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 Post subject: Need to bulk up!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:12 pm 
New to MPUA Forum

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Posts: 16
Whatsup guys? I just started working out recently and i am quite on the skinny side. I tried doing research to find the perfect routine for me but im not really comfortable with what i found this far.

My question is how do i go about finding or creating the perfect routine for myself?? I want to start bulking up. As in explode...
On that note. What mass builder would you guys recommend?? I heard SSN Mass Addiction is a good one??

I would also like to know if i do a workout how many sets and reps would be the right amount to actually bulk up? I constantly see different amount of sets and reps and it just confuses me /: can someone please clarify that for me?? Would be much appreciated

(Oh i workout from home so my equipment is limited. I have a bench, a bar bell and dumbells for the time being. Will acquire more equipment as time goes by.)

 Post subject: Re: Need to bulk up!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:57 pm 
MPUA Forum Enthusiast

Joined: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:23 pm
Posts: 50
Location: Netherlands
3 times a week to the gym .
2 times a week 6-8 reps with heavy weights ,legs 12 reps minimum with heavy weights..

1 time a week complete body training 12 reps (torso) 15 reps legs..

The first two times a week with the heavy weights, you cut your workout in half
day 1 :biceps, chest, legs
Day 2 :triceps, back, shoulders
Day 3 : full body workout

Abs training 15 min on each workout day!

My opinion don't waste money , supplements are mostly junk!
Better ask a dietician for food diary (ectomorph)

Good luck

Alles ''Onwies''

 Post subject: Re: Need to bulk up!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:09 pm 
King Among Mortals
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Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:36 pm
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I want to start bulking up. As in explode...

It’s simple. To gain muscle mass, you must gain body weight. Unless you are gaining a pound of body weight every week, weight lifting will serve only to wear you out.

A clean, low processed food increased diet.

Slow carbs, Slow protein.

Most supplements are hype and stimulants.

A few are very beneficial.

#1 is PROTEIN!

Also creatine, and aminio acids.

They call me the cat whisperer, cause I know exactly what the pussy needs.

 Post subject: Re: Need to bulk up!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:16 pm 
MPUA Forum Zealot

Joined: Mon May 12, 2014 1:27 am
Posts: 342
Location: denver
So you want to get big, do you?

I'm going to lay out the basics for you. Follow my advice for 6 months with out fail, and you will be the biggest guy in your social circle. There is so much more to gaining mass than following weight regimen. I'm going to briefly talk about how to gain the most muscle in the shortest amount of time. You can find more resources online to supplement my guide.

1) get the right attitude.

Look up famous bodybuilders- read their bios and quotes. Subscribe to a muscle magazine. Picture yourself working out in the gym, and the results you will achieve.

2) set goals

How much muscle do you want to gain? What muscle groups do you want to focus the most on?

3) Create a plan.

So you decided you want to gain 1 pound of muscle a week for 6 months. This is 24 pounds of solid mass! You will look like the hulk if you can pull this off. OK maybe not the hulk, but you could look like Rashad Evans.

The plan will consists of what you eat, how much you work out, and how much you sleep.

Work out plan
For the first 2 weeks you will focus on getting your body physically prepared to lift a shit ton of weights.
Keep a journal to help you remember what weight you did last time
Week 1&2 Day 1,2, and 3
3 Miles of cardio
light stretching warm up
Bench press - 3 sets of 12 (the 12th rep will be the most weight you can complete, if you were to attempt a 13th rep you would fail.)
Military Press- 3 sets of 12
Bicept curls - 4 sets of 8
Machine dips- 4 sets of 8
weighted sit ups- 3 sets of 12
lat pulldown- 3 sets of 12
deadlift- 4 sets of 8
squats - 4 sets of 8
leg curs - 3 sets of 12
calf raises - 3 sets of 12

Also, sprinkle in push ups and pull ups

Ok, so you have finished the first 2 weeks and you are feeling great. Now is when we get more focused. Our goal now is to focus on specific muslce groups each work out, and beat them like a cheating wife. (jk, don't ever beat your wife)

Day 1 - Chest and Abs
(Choose 3 of the 4 listed chest excersizes)
Bench press - 3 sets of 8
Incline Press- 3 sets of 8
Cable Flys - 3 sets of 12
Decline press- 3 sets of 8

Decline wieghted sit ups- 3 sets of 10
Biclycles(look this up if you don't know what it is)- 3 sets of 50
Kings chair - 3 sets of 20
planks - 3 sets of 1.5 minutes

Sprinkle in sit ups and push ups

Day 2 - Bicepts and Tricepts - Legs and Uppper back
Day two is what we refer to as a 2-a-day. You will be going to the gym twice. Preferable once in the morning and once at night

3 sets of 8 for all following excersizes. Again you want the eighth rep to be the last rep you could complete. if you were to try a 9th rep you would fail from exhaustion.

work out 1
Curved Barbell Bicepts curls
Pull ups
Cable Curls
Sitting curls

Tricept press
Skull crushers
Dumbell overhead tricept lifts

Work out 2 (3 sets of 8)
leg curls
leg extensions

Lat pulldown
row machine
Bent over row
pull ups

Day 3 - lower back and miscellaneous

deadlift 5 sets of 5
back raises

calf raises
wrist curls
sit ups
side ab raises

Day 4- shoulders- shoulders gets its own day because I love this work out so much

Shoulder raises
Military press
side laterals to front raise
clean and press
power partials

Day 5
Stretch and rest

This is a very easy day designed to be done in the gym or at home. The point here is to make sure you are stimulating your muscles but also giving them a break from the intense work out

Make sure you are stretching after day though.

