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Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"
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Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide")

What is an Alpha Male?

According to Cambridge Dictionary an Alpha Male is...
“The most successful and powerful male in ANY group
A strong and successful man, who likes to (lead) others”

What are the benefits of being an Alpha Male?

There are MANY benefits of being an Alpha Male, if we look at the basic of HBD (Human Bio Diversity) we see that Alpha Males in todays day-and-age are the most respected in any social setting, Alpha Males have the highest mating potential and often mate with females who also have a high market value ie.HB10's with a nice rack and a perfect ass - (Hey now, don’t hate on me you feminist trolls, its science). Alpha Males are perceived by society as a WHOLE as...
1. Leaders of Men.
2. Confident “go-getters”
3. Protectors of Loved Ones
4. Decisive and Valued Individuals
5. Pre-selected Males (ie. When you hear women bitching about how “all the good men are taken” - they're referring to how they hate when Beta “nice guys” make a creepy pass at them, while at the bar. - If that last line offended you, you're reading the right post, I’m gonna fix that for you.)
6. Mysterious (An alpha male is unpredictible, a beta “lap-dog” is very predictable, he'll be waiting at home faithfully, with his dick in a chastity belt, whilst I (and other alphas) – rail both his wife, sister, and mother)
Does this sound at all familiar? RIGHT! Mysteries description of what you should IMITATE! (Personally im not a fan of following a a 6'4 emo-magician who wears aviation goggles and a cowboy hat – he mugged a exotic homo dancer and stole his outfit) – Mysteries your idol? Blow-me, I don’t give a fuck.

I'm sure I didnt have to explain the benefits of being an Alpha Male to any member of this community, although I figured I would – in case anyone is incredibly “new to the game” - Back to the post...

What constitutes an Alpha Male as compared to a Beta Male (nice guy/LJBFZ guy), or an Ass-hole?

Solid Question.
Alpha Male: An individual who is CONFIDENT (not arrogant), secure in himself and is able to maintain his frame in conventionally “uncomfortable situations”
Ass-Hole: Doesn't quiet grasp “Neg Theory” - and goes to the bars/clubs with arrogance, and deep-seeded insecurities. Questions why “game” doesn't work and winds up as an rAFC. - Most members of this community (who have started with self development) probably land somewhere in this category.
Beta Male: Lowest valued male in this comparison, this type of guy hires a hooker and gets friend zoned. He's the type of guy who will “white night” for a women in a bar, when she is really just shit testing an Alpha (who will remain unaffected, mind you), a Beta Male is where most of this community probably started off, see “The Pick-up Artist” (season 1 episode 1) on DH1, these guys are the definition of Beta Males. - Side note: Beta Males are also responsible for all the FAT chicks with inflated ego's, in that Betas have INSANE Approach Anxiety (A.A.) and zero game – so they will “slum-it” or go “dragon-slaying” by offering to buy these “heafty-bags-filled-with-vegetible-soup” drinks (cause that’s what they need – more carbs) in an attempt to seduce them... “What how can you be mad at that? Fat girls aren't real people!” (shout-out to my fellow Tucker Max followers)

Alright now that we've cleared that up, lets get to the point all of you viewers really give a shit about...

How does someone (A Beta or an Ass-hole) become an Alpha Male?

First off I would like to state that, every “transformation” will undergo different paths, I (or anybody else) cannot give you a step-by-step way to become an alpha male via a forum, however I am able to coach you through the process of becoming an Alpha Male via SPAM sessions or 1-1 training, I don't believe in this money-grabbing “group training/seminar” bullshit – it doesn't work any better then picking up a book with standardized material (more on coaching and SPAM sessions later).

What Characteristics does an Alpha Male posses and how can I achieve this level of Social Status?

An Alpha Male portrays his value through...
1. Confidence (not arrogance)
2. Body Language
3. Willingness to walk away
4. Understanding that reality is shaped by HIS own perception (not societal expectations)
5. Repeated success with women (ties into point 1)
6. Aloofness
7. Chivalry (NOT BEING A BETA)

1. Confidence (not arrogance)

An Alpha Male is a confident individual, not only is he confident in himself, he is confident in every decision he makes (regardless of whether it turns out for the best or not). An Alpha Male has a sense of “over-entitlement” - he believes that he is entitled to walk up to a HB9/HB10, and that she should be ecstatic that he actually noticed her and is GIVING HER THE CHANCE, to possibly part of his life. Most members of this community quiver at the thought of approaching the most attractive girl in a bar, an Alpha Male feels as though it is his right and obligation (justifiably) to society to do so. Confidence is earned/achieved, it is NOT GENETIC! Which is a GREAT thing! Everyone can learn to become more confident and more “self-aware” which means a Beta is able to become an Alpha – assuming he is willing to put forth the time, effort, and capital.

