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Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L
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Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:25 am ]
Post subject: 

This was a great read, and I want to add on that none of this has to be applied to pick up. Apply it to your lives, your inner game becomes extraordinarily enhanced.

There are many key points that I will definitely use, but there are things that I won't use because it is not congruent with my style and behavior.

I advise that people do the same, don't just copy every single thing that was posted, you will come off as incongruent, and just another person with no individuality.

As said earlier by Poetic, you want to be distinguished, if you copy everything that Poetic does, who are you really? You're Poetic. You can still be "The Man" with different traits, but at least, you're your own person.

Just wanted to add that, and I have learned A LOT from this which has humbled me greatly.
Thank you VietnameseProdigy! I agree, none of this stuff is really for pick up it is just for socializing with folks (it happens to be great for pick up though). I also agree with making sure that you don't force something that you can't work.

I can't believe this thread is still getting kicked around the forum, I wrote it so long ago, started over 2 years ago. Thinking about writing a small charisma email boot camp based off this thread.

Thank you for emphasizing the individuality aspect of this. It really is important that you be yourself or you can't be The Man as yourself but a Pseudo-self. I.E. Style had way more confidence than Neil. Mystery had way more confidence than Erik. Make Yourself the Man, which means not doing anything that wouldn't be a part of your normal character.

Peace and Love


Author:  maenad [ Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Wit can't be gained, however if your not a funny person you can copy other people's jokes. I know a lot of people who do that with my jokes.

Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Wit can't be gained, however if your not a funny person you can copy other people's jokes. I know a lot of people who do that with my jokes.
I do and I don't agree with it's kind of weird but some people, most people really, can become more witty, I certainly understand your perspective but I am sure Einstein wasn't really thought much of when he hadn't talked by 4. This is a big problem with most people they don't believe they can thus they end up basically deleting any option of doing it again.

Do I think most people can rise to my level when it comes to wit? The honest truth is I am very lucky from this aspect, I know there won't be a whole lot of other guys on my level when it comes to wit, but at the same time, that doesn't mean most guys can't become MORE witty. It also doesn't mean they can't gain more humor.

Something that most people may not want to realize is most of our behaviors are learned wit and humor are definitely among them. Most of my own wit I have realized are elements of other moments of humor I've gained. This is true of most of us, I mean I'm considered a very witty guy, but at the same time most of my lines are elements of other things I've said. So do I believe someone can become witty with practice? YES, do I think that it is easy? No I think that wit requires a lot less thought and more reaction making it require a serious amount more effort than most things before you gain it. In other words wit is years and years of experience conversation on both sides (listening and speaking) but it becomes automated.

Wit can be improved upon immensely and some of the shyest people I've met had some of the most wit so, sometimes it merely needs to be revealed. I do understand your position and see some agreement before it but the reality is as soon as you say you are incapable of it and believe it you'll be right. I know people who weren't very witty and became very witty, I know that I have always been witty but it has certainly improved.

Peace and Love,


Author:  ShitOnAuto [ Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

You're really an impressive and interesting person. I have a lot of ego and insecurities I struggle with which affects my day to day relationships. Reading your posts have been very helpful. I know you say to not make excuses however it feels difficult to be the easy going laid person Id like to be when I have to stress about the work I must accomplish daily. Even when I'm not busy I constantly focus and stress on the future activities I have to accomplish less I fall behind.

I'm not asking for personal help but I would love to read more of your posts. Please keep updating. Ive been trying to work on my approach toward women outside the bar and I make decent small talk but I would love to shed all and any guilt, shyness, shame, and any insecurity holding me back from being the charming alpha I know I can be and have them fall in love with me on the spot (which I know I can do because I consistently come up with the coolest shit to say not 1 minute after I leave and kick myself about it later).

Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Please post more!

Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

You're really an impressive and interesting person. I have a lot of ego and insecurities I struggle with which affects my day to day relationships. Reading your posts have been very helpful. I know you say to not make excuses however it feels difficult to be the easy going laid person Id like to be when I have to stress about the work I must accomplish daily. Even when I'm not busy I constantly focus and stress on the future activities I have to accomplish less I fall behind.

I'm not asking for personal help but I would love to read more of your posts. Please keep updating. Ive been trying to work on my approach toward women outside the bar and I make decent small talk but I would love to shed all and any guilt, shyness, shame, and any insecurity holding me back from being the charming alpha I know I can be and have them fall in love with me on the spot (which I know I can do because I consistently come up with the coolest shit to say not 1 minute after I leave and kick myself about it later).

Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Please post more!
Thank You for the compliments ShitonAuto. I appreciate that.

I certainly understand your point about stress at work, it is very difficult to separate the two. I have a very high-stress job myself, I am in charge of over 30 employees and 11k in labor every week, not to mention the transactions I'm responsible (in charge of point of sale) add up to 650k plus weekly and over 20k transactions every week. Perhaps your stress is quite a bit higher than that, but what I'm really saying is I have to separate the stress as well, it is very difficult.

Two things when it comes to stress I think you can do is you can meditate I recommend doing it for at least 10 minutes every day and working out.

