PUA Forum

Hello Everyone
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Author:  BROCKSTAR [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Hello Everyone

Hey guys! I'm Brock, friends at work (roofing) called me Brockstar, not because I'm particularly so awesome. No they would sing that Aerosmith song with my name in it to jack with me, going something like "...Brockstar....living in a movie... da da na na naan..." lol

So anyhow I suppose to give myself away as quick as possible. I am a nice guy. Bam. Thats all you need to know about me and my problems. Its the way I was raised, and I was raised in the country, and at age 20 I moved to the city because well at my heart I'm a artist and couldn't stand the lack of civilization in the sticks of Missouri.

I just this year found out of PUA, and kinda feel late to the party. PUA was always a tongue in cheek term we used to compliment someone who was a man slut or just simply...smooth.

I needed dating help, I do need dating help. The few women I feel in love in and wanted, didn't take me. So I'm done with love. I gave 32 years of my life to chasing it. Now I want to be a PUA, I want that superpower.

I read on a comment somewhere to read "The Game" by Neil, I hate reading so I got the audiobook where Neil read it himself, then I looked into Mystery and the MM. Then I bought BOTH of his MM books and listen to them on repeat at work through headphones, like taking a course over and over and over. I did by the physical copies of his books. I have not seen much of his VH1 show just some things on Youtube that pop up and some of his short HOW TO video's.

I'm new to it all, and honestly I haven't gone out at all it. In fact lets just put it out there I have never asked a girl out in person. Most of the girls in my life I met online. I been with 13 in my life so far. 4 I asked for their numbers and hooked up later, did this by blindly chatting them for a short bit, and got together and hooked up later. 1 girl, I chatted to after a bar was letting out and straight up asked if she wanted to go back to my place. I didn't even talk to her more than 10 minutes, I'm not joking. So thats....I don't know how that happened, a broken class is right twice a day. Everyone else I met on POF or okcupid through out a 10 year period. I never had a relationship last longer than 6 months IN MY LIFE. :(

I'm very unhappy, I get depressed, I feel hallow and empty. I play video games to escape. I moved to Kansas City from Jefferson City, leaving any and all friends behind... and my favorite places. I have no friends up here. So really I don't just want to be a PUA I want to be able, fearless making real lasting friends, and honestly I have to learn to do that again. I been locked away in my own bubble for 4 years and have forgotten how to be social, my inner reality is my worst enemy talking to anyone. My anxiety spikes, and my mind starts attacking me with insecurity. I've lost of confidence. I'm a mess.

This journey started about last summer when a guy said. "A mouth that never opens never gets fed" and when I told him I haven't had sex in 4 years, he about lost it "There is NO reason a guy that looks like Johnny Depp shouldn't be getting ass every night!" ....oh yeah, I look like Johnny Depp... EVERYGIRL I suppose has IOI'd be about this. Really like holy shit proportions. And I don't know how to use it in to my advantage. "You want to date me or Johnny Depp" was my knee jerk reaction. But Now I see this is something I have and can use, but need to figure out how to use it. And its probably why I hooked up with one chick after 10 minutes...maybe.

Any how I'm here to get all the help I need, as I need it. I'm happy to join, and hope this becomes a amazing life changing journey that allows me to become the best me, and helps me bloom and flourish from this cocoon I been living in all my life.

Thanks Everyone


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