Body Language is one of the most (if not the most) key characteristics an Alpha Male posses'. We have all walked into a room that is being both emotionally and PHYSICALLY dominated by a single individual (usually a male) – side note: I am not talking about physical stature at all. We've all entered a room where a “narcissistic male” has captivated the entire room, right as we enter the room we are pulled into his “frame” - via his body language and aquired social proof (being the center-of-attention). I know some of you are saying how does this relate to body language? - I want you to picture the guy you are envisioning, one evening in a cafe standing in line. What does his body language look like? His chin is up, his shoulders are back, his chest is SLIGHTLY puffed out, he's well dressed, and he seems “stable” ie. If someone was to shout his name, his movement to acknowledge the voice would be calculated and slow (as if it was a slight annoyance). His body language alone, is intimidating. Now picture this Alpha Male sitting down at a booth in the cafe. Is he huddeled in a corner trying not to disturb anyone who is reading up on an article that is “pretty cool, but... you've probably never heard of it..” FUCK NO! His blazer is sprawled across the opposite side of the booth, he's grabbed a chair from another table (and a Beta Male is now left standing) so he has a leg rest, and he's physically “dominating” the booth. Hes laid back, comfortable, relaxed, and it looks like he LITERALLY OWNS THE PLACE! (Over sense of entitlement). Body language is crucial in becoming an Alpha Male, it cannot be taught via text (writing), I know half of you just asked “why the fuck would someone text “IM” about body language. *Face-Palm.* - the good thing? Body language can be taught via observation and coaching (see bottom of page).

3. Willingness to Walk Away
This is one of the characteristics that 90% of my clients still have a problem with. One of my clients in particular, Matt, was a 27 y/o Beta Male virgin, who started learning game, got caught up in “Neg-Theory” and shifted into being an Ass-Hole (which is still a step up) – he then consulted me and we were able transform him into an Alpha Male within a few sessions. Matt, now being a confident Alpha Male, was able to constantly and successfully approach HB8-10's number close, insta-date, and F-close within 2 dates (on average). Matt enjoyed “scooting the pool” until he hit his oneitis... A hard HB9, blonde and an amazing body! I received many texts from Matt asking for advice, simple advice that he already knew... I knew he was in major shit. He got her number, and went on a classic first date, he didn't kino escalate because “she's not like other girls” - sound familiar? She started to reply slower, and less frequently to him, I would receive texts along the lines of “WHO IS SHE FUCKIING?!!?” if she didn't reply within an hour... Relapsed Beta... I was able to help Matt regain his “frame” and “willingness to walk away” - with time she came back around, they were in a monogamous relationship for 8 months, Matt left her and is now engaged to her sister, another HB9, I shit you not. Alpha.

4. Shaping Your Own Reality
Shaping your own reality, really starts from accepting the fact that no matter what happens in particular situations, you are still the “director of your own movie.” Your life is what you make of it. If you want to sit at home being a key board jockey, if you aren't motivated enough to approach women, and you aren't willing to seek help in these issues, you'll get what you put in. Nothing in life is easy. That being said, an Alpha male is able to control his own reality, and have fun living in his own “frame”. An Alpha male is able to accomplish this by not caring about any particular situation in general, because regardless of the situation, he knows he will have many other great opportunities. In the case of rejections, an Alpha male will acknowledge the rejection as one of two options.. 1. The girl is having a bad day (probably diagnosed with HIV or genital warts) 2. Shes a rug munching dyke. If you take anything away from this subtopic, remember that NO ONE SITUATION WILL EVER DEFINE YOU!

5. Repeated Success with Women
This one is pretty self explanatory. The best analogy I can relate this to is the saying “You make money, with money” In that, once you make your first million, the 2nd is a lot easier, via investments and other opportunities. Same applies to women. The more successful you are, the less you care about their beauty, the less you care about any one women (oneitis), the more confident you are, and they higher the “pre-selection” you have. As I said, self explanatory. How do you achieve this? Turn off the porn, put away the lotion, get off your moms couch (pervert), and start meeting women!

