PUA Forum

Newbies take heed!
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Author:  Snipper [ Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Newbies take heed!

The game is about your intention to getting a girlfriend, to sleeping with different women, to building an attractive lifestyle..."intention." Before you get into the game, let me ask you "what's your game?" getting a gf(s)? being a playa? lifestyle? Have that in mind. Intentions are important and have to be used carefully. Know what your wishing for, because they are powerful. I was a man, who got dumped three times. When I sent her a letter saying, "wanna be my girlfriend?" she said, "Fuck You!(in a way of 'who the fuck are you to get this')" I spent years depressed. I told my self, "I've hit rock bottom, I gotta learn the game!" I came across David DeAngelo, Neil Strauss, Mystery, and Tyler. These guys rock! They are pretty good with women. They were once ugly, nerds who couldn't get a bitch lol Now, they walk in a bar and make it look easy to pick up a chick. I saw videos of pua artists shooting undercover in a bar. I said, "if they can do it, I can do it!" And they told me, so.

I started by building confidence, appearing good (taking care of myself), picking up some bars/lines, and defeating approach anxiety. I realized after being told "fuck you!" and most of my friend new about it, I lost confidence. I care about what people think about me, say about me, and all that petty shit. To mention, I started to pick up convos with women. I had two or three lines memorized with me such as,
"is it hot in here or is it just you?"
"Hold on now! If being pretty was illegal, you'd be arrested :)"
"Can I get your opinion? Does this shirt look good on me? (She says, "yes." They usually do.) Do you think I'm attractive? (fun type)"

I always wear a peacocking(Mystery pualingo) object like rings or chains or cup or magnetic earring lol something you feel comfortable pushing the limit with but not nerdy comfortable. Don't go out with your star wars custom lol It always comes in hand. Have some 4-5 routines, in case you get bored. Make sure you go with the flow knowing your destiny(intention) awaits.

Moving on, Once you've broken the ice, I use three simple method (proven by Mystery on Mystery Method pdf).
Attract -> Comfort -> Seduce
I don't want to make this long, so you can check it out on the book by Mystery "The Mystery Method" or by searching on google "mystery method attract, comfort, seduce"

Make sure you know what you wish for, cuz you might just get it.
One time you're having a dry season dryer than a desert, then next you wake up with two fine ass bitches giving you head in Hilton-Marriott Hotel.

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