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Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman
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Author:  Eddie Fews [ Wed May 27, 2015 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

I’ve always believed in and written about the concept of having an abundant mentality, but not until recently did I wrap my head around the concept in a way that I had never before.

For one reason or another I’ve been getting approached by women more than I ever have in my life. Women have been approaching me indirectly and asking me questions to some of the most obvious questions.

“ Hey, excuse me do you have the time?” – while their phone is in their hand.

“Do you know how to get to “ 34th Street” – while we’re on 34th Street.

Right after I’d tell them they always seem to linger around for about 5-7 seconds waiting on me to continue the conversation. Now while I normally engage with women I approach, I’ve been a bit thrown off by the gesture an as a result I’ve just stood there wondering if there was anything else they would like to ask me before they nervously and reluctantly said “well okay…thanks” and walk away.

Women have been behaving more like men toward me, and I realized that it was happening right around the time I started to think like a woman.

You see, a highly attractive woman has the ultimate abundance mentality. Guys are cat calling them, approaching them, and writing them on Facebook, instagram, and twitter hundreds of times a day. And as a result they have no problem taking a break from the madness. They don’t mind putting their phone on silent or airplane mode and leaving it out of reach for a couple hours. They’ll cut a guy off that they were once into. And they’ll even block certain guys on social media and on their phones so the guys can’t contact them if they wanted to. They’ll reject a quality guy, they’ll say no to “sex”, and they’ll walk away from a guy completely because, they understand (and experience) that there will always be another attractive male,trying to be in their life; and there will always be another attractive male trying to sleep with them.

That’s the difference between the mindset of guys who aren’t successful with women and the mindset of attractive women and men who are. The average joe won’t turn his phone on airplane mode, because he’s too afraid of missing out on an opportunity with a girl he likes. He won’t block a girl from contacting him that he likes even if she disrespects him, because he doesn’t want to miss out if she decides to contact him. And he won’t walk away from a girl he becomes somewhat emotionally attached without trying everything he can first because in his life, high quality women don’t come around often. He will never reject sex if a woman throws it at him, and he will never turn down an attractive women that tries to come on to him.

Now what the average guy doesn’t realize is, because he “thinks” this way. Because he tries to milk the most out every single opportunity with every attractive women that comes his way he is developing a mindset that becomes a mild repellant to women. And as a result he has to work a lot harder, he has to chase women up & down, sell himself, and practically convince women that they should consider dating him. The mindset he has, and the frame he projects makes women suspicious. They have to test him more, they have to screen him thoroughly and they have to qualify him. Women aren’t just falling into his lap, because they get the intuitive sense that he would date anyone that was attractive. He has no real standard beyond the surface. So she needs the guy to convince her, and if he’s has the gift of gab, but lacks the true “abundant female mindset” she will find out she’s been with a loser in a couple of months. He wasn’t real, he just convinced her he was.

So what men have to do is to begin walking away from women that don’t live up to our standards. Not only is this going to make women build themselves up more, but it's going to cause you to project a frame that says “ I HAVE STANDARDS. And I WILL NOT DEAL WITH ANY WOMAN WHO DOESN’T LIVE UP TO THEM”. And thats the most attractive thing a man can do. A woman wants to feel chosen, she doesn’t want to feel like you settled for her. They want to feel special, they want to know that you could of dated any woman in this world if you wanted to, but you choose her because she is the one woman that met your standards. She is exactly the one you were looking for.

So as men we have to begin to develop standards beyond the surface if we don’t have them already. Because if all you require is for a woman to be attractive, thats all she will be. Thats a huge part of whats contributing to the madness we’re looking at one social media today. If she’s pretty enough she can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. What is this teaching the younger women? What does this make them feel they have to aspire to? There is a place for money to be made off of beauty, but that can’t be ALL our women are into. And a young girl without the proper guidance or role model can instantly view that as her ticket to success. And we all know beauty fades, so when the looks wear off and the younger women replace them, what will we be left with?

I think its wrong for us as men to complain about women when we’re the ones that are not holding them to higher standards. And this goes for women too. If every woman decided today, that they would not sleep with a man that wasn’t an intellectual, every man would be walking around with a book in his hand. That would elevate society immediately. A lot of power is based in the standard of that which we find to be attractive. Women to men and men to women. So will complaining about each other change a thing? No. But collectively holding each other to higher standards will.

And it all starts with each of us an individual.