6. Aloofness
An Alpha Male is an “aloof” male, in that he isn’t predictable, and he isn’t constantly available to women, or anyone in general. This natural aloofness comes from actually being too busy, and having a fuffilling life. So this can be really easy for some, or damn near impossible for others (in that I’m sure anything beats drinking coke and eating chips while playing WOW right?) An alpha male is aloof not only in person (ie. With making plans), he is also aloof with his tecting, tect game is HUGE IN TODAYS GAME! I could write an entire post on text game, but it wouldn’t be “all inclusive” - again another reason to consider my “Become an Alpha Male” program. More on that later. In short, be aloof and NEVER be needy!

7. Chivalry (not beta-ness)
An alpha male (not an ass hole) has very “traditional values” - in that he believes in “leading women” not “controlling women” An alpha will open a door, pick a girl up, lend a coat, stand up on the bus so a women (or an old person) can sit down. Chivalry isn't dead, nice guy bullshit game is dead (in the eyes of women). A high valued male, from a position of power can get away with being nice. A needy beta who is being “nice” to get in a womens' pants, will get thrown in LJBFZ (or jail, Beta's are scientifically proven to make up the majority of rapists – sexually frustrated men do fucked up things...) An Alpha Male who is unpredictable and a true leader, will be loved for these gestures, betas will be resented. Not fair? Life isn't fair. Get used to it.

To summarize...

The ways in which being an Alpha Male trumps being a Beta Males in today’s society are immense, and in order to truly appreciate all the finer aspects in life (*cough* Finer women. *cough*) one must be willing to put forth the time and effort in transforming their life and personality into becoming a more attractive member of society. There are many ways one can go about becoming an Alpha Male. Some include videos, some include reading mass amounts of books, and some includes in field observations (assuming you know what you're looking for). I’m now currently offering a new option, which will save you immense amounts of times, as well as a lot of money! (In that my sessions are the cheapest on the market – as far as I’m aware of) As a way to extend the markets of my coaching, I am now currently offering SPAM Sessions. There are many different options via my SPAM sessions. Some of my clients have been incredibly confident males, who suffer from approach anxiety. Some of my clients have been insanely Beta, who wanted an Alpha Life style change. The versatility and degree of specification that I am able to offer via SPAM sessions is insurmountable. SPAM sessions allow me to communicate with my clients 1-1 which allows me to focus specifically on topics and sticking points directly related to each individual client, thus allowing the client to reach his “best self” within the least amount of time and effort. If you are serious about taking control of your life, and becoming the “best you” - as well as incorporating Alpha Characteristics in your life, private message me for more contact information. Please note that I will not just accept any client, I believe in helping those who truly want help, and are willing to put forth both time and effort.


Confidence. :wink:

Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"


Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"


Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"

If the thread has helped you post your field reports

Author:  XLR8R [ Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"


This post is pure gold. I love how you broke everything down. To be honest, Im still trying to transform into an Alpha Male but this post was very informative.

After some self assessment, I think I fall into the Asshole category :P Girls tend to hate me after a while (dont think from excess negging.) I give off the impression as being an Alpha at the beginning, but I fail to impress them further on by relapsing into my needy AFC behavior. I believe this why girls stop talking to me. I somehow 'disappoint' them by revealing my AFC side.

I feel this is my sticking point thats stopping me becoming an Alpha Male.

Maybe my inner game needs working on? Any advice?

Thanks for the post. Ill bookmark this for sure! :D

Author:  Jason Delaghetto [ Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"

Eh, about to peep this when I get back home.

Book marking for now.

Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"


This post is pure gold. I love how you broke everything down. To be honest, Im still trying to transform into an Alpha Male but this post was very informative.

After some self assessment, I think I fall into the Asshole category :P Girls tend to hate me after a while (dont think from excess negging.) I give off the impression as being an Alpha at the beginning, but I fail to impress them further on by relapsing into my needy AFC behavior. I believe this why girls stop talking to me. I somehow 'disappoint' them by revealing my AFC side.

I feel this is my sticking point thats stopping me becoming an Alpha Male.

Maybe my inner game needs working on? Any advice?

