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One thing that got you stuck in having no money and no love!
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Author:  ex-pua-bruno [ Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  One thing that got you stuck in having no money and no love!


I've lately had an aha moment that's enlightened me to the realization of
the cause of being totally financially broke and having no relationship with
a woman that both of these two situations actually come from.

Whether you're a business owner, an aspiring entrepreneur, or you're stuck
in either a frustrating 9 to 5 job or completely broke, you'll most likely love
and enjoy reading this post, because I'm going to show you how starting
a business around your true passion could serve you as your guardian angel
protecting you from addictions almost the same way as your approach anxiety
protects you from the bad habit of forcing yourself to boldly approach every
single woman that you see around you.

Here's a little bit of my story just to help you understand where I'm coming
from and why you should consider learning your lesson from this post as your
big wake-up call when it comes to developing your ever desired healthy and
wealthy lifestyle.

After years and years of being a financially broke opportunity seeker, I've recently
stumbled on two psychologists who enlightened me so much that I've finally realized
the key to a business success. They've taught me two important things:

1) turning your life's downsides into upsides is possible only after you decide to cope
with the obstacles that stand in your way to achieving your goals and your ultimate

2) everytime you find yourself in the situation of desperately wanting to achieve your
goal as quickly as possible by skipping all the hard work, you should ask yourself a very
simple question:

"Why am I now already happy?"

The combination of these two things helped me suddenly stop running around
asking random people to lend me thousands of bucks to take up the next business
-building mentorship or a seminar. And, the following morning after I woke up
I was blessed to have such clarity of what my exact steps are in relation to starting
my own online business that I had never before.

It was really amazing how within only a few short minutes of asking myself
"Why am I now already happy?" I suddenly realized that I was
indeed happy.

I realized that I had all the necessary skills and resources to succeed and
make my dream business come true.

By the way, the Harvard university psychologist who I learned from about the
"Why am I now already happy?" question, said that a team of researchers came
to the realization of the benefits of using this question after they discovered that
a number of participants in their research who either won the lottery prize or had
the luxury to choose their desired thing from among many items of the same kind,
like clothes and cars, later stated that once they had the lottery money or their
desired sports car at hand, they didn't feel truly happy and fulfilled. What they
surprisingly said instead was that they felt much happier and fulfilled before winning
the lottery or their favorite sports car.

So, what the above mentioned question does for you immediately after you've asked
it is that it simply helps activate your brain's cells responsible for finding the solution
to your problem as soon as possible in such situations where you initially get stuck
worrying, complaining or just being sad and depressed about not having something
that you desire or not having enough of it.

Speaking of the unhappiness of not having enough of something, I'd now like to share
with you the link to an interesting article that basically confirms the aforementioned
research results. You'll learn how children that get loaded with so many toys and occupied
with so many extracurricular activities outside their regular school hours become both
extremely anxious and unhappy. To read this article, just click on the following link:

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/tracy-gill ... 00848.html

And, it wasn't everything. There was even more enlightment coming up...

The psychologist that taught me how to turn my downsides into upsides by simply
deciding to cope also made me understand the two essential factors that, believe it
or not, got me stuck in being both a financially broke opportunity seeker and a narcissist
at the same time for years:

a) lack of emotional regulation necessary to apply when trying to cope with any
kind of difficulty.

b) my narcissistic personality disorder's abnormal sense of entitlement got me into
the bad habit of wanting to skip all the hard work necessary for succeeding in business.
It's because I got seduced into believing that I should always aim for the kind of success
that's as high as just my thinking of what I deserved, and not what I really accomplished
through hard work.

The former truth helped me realize how the lack of emotional regulation when boldly
approaching random women made me deny my approach anxiety as my guardian angel
on one side, whereas the latter enlightened me so much that I finally understood that
what was holding me back from achieving my desired business success was my outrageous
narcissistic behavior as the result of my childhood's anger and resentment towards my peers.

In other words, I was constantly aiming for a spectacular overnight success just to lift my
hurt self-esteem back up and to be able to oppose my peers from the position of supreme
power and control.

Hopefully, you can now understand how the same outrageous narcissistic behavior fuelled
with that unhealthy sense of entitlement not only made me desperately chase money but
also made me stupidly chase women purely as my sexual objects for years. In either case
I was aiming to reach that invincible and superior position that I could just use as a show-off
in front of my peers in order to relieve all the pain of my emotional insecurities and to please
my ego.

Back to how a passion-focused business is the safest road to avoid addictions.

Once I decided to cope with my financial struggles and asked myself the "Why
am I now already happy?"
question, my brain's engine got fired up so much that I
soon made up a solid plan and a viable strategy to start my own online business all based
on identifying my true passions and strengths.

This is how I ended up creating my free report and getting into the situation of connecting
with guys that represent my best niche market and my ideal target audience because they're
the ones I can relate to and give a few tips on anything my true passion entitles me to.

The bottom line is this: Unless you invest some effort and time in identifying what your purpose
on earth is mainly based on knowing who you really are in terms of your true passions and your
strengths, you cannot expect somebody else to do this necessary work for you and help you
succeed in business. Once you get completely clear with what your true passions and strengths
are and you strategically use them as the foundation of your future business, you'll get so focused
on only the things that matter that you'll be able to easily weed out any irrelevant and unnecessary
things that could lead to an addiction of some kind.

And, here's an epiphany that's just struck me: An addiction really is an unnecessary thing or activity
that neither you nor I would have ever got drawn to if we'd been focused on our true passions and
all the other things that matter to our happiness, health and passion-filled business success in the first place.

The kind of situation that I am proudly in today and that I also want to see you in is that I wake up
so excited and fulfilled each morning that any activity or task I'm supposed to do next I really look
forward to.

Hope you find this post enlightening and helpful while being on your journey of developing your
dream healthy and wealthy lifestyle.

God bless you!


Author:  dlightmen [ Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One thing that got you stuck in having no money and no l

that was a long post. But money should be any guy's number one priority. If a guy cannot care for himself he cannot care for a half dozen hot women. Let alone afford a phone or cell-plan to contact them...

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