Eat like a champion.
This is extremely important. You just worked out all week in the gym, now you want to make sure you get maximize each and every set by eating properly.

You goal here is to get enough calories. If you don't get enough calories your body won't be able to convert all your hard work into muscle. Personally, I need 4000 calories when following the routine I just gave you. I stand 6 feet 2 inches and weigh 200 pounds. You will need slightly more or less depending on your specifics. You want to make sure you are eating clean and healthy food.

40% protien- 1 gram of protein for ever pound you weigh. Eat lean meats like turkey and chicken. Supplement with weigh and casien protein.
40% carbs - brown rice, whole grains, Avoid white breads, pizzas pastas, and beer. These break down to quickly to be optimal
20% fats - avacados, olive oils, ect. Avoid process foods high in saturated fat.

Basically you should be eating food with the least amount of ingredients listed on the ingredients label.

As far as supplements go:

Fish oil
Vitamin D
Branch Chain Amino Acids
Pre work out like N.O. Xplod
High quality protein.

Please avoid the mass gainers and eat accordingly. Mass gainers are filled with so much shit.. Invest in a good whey protein and eat a shit ton of avocados, pb&j's, and whole milk when you consume the shake.

Again! make sure you are getting enough calories or all your hard work in the gym will be wasted.


Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours a night. Your body uses sleep to produce valuable hormones that help you in the gym and outside of it.

4) Get into the gym and track your progess

Tracking your progress helps you recognize the small gains you make. The thing about bodybuilding is that you won't be able to tell a difference from day to day, but if you look at your work out log, you will see you can curl 10 more pounds that you could last month ect.

5) don't give up. If you feel unmotivated, message me or look up videos of your favorite bodybuilders.

In closing, you have to work out hard and eat heavy. Following my plan with everything you got will help you put on mass as quickly as possible. I gained 40 pounds in 8 months following it. I am blessed with the ability to put on mass quickly, but you said you were skinny so your results will show better than mine!

Stay focused and keep you mind on the goals. Working out is my favorite part of the day. It is a time when no one expects anything from me but myself. I can sit at a bench, put weights on, and count to 8. Life doesn't get more satisfying and simple than that.

 Post subject: Re: Need to bulk up!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:05 am 
New to MPUA Forum

Joined: Tue May 06, 2014 3:36 pm
Posts: 7
I've gotten the quickest mass increase using this workout. ... rview.html

It requires a partner, but if you don't have one, here's the solo version. It's not as good, but it still delivers awesome results.

If you want to put on muscle fast, you're going to want to focus on compound moves that engage multiple muscle groups. Namely, back squats, deadlifts, bench press, and dips. Do these early in the workout when you have the most strength, then go on to isolation moves like bicep curls.

At this point, no one can really tell you what the best workout will be. Different people respond differently to different things. Find a workout that seems interesting to you, then stick with it for three months. After that, re-assess your progress and goals, then switch it up.

Alphabro has some good advice, but it may be a bit much if you're just starting. Honestly, my best results have come from going just two sets of each exercise, with 8+6 reps per set(8 normal reps, then 6 reps where I bring the weights down slowly while counting to 5, like in Hellraiser solo linked above). If you have the time and dedication to spend 90 minutes a day in the gym, then go for it! But you can get really good results in 40 minutes.

And just in case you didn't fully appreciate the most important point Alpha made... TRACK YOUR PROGRESS. Get a notepad app on your smartphone and keep track of what exercises you do, and the number of reps and weight you used. This is the only way you'll know if it's working. At a point, it becomes hard to notice the changes in the mirror; but if you added two 5lbs plates to your bench press since last week, you know you're progressing.

Here's the split I'm currently running. I do two sets of each, 8+6 reps. I'm in and out of the gym in 40 minutes usually. Just make sure you give a muscle group adequate time to heal before working it again; this typically means at least 48 hours. Your muscles grow during rest... let them rest. Don't be the guy who does a million crunches everyday, unless you're just trying to build endurance.

Day 1: Core
Incline Twist Crunch
Cable Pull-throughs
Cable Pull-downs
Incline Reverse Crunch w/ Leg Raise
Planks (If you can last more than 90 seconds, start adding 5lbs weights to your back)

Day 2: Push
Flat Bench Press
Incline Bench
Standing Barbell Front Press (be sure to stand; if you sit, you're cheating yourself out of some core strength)
EZ-Bar Skull Crushers
Standing Tricep Extensions

Day 3: Rest or Cardio

Day 4: Legs
Back Squats (careful with these if you're new; you can substitute Leg Presses, but Squats will help build your core)
Reverse Hack Squats (god, these are brutal)
Seated Leg Curl
Calf Raises
Inner Thigh Machine
Outer Thigh Machine

Day 5: Pull
Pull Ups (If you can't do them yet, use the machine, or put one foot on a chair and push with it JUST enough to get yourself up)
T-Bar Row
Barbell Shrugs
Dumbbell Curls
EZ-Bar Reverse Curls
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Front Raises

Days 6 and 7: Rest/Cardio

Just remember, 95% of your results come from the kitchen. You want to be just as anal about tracking your nutrition. I suggest the app MyFitnessPal for keeping track. If you're new to nutrition, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto is a great book.

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