Thanks for the post. Ill bookmark this for sure! :D

Pm me and I can help you out

Author:  iroquois26 [ Sun May 05, 2013 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"


Author:  Mattr1984 [ Mon May 06, 2013 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"

This post is excellent. So much great information!

Just like to add something regarding body language. You said it was the most important thing, totally agree with this. I transitioned from beta to asshole pretty quickly. Although I eventually able to pick up semi-regularly because I know how to be funny and girls would assume I was just joking often enough to get away with it. I always sort of understood the concept of body language being important, but never fully "got it" until very recently.

Actually I was on holiday in Thailand and one day I was feeling good and just noticed that I was walking taller than usual. I actually got approached by a couple of hotties and wasn't sure exactly why. I'd been working on listening to girls a bit better and things like that as well. Not until the last night of the trip and I saw this guy who just seemed to walk taller than everyone, he met 3 girls, then walked off with them all following and it just clicked. This is what I need to do.

I spent the rest of the night focussing almost entirely on my body language and it worked great. Won't bore with details though.

In the few weeks since I've been back home I've gone out and focused on body language mainly (slow movements, leaning back, shoulders back, chin up, back straight, and a good smile) and the initial signs are very positive. Pretty much every girl I approached has responded well (you will always get bitches), and whilst I haven't taken any girls home or had any notable closes, as i still have holes in my game and its a numbers game anyway, the interactions have been much better and girls have been a lot more receptive.

But what I really wanted to add was that I feel fantastic! Studies have shown that simply forcing yourself to smile can make you happy. I can attest to the fact that if you force yourself to walk and hold yourself like an alpha, you will feel like an alpha. You will feel like you can do anything and talk to anyone. Your interactions will be better because you feel great, you will be more positive more interesting and just plain better.

I do this everywhere, even when others aren't around, just so ill get into the habit and it will scone second nature. It's the best, walk tall and feel talk, smile and feel happy. Hold yourself like an alpha and pretty soon you'll be one!

Anyway great post. I've bookmarked it.

Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Mon May 06, 2013 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"

But what I really wanted to add was that I feel fantastic! Studies have shown that simply forcing yourself to smile can make you happy. I can attest to the fact that if you force yourself to walk and hold yourself like an alpha, you will feel like an alpha. You will feel like you can do anything and talk to anyone. Your interactions will be better because you feel great, you will be more positive more interesting and just plain better.
Good addition! What you referring to is actually known as facial feedback hypothesis. If you force yourself to smile you will actually become more happy. Also by being energetic and alpha you will pull girls (and guys) into your frame. Known as frame control in the PUA community. Body language is key.



Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"


Author:  poeticlyskuac [ Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"

Thread Locked!

Please read the forum rules... specifically rule number 1.
1. Check the date of the latest post in a thread before posting in it.
Nothing is more annoying to us moderators than having to lock a thread that has been dead for months or sometimes even years so that it may rest in peace. If you have been reading a lot of the threads here and find a really old thread that you REALLY think should be revived, revive it with a post that offers a lot of value and insight not already covered in the other posts... OR START A NEW THREAD ON A SIMILAR TOPIC. (If a thread has been locked and you wish to have it unlocked for any reason, PM a moderator to talk it out.)
You are not adding any value to this thread... and there is no point in the bump.

Peace and Love,


Edit: Thread unlocked because OP promised to add new content rather than bump threads.

Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"


Stay classy! (Ed. Promised to add content)

Peace and love,


Author:  AlphaConfidence [ Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"


Author:  JackZero [ Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Becoming an Alpha Male (Step-by-Step"How to Guide"

Thread Locked!

Please read the forum rules... specifically rule number 1.
1. Check the date of the latest post in a thread before posting in it.
Nothing is more annoying to us moderators than having to lock a thread that has been dead for months or sometimes even years so that it may rest in peace. If you have been reading a lot of the threads here and find a really old thread that you REALLY think should be revived, revive it with a post that offers a lot of value and insight not already covered in the other posts... OR START A NEW THREAD ON A SIMILAR TOPIC. (If a thread has been locked and you wish to have it unlocked for any reason, PM a moderator to talk it out.)
You are not adding any value to this thread... and there is no point in the bump.

Peace and Love,


Edit: Thread unlocked because OP promised to add new content rather than bump threads.
Don't alpha males stick to their word?

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