said let's go later tonight, and I got her number and then hugged her goodbye. I think she is a flake, but my attitude was awesome in that set and she like it. I texted her my number and will hit her up in a bit. It's already 8.30 and I'll hit her up at 9.

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:31 pm 
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She needed to buy a ticket, and this strange dude was standing outside the closed ticket office with two spare tickets. I can't believe I even considered going in there with her, but luckily my 8 euros weren't enough for the 25 euros he was charging, and so after a stupid little fuss about ticket prices she bought a ticket (lol) and he said he'd join her...whatever. He was some creepy dude who said he worked for a ticket agency "unofficially", and wanted to sell 2 or nothing and then in the end decided he'll settle for one sale. On the ticket was printed 12 Euros, but he sold it for 20 haha, so she got ripped off. Anyway. I moved onwards
You have a strangely positive attitude about this, the way I see it you lost a perfectly good girl to some sleazy asshole because you were $12 short of an opera ticket. I'd be pissed at myself. Then again, it might be the fact that I don't mind going to the opera on occasion ;)

Good read though.

“When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet.”-Ch'an (Zen) Buddhist aphorism

 Post subject: Re: Tr@veler's Lodge
PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:18 pm 
PUA Forum Leader

Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:22 am
Posts: 1200
Location: London
She needed to buy a ticket, and this strange dude was standing outside the closed ticket office with two spare tickets. I can't believe I even considered going in there with her, but luckily my 8 euros weren't enough for the 25 euros he was charging, and so after a stupid little fuss about ticket prices she bought a ticket (lol) and he said he'd join her...whatever. He was some creepy dude who said he worked for a ticket agency "unofficially", and wanted to sell 2 or nothing and then in the end decided he'll settle for one sale. On the ticket was printed 12 Euros, but he sold it for 20 haha, so she got ripped off. Anyway. I moved onwards
You have a strangely positive attitude about this, the way I see it you lost a perfectly good girl to some sleazy asshole because you were $12 short of an opera ticket. I'd be pissed at myself. Then again, it might be the fact that I don't mind going to the opera on occasion ;)

Good read though.
I wasn't there to spend money and go waste time in the opera. I was there to pickup chicks. That's it. She might have been interested, but I told her I'll be in the city if she doesn't want to go, because she was about to leave it, but I wasn't going to follow her like a little puppy into an opera I didn't want to see ;)

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