You attract what you think. You think abundantly, speak abundantly and act abundantly, and you will find your life being filled with abundance very shortly. Women have been approaching me for the simple fact that I’ve been letting the ones go that didn’t live up to my standard. I’m projecting something different. My mindset, influences my frame, my frame influences my aura/presence, and these things contribute to what a woman will intuitively pick up from me when I walk into the room. And when they finally see something different, they may just take their shot. Just as we do as men.

So this is my PSA if you will. Learn to walk while there are still options left. Its easy to walk away when you’ve tried everything else; thats not abundance. The hard part is walking away when you may still have a chance, but you know that the woman is not up to your standard. The hard part is turning down sex from a woman who you know isn’t up to par.

And once you begin to do that. The types of women you really want will take notice.

We can’t hide anything in this world. Everything we do either in public or in private will affect what we project from within us one way or another. Every action, every word spoken, and every thought is emitted from us.

Emit abundance… Get abundance.

Peace & Love

Eddie Fews


Author:  Playboi_ [ Wed May 27, 2015 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Great stuff, as expected. Just keep approaching. Even if you are in a relationship, what is wrong with striking up convo with an attractive woman? 8)

Author:  Sparton [ Wed May 27, 2015 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Awesome man, this is some good info.

Author:  masterm1ne [ Thu May 28, 2015 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

This is exactly what I started to think after I reached a certain level of female exp and started turning women down... In my head I describe myself as that hot bitch that ignores 99% of men. It helps so much and you socially move through everything like a hot knife thru butter. Men and women notice from a mile away.


Author:  Zorro305 [ Fri May 29, 2015 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Interesting article. I have heard this concept or different versions of it from other men who are successful with women. I guess some people naturally start excluding girls once they reach a certain level of skills with women. It can probably be "forced" by someone who is not at such a skill level yet by eliminating the girls that don't really cause a high level of interest. I certainly need to start applying this on my own life since I often sleep with girls that I am not even very attracted to. I used to have a friend who said: "A man who eats a good meal and a bad meal, eats two meals" - of course referring to having sex with girls.. lol. But I guess I am going to start changing that philosophy.

Author:  Drexel Scott [ Fri May 29, 2015 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Excellent post and I couldn't agree more. It amazes me what guys will put up with...until I remember I used to be one of them! Enforcing and maintaining boundaries is probably THE most important skill around women, without them the relationship completely falls apart. Especially with the huge amount of Cluster B women wandering around, guys need to be very careful these days.

Author:  masterm1ne [ Fri May 29, 2015 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Especially with the huge amount of Cluster B women wandering around, guys need to be very careful these days.
lmfao.... the cluster bomb effect will definitely blow you out (no pun intended) :wink:

Author:  GenesisPUA [ Sat May 30, 2015 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Interesting post! You become what this post describes the better you get with women.

Author:  Eddie Fews [ Sat May 30, 2015 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Interesting post! You become what this post describes the better you get with women.
You become better with women by becoming what this post describes.

Author:  Playboi_ [ Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Have you noticed that by focusing on thinking abundantly that flakes have reentered your life?
Such as, if you hit a girl up and they don't reciprocate (regardless of how interested they were when yall first met), you are in an abundant state and do not reach out again. Have these women been reaching back after a time?

Author:  Eddie Fews [ Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Have you noticed that by focusing on thinking abundantly that flakes have reentered your life?
Such as, if you hit a girl up and they don't reciprocate (regardless of how interested they were when yall first met), you are in an abundant state and do not reach out again. Have these women been reaching back after a time?
Absolutely Playboi,

But if you want the abundance to continue to expand on higher levels you don't pay them no mind. You don't even open the text. If the text is so long that it can't be read without opening it, you disregard the curiosity that "just wants to know" what she said, even if you don't plan on responding. Don't open it. Just delete it without opening it and move on. When you continue to plow ahead a lot more than old flakes returning will begin taking place in your life. Women "accidentally" bumping into you, women approaching you, handing you their numbers and beyond.

Theres always a higher level. Resist instant gratification and you rise.

Author:  Versalis [ Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Have you noticed that by focusing on thinking abundantly that flakes have reentered your life?
Such as, if you hit a girl up and they don't reciprocate (regardless of how interested they were when yall first met), you are in an abundant state and do not reach out again. Have these women been reaching back after a time?
Maybe with older women. From what I've seen, when younger girls get distracted, they rarely come back around. They have way too much constant stimulation from 10 social media sources, giving them an endless string of new guys to fantasize over. They're too distracted to be thinking about someone they met for 15 minutes and never even so much as kissed, from last month.

