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What are the positives and negatives of natural game?
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Author:  Gaius [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  What are the positives and negatives of natural game?

Now I know all of the staunch supporters will say, "There are no negatives." Then clearly this post is not for you. However, I've seen a lot of shit from "natural game" that concerns me. Primarily how people develop fake personalities and think that being an alpha male means being an asshole.

I think the primary defect of natural game in my POV is that it teaches you not to trust you’re self and that you have to become an entirely new individual, "more kick ass, not taking shit, testing people, etc." This approach works for people who can lie to themselves and are ok with being fake with their self. But what about the people who know that there are only a few things wrong with them that need to change? I think there is too much emphasis on being "alpha".

There is a substantial difference between being "alpha" and being a "man" a man doesn't have to be "beta" or "alpha". A man is a person who is determined, responsible, and take ability for his own actions. The concept of an alpha is a man who is responsible not for him self and his own actions, but the actions of a group. Most of the philandering BS in PUA I think teaches guys to be selfish and not consider needs or emotions beyond their own. A lot of these guys develop the "I’m not taking BS mentality" without developing the standard compassion or even relation that many true alpha males take.

This concept of the alpha male needs to die in this community and there needs to be a differentiation between what it means to be a boy and man. I think it's not an alpha and beta thing, but the difference between a man and a boy. A boy is not responsible, and doesn't take responsibility for him self or his actions.

Instead of saying "beta" we need to replace that word with boy. And instead of saying "alpha" we need to replace that word with men. And I think some of you guys have all the bite of an alpha, but none of the true heart of an alpha.


Author:  zappo [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Primarily how people develop fake personalities and think that being an alpha male means being an asshole
This I agree with to an extent. No ones truly happy if their not comfortable especialy with themselves , you cannot be truely comfortable with yourself if you know your a "fake"

However I strongly believe in Fake it till you make it Going back to basic psychology every behaviour is learned. If you need to fake who you are to gain experience then by all means do it , Sure it may take time before your comfortable with who you are and are "a natural" so to say, but you will develop your own flow and rthym.

Faking and trying to pick up these "key skills" like being " alpha" allows you to gain entry into socail situations with a different light shon on them allowing you to learn basic traits , handle some situations better and repeat behaviours that where more favourable to you in a specific situation.

Dont even get me started on being a Man , some guys on this Forum realy need to reality check themselves . i just hope that the guys on this forum will eventually " step up " to being a man and settle down and have kids.

My 2 cents anyways

Author:  Taos Lust [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:00 am ]
Post subject: 

IDK anything fake and unauthentic makes me weary and scares me. Is fake it till you make it a valid assertion?

Author:  pumpington [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:22 am ]
Post subject: 

this is interesting, teaching someone to be alpha, alpha and beta, the leader, and the follower,

does one have to be a negative person to lead?
is your personality fake when you try to improve your leadership skills/ability to take command of situations? or is it just an added skill set?
will takeing responsibility for things get you laid?
what happens when you have a little boy who is responsible?

Author:  Tasty [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Whatever you resist, persists. I've just come to accept the whole alpha and beta thing because there is no point in bothering it. I like to float in between the two extremes, sometimes being alpha when I lift weights or play basketball, and becoming beta when someone else can show me that way

To me, it's pretty obvious when a guy is faking his alpha male persona, called over-compensation. This is more all the reason to be humble and a bit reserved at times because it's attractive

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