Helpful Lesson in NLP

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 Post subject: Helpful Lesson in NLP
PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:36 am 
MPUA Forum Enthusiast

Joined: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:44 am
Posts: 30
To introduce the body of this post, I want to point out that I'm using NLP on everybody reading this thread even as I explain how to use NLP. I'm not doing it intentionally, I just thought I should point it out, mainly because there's something to learn from it; once you begin to understand NLP, you can see that NLP is very real and exists everywhere, especially in the places where we often cannot see it at first.

I began reading a Malcolm Gladwell book (not a PUA book, just a regular one – call me old-fashioned) named "The Tipping Point" yesterday, which in one chapter describes different types of people who contribute to "word-of-mouth epidemics". One of the sub-chapters was about "the Salesman" (Pp. 70-89). In this sub-chapter, Gladwell explained in simple terms some scientifically proven experiments relating to the subtleties of persuasion, each of which were examples of overlooked NLP, even if Gladwell didn't realize this as he wrote it.

Psychologist Brian Mullen put together an experiment where he showed people clips of newscasters Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, and Dan Rather talking about Reagan. The clips were on mute and the people watching had no idea what the news was about, yet they were asked for to rate the expression on their face on 1 to 17, 1 being "extremely negative" and 17 being "extremely positive." Brokaw and Rather were right in the center of the spectrum but Jennings got a 14.4. The interesting part of this isn’t that Peter Jennings is a biased Republican, it’s that Mullen performed a follow-up experiment that found that almost 80% of the people who watched Jennings voted for Reagan! Just because Jennings smiled while talking about Reagan he was able to persuade most of his viewers unintentionally to vote for his preferred candidate. Lesson One: Smile, and smile often. Not a dumb grin from ear to ear and not an evil smile. A regular, natural smile will suffice. Plus, the physical act of smiling releases endorphins causing you to become happier and ergo, much more likeable to men and attractive to women. I learned that from “Mental Floss”, not “The Tipping Point”. Lesson Two: The lazy man’s route is not always the wrong route, like in mathematics, it’s important to skip steps and look outside the box. Why bother doing the work of creating a weak (relatively) anchor when people have certain emotions already anchored to very simple actions. Since you were born, smiling has been anchored to happiness. Now I’m not disowning the SS forms of anchoring, they can do wonders, I just want you all to be aware that the most effective anchors are the universal anchors, the ones that have been set in stone long before you came onto the scene.

Here’s another experiment that also helps to teach these poignant lessons. A large group of students were part of market research study of a company selling high-tech headphones. This was, ostensibly, to find out how the sound quality was in the headphones, so in three separate rooms, groups were told to listen to a radio editorial about how the tuition for their college should be raised from $567 to $750 as they kept their head still, nodded side to side, or nodded up and down. After several minutes, the students were told they could take off their headphones and would answer a few questions before going. One of the questions was: “What do you think the price of tuition should be?” The first two groups were strongly sticking to the price of $567 or saying it should be lowered. The last group vivaciously argued for the price hike even though they were part of the student body, and would be affected negatively by the tuition increase. This happened because the motion of nodding the head up and down is anchored to agreeing with something.

Hopefully, this will help each guy who reads it to reach a new level in his game. Give me some feedback too; I want to hear what you have to say about what I wrote. I’m not very good at being altruistic and I like knowing when I’ve actually helped someone.

PS. I'm going to make some different NLP patterns incorporating head nodding and field-test them sometime this month. I'll give some field reports of the ones that were most effective. And if anyone else notices subtle, universal gestures (that can be applied to seduction somehow) like the ones I mentioned above, post it on the thread, and I'll try to come up with a good pattern to utilize it.

 Post subject: Excellent post
PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:07 pm 
New to MPUA Forum

Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:58 pm
Posts: 14
You make some very valid points on how these boards tend to view things through a strange prism at times.

While I like the context you use for anchoring and I agree that smiling is a big plus at the right times and is under utilized by most including me. In PU I think you need to avoid the friends category. So in some respects a better example of a pre-existing anchor that can be used is KINO. Touching in most cases is an anchor that moves the relationship forward. While touching anywhere isn't unique it will more likely than not move your target to remember times in the past that others have touched her.

I think the key to anchoring in PU is to use it like a scapel not a hatchet in order to really get outstanding results.

1. Use unique anchors.
2. Anchor at the height of the targets emotions.
3. Use repetition to build solid anchors.
4. For pickup KINO is the best because it keeps you out of the friends zone.

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