Working out will exude a lot of physical energy your body needs to get done and ups some "happy chemicals", sometimes it feels like you don't have a lot of time but if you work out for even 20 minutes and get a good sweat going you can do the trick.

Meditation is great because it teaches you mental and emotional awareness... You learn to relax and clear your mind something I've found is very useful when you stress a lot. It teaches you to live in the present rather than worry about the future.

I'd say one of your key problems is just your comfort with the situation.. Eventually it will be natural to flow in and out of conversation, just like anything else getting good at interaction requires practice. Keep it up and you'll get to a point where it is natural.

If you have a lot of shame and guilt over your reasons for talking to her (sex) I certainly understand that, I use to feel that way (raised heavily Catholic) and then I realized it is natural to want sex. Here is an article I wrote on Sexual Beliefs there is some stuff in there about guilt and shame http://scienceofnaturalgame.com/2012/05 ... l-outlook/ I haven't read it in a while but that was one of the reasons for writing it.

Work on your self-confidence some find a good book or program and you can be very very comfortable going in and out of conversation. If you'd like I can recommend a book or two for you, just remember in order to get self-confidence you have to focus on it and perform the tasks. (I'm actually about done with my True Core Self-Confidence and Happiness E-mail boot camp, just need to shoot some more video for it, should be ready in the next week)

I do need to start adding more information to this it has been a long time, problem is I don't remember what is in the thread so I need to read it again so I remember what is in the thread and not repeat myself. Hopefully life will slow down and I can add some information... I have a lot of people asking for me to put up info so it gets difficult.

Peace and Love,


Author:  Narrator [ Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

I know this thread is a few months old, but I can say this is good info. I think it should be stickied, and I am going to try to compile all this info into an organized word document, and pdf so we can access this info on the fly!

Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

I know this thread is a few months old, but I can say this is good info. I think it should be stickied, and I am going to try to compile all this info into an organized word document, and pdf so we can access this info on the fly!

This thread is a couple years old bro, started in 2010, I can't believe it is still kicking around after this long. I would appreciate a copy of this stuff if you put it together... I would post it up on my website.

Thank you so much for the compliments!

Peace and Love,


Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

Hey guys,

I finally developed my True Core Self-Confidence and Happiness Program! It is here and if you guys want a copy of it just send me an email and I'll give you guys a copy for free(must mention this thread), you'll have to write up a testimonial after you are done but you'll get a couple hundred hours worth of my effort put into a program(you'll have to prove to me you want the program and will follow through) that I used to build me up to that point of self-belief where I realized I'm the man. To be clear the center of this program is NOT Being The Man but it instills a lot of that same presence you gain as you become The Man, it takes time and effort and this program will put you well on your way to becoming The Man.

The program has 21 lessons included are written and video versions, along with one NLP MP3 for building your self-confidence (regular price is $17.97 for the whole thing or $9.97 for the daily lesson (how it was designed)).

Email me for a free copy, you only have 2 requirements regarding the program - Give me feedback good (testimonial if good) and BAD (can't make the program better without negative feedback as well) and you are required to actually perform the exercises in the program so you can actually gain that True Core Self-Confidence. I've heard from a couple of people on the program currently (gave them a free copy) and they have said the difference is "night and day", I hope I can help more of you guys as well.

My email is victor@thescienceofnaturalgame.com just write something about the being the man in the subject of the email! I am only going to give out about 25 more of these after that there will be NO MORE given away.

Thank you guys for all your support I can't believe this thread is still kicking around. Eventually I'll get back to adding more charisma tactics here.

Peace and Love,


Author:  Narrator [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

I have the doc and pdf but It will have to wait till I get access to internet (I'm on my phone). I couldn't attach the documents in a post so I will PM or email them to you on a later date.

Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

I have the doc and pdf but It will have to wait till I get access to internet (I'm on my phone). I couldn't attach the documents in a post so I will PM or email them to you on a later date.
Thank you Narrator, send it to this email victor@thescienceofnaturalgame.com and I'll post it on my site and put up a link here.

Peace and Love,


Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Fri May 10, 2013 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L


Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Fri May 17, 2013 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L


Author:  TheGiant [ Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

Just finished reading this from page 1 to page 8. This is really an awesome read, I even had to ate popcorn while reading your discussion with bvanevery. lol Keep it up! :D

Author:  The-A [ Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

Thnx man! :shock:

Just read all the 8 pages and i gotta say, wow! It gave me some new insights in life. I'm sure this will help me to be even more positive and fun in life. Keep up the good work man, love it!


Author:  Br3ezy [ Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Being "The Man"- Charisma, Humor, Presence, Body L

heh I can relate to your thread. All the years I spent in high school trying to "blend in" to satisfy my social anxiety, I actually created a very charismatic/humorous persona which I am eternally grateful to have today.

I am a cashier at my local grocery store and that means I talk to people a lot as well. I got a compliment today about how cashiers are never funny but I am pretty humorous and funny. As great as a compliment is to recieve, it is equally as great to give to make someone else feel that way too!

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