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Testosterone too low?
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Author:  Arei [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Testosterone too low?

Hi all,

Was wondering if you could help me. I'm really skinny and don't gain weight too fast. That's not my problem though, I'll just work out some more.
The problem is that my lower legs are REALLY skinny. Also I can't grow a beard. Just some spastic hair around my chin, but thats all.
I'm 24 years old now.
Can it be that my T-levels are just too low ?

Author:  J-Dub [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dude, don't worry about it...I'm 35 and can't grow a full beard.

With regards to the skinny lower legs...I recommend cross country running.

If you cannot do that, then do 30 minutes bike (85-110 rpms), 30 minutes running on treadmill (5.5-6.5mph) and lunges (45% of body weight, 4 sets at 10 reps each). All each one day a week (so a three day leg workout). You should start seeing results after 2 months.

You could do squats but it would be better for you to get your cardio up with biking/running.

I wouldn't worry about your testosterone levels, but it wouldn't hurt for you to see a doctor to get your thyroid checked out and any other issues you might have (of course you only know this).



Author:  Arei [ Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks. I'm gonna do lunges and stuff, but I can't do too much cardio cause then I would lose the weight which I'm working so hard for to gain.
About the T, I forgot to mention one thing, I also have the feeling that my nipples are bigger than usual :s This is weird I know, doctor said it would dissappear in a while. But that made me suspicious about my testosterone. Any other suggestions? Maybe I should try and get a higher T-level?



Author:  Grappler000 [ Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wouldnt do alot of cardio. Do squats, leg curls, leg extensions and calf raises. Make sure you take protein,(a good weight gainer with alot carbs and amino acid like leucine )after workouts, even drink a power ad, during your workout, for the sugar so ur glucose levels spike. take a 1 to 4 ratio of protein to carbs. Dont lift every day only do legs twice a week at the most with that day dedicated to legs

And the testosterone thing, i dont mean to scare u, but u get calcium deposits where the breast tissues is, this is an effect of high estrogen levels, when the estrogen levels become high and the test doesnt balance out the right way, thats when this formation happens, like in females, or people who cycle off roids cause there testosterone levels drop while their estrogen level stay the same. But ur doctor is more qualified than i am, im only telling u what i no cause im in the field of exercise, and i have experience hormone changes from different drugs

Author:  Arei [ Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to follow it.
Grappler, I've sent you a pm!

Any more advice is welcome ofcourse!

Author:  Snirz [ Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

its all about nutrition. Squats and food(A LOT OF FOOD). saturated fat can get you higher tes' levels in your body, but make sure you eat all the essential fats.

Author:  RVAIS [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:24 am ]
Post subject: 

its all about nutrition. Squats and food(A LOT OF FOOD). saturated fat can get you higher tes' levels in your body, but make sure you eat all the essential fats.

dont forget to take your weight gainers :roll:


Author:  trappinu [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:59 am ]
Post subject: 

its possible that you testosterone is too low, speak to your doctor

Author:  jfresko [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  NAB [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you want bigger lower legs, go do calf raises. Everything else these guys said was good enough, but didn't really focus on your lower legs. Just the Quadriceps and hamstrings, which are your upper legs.

Though don't forget your upper body. You shouldn't just train legs. Nor should you just train your upper body and forget about the legs.

I'd suggest something like this:

-10min cardio as warming up
-Calf raise
-Military Press
-Bent over barbell row or Dumbell row
-Fly's or Pullover
-Crunches (or whatever abdominal excersize you like)
-15min cardio as cooling down.

3 days a week. Make 3 sets of 12 reps.

This workout will take about 60-70 minutes a day.

You'll notice your body will get better toned and more ethletic-looking after 4-5 weeks. Though it are small changes at that point, I personally notice them on my own body and my customers.

Change your excersizes after about 6 weeks, so your body will get a new training incentives (thus the muscle growing won't slow down as your body gets used to the excersizes) and you won't grow bored of doing workouts.

Good luck out there.

Oh, and don't bother about the T-level.


Author:  Brenoporra [ Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:53 am ]
Post subject: 

the thing about beards can be genetic, if you take a look at the etnies you'll see that not all in of them the male full beards are the rule

I don't have a full beard also and Im 22, I think I never will
Im skinny too and don't gain weight and Im perfectly confortable with it, its just genetics dude
I know you may have perception that those ones with more mass and beard may feel kinda of more masculine for something, truth is, most of them will get fat and bald... and will be hating their beards for having to shave it everyday

my legs are fine, but I think it has more to do with how you grew up, I played soccer and basketball when younger and I always accepted this as the reason because some friends who are just as skinny as I am, or in some cases, fatter/fat and have legs that are skinnier/proportional skinnier

but I think you're worrying too much and this can even be some kind of paranoia or something about your perception of yourself and can affect your self-steem BADLY, in that case what I'd recommend you is a psychologue!

do this, go check your T level, then get your shit straight, try to work around what you feel that could be better but don't go thinking that you needed to change your constitution/body type

rockstars don't care about this things and still nail all the chicks!

ps.: its a picture of me as a rockstar, but I was not nailing this guy!

Author:  BarryPayne [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  lab

I got mine checked at a lab... low on testosterone... it was being used to try and help my body combat stress. I was given supplements to support my adrenals, adrentrate, licoriche root and other stuff. It help me a lot and the gym wouldn't leave me so sore.

Author:  slyder2412 [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I read some responses, the one about cross country stuck in my head as someone who does NOT know what he's talking about.

Look at a sprinter and look at a long distance runner and compare leg size.

If you want to increase your testosterone in terms of working out:

COMPOUND MOVEMENTS! Squat until you fucking drop.

Since you can't do squats every workout and need time for recovery.

You MUST add in your conventional barbell deadlift, military press, and bench press.

Squats up your test the most and although many people will not believe it, every other muscle will increase in size and strength due to squats.

But you must go HEAVY. Two warm up sets and the amount of work sets is up to you. Your work sets should never be higher than 8.

4 to 6 reps is ideal, and don't forget to go for your 1 rep max every so often(once a month is fine).

Take ZMA. Research it. It's a natural test booster as well as many other benefits including faster recovery, better sleep, etc.

Eat a lot of protein...minimum 1 gram per body weight. If you weight 190..eat 190g of protein. Protein increases testosterone.

Think about sex, fucking the girls you see, being sexual with girls, and fantasizing.

In a nutshell: lift heavy with compound movements and think/have sex/ and many foods are known to keep test levels high.

Barbell Squats. Don't use a damn machine. Search on youtube for technique tutorials so you don't hurt yourself.

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