Of course, some people believe in "The Secret", so I won't bother addressing that angle.

Author:  Playboi_ [ Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Have you noticed that by focusing on thinking abundantly that flakes have reentered your life?
Such as, if you hit a girl up and they don't reciprocate (regardless of how interested they were when yall first met), you are in an abundant state and do not reach out again. Have these women been reaching back after a time?
Absolutely Playboi,

But if you want the abundance to continue to expand on higher levels you don't pay them no mind. You don't even open the text. If the text is so long that it can't be read without opening it, you disregard the curiosity that "just wants to know" what she said, even if you don't plan on responding. Don't open it. Just delete it without opening it and move on. When you continue to plow ahead a lot more than old flakes returning will begin taking place in your life. Women "accidentally" bumping into you, women approaching you, handing you their numbers and beyond.

Theres always a higher level. Resist instant gratification and you rise.
This thread should be stickied. This is literally what someone like myself when I was beginning needed and nothing else. When everything else lines up and you can naturally attract women, the final piece lies in your ability to move on without them and just leave them coming to you.

Author:  AlexanderW [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Really like what you had to say here, though I am a Red Pill guy and do not necessarily prescribe to the idea of "Thinking like a woman" --you do have some very valid points.

The Red Pill philosophy suggest something similar. Positive emotions including but not limited to emotional commitment, emotional support, your time thoughts, and resources as a man are an equivalent currency to her vagina. Woman value emotion over sex. On a biological level, they HAVE to. They need to know someone will stick around and provide for them if they were to have a child. Emotions are her bonding glue and chemical reassurance.

She could have sex with anyone she wants, thus sex is not valuable to her, and emotions are.

Men want sex thus we place a high price on it by constantly seeking it out.

Woman withhold because they see the value only spending it where it is most effective yet terribly unsound and counter productive; A lover who they can make emotionally commit, slowly change and become a provider.This is right before jumping the sinking ship to the next Yacht.

Our value is within providing emotional reliance, emotional support, your time thoughts, and resources.

The Red Pill considers those who don't know this value, the guys letting the woman jump on board for free and continually giving your emotional energies away to every girl that passes along --a tool. This is accurate because they are tooling you to provide them with something free of cost, thus the value of anything free is worthless, and you are put in a friend zone.

Being emotionally stoic is important as it is the same as the woman's nonchalance with men she doesn't care for. This is without "thinking like a woman" but respecting both male and female for what they actually are and provide.

Anyway, the point is, we BOTH have unique currencies and OURS as MEN should be treated with the same respect if not more value exchange than her vagina.

Remember, anything free is worthless.


Author:  Eddie Fews [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

Really like what you had to say here, though I am a Red Pill guy and do not necessarily prescribe to the idea of "Thinking like a woman" --you do have some very valid points.

The Red Pill philosophy suggest something similar. Positive emotions including but not limited to emotional commitment, emotional support, your time thoughts, and resources as a man are an equivalent currency to her vagina. Woman value emotion over sex. On a biological level, they HAVE to. They need to know someone will stick around and provide for them if they were to have a child. Emotions are her bonding glue and chemical reassurance.

She could have sex with anyone she wants, thus sex is not valuable to her, and emotions are.

Men want sex thus we place a high price on it by constantly seeking it out.

Woman withhold because they see the value only spending it where it is most effective yet terribly unsound and counter productive; A lover who they can make emotionally commit, slowly change and become a provider.This is right before jumping the sinking ship to the next Yacht.

Our value is within providing emotional reliance, emotional support, your time thoughts, and resources.

The Red Pill considers those who don't know this value, the guys letting the woman jump on board for free and continually giving your emotional energies away to every girl that passes along --a tool. This is accurate because they are tooling you to provide them with something free of cost, thus the value of anything free is worthless, and you are put in a friend zone.

Being emotionally stoic is important as it is the same as the woman's nonchalance with men she doesn't care for. This is without "thinking like a woman" but respecting both male and female for what they actually are and provide.

Anyway, the point is, we BOTH have unique currencies and OURS as MEN should be treated with the same respect if not more value exchange than her vagina.

Remember, anything free is worthless.


Did you read the article? Or did you just take the title literal so you could deliver your philosophy on a popular post..

Perhaps you missed it. But thanks for your contribution.

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