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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:01 am 
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Hi guys, so I decided to open up my knowledge base and share with you stuff that I usually
only share with guys who are a part of any of my coaching programs.

This idea came as an inspiration after seeing a lot of guys starting out, but having no idea
on how to start and where to turn to for help
and wherever they turn for help there is someone with
a new "program" to show them the way.

To be clear, I'm in no way disputing programs. Programs have helped me immensely in my journey
with women, and you definitely want to check out and receive some help.

But I also understand that when you're just starting out and want to get your feet wet, you want
something you can try on your own.

Thus I created this series of free content. I will share with you my BEST stuff, and I will hold
nothing back
. I will treat you as someone who is already a part of my personal coaching and
will give you all the value you can take.

So in this series, I will teach you 4 key areas:

1. How to START conversations with women

2. How to KEEP those conversations going and make them interesting

3. How to SHOW INTEREST to a girl that you like her and want to be more than just a friend

4. And how to LEAD to the NEXT LEVEL level, whether it be sexually escalating, asking for her number,
asking her out or leading things to the bedroom.

I do want to say this - I've spent the last 10 years in the game. I've given my all, started as a total
nerd who couldn't say Hi to a girl without my voice trembling, but eventually developed myself to a point
where I was dating 7 (hot) girls at the same time.

I never thought you can actually be exhausted from that amount of sex, but you live to learn.

So what I'm saying is that all of the things I talk about is coming from what I have personally experienced
and not intellectual rehashed B.S.

So proceed with caution.


Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:03 pm 
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So before you even say Hi to a girl, you need to have the right mindset.

When I started out, I was very unaware of this whole new world that exists between
men and women.

You see when most guys start out, they have the mindset of a person
who is CHASING something.

The society pretty much programmed us to think of women as something
higher, as the prize, as something we are lucky to get - like a Porsche or
a Ferrari.

So we guys are walking around thinking women are at the top, and we are at
the bottom.

She's HOT - I'm NOT.

She has the VALUE - I don't.

She is CHOOSING me - I don't choose her.

She has the POWER - I don't.

She is something MORE - I am something less.

This is almost a default mindset for most guys. And they can't help it, because
the society gives beautiful women all the value from the get-go.

So the first shift in thinking is in changing this mindset.

To what?

Well instead of seeing women as more valuable, with more power, with more
status and choices, you want to see women for what they actually ARE.

Here's the thing: Women don't think of themselves as more confident than
you are.

YOU think they are more confident than you are.

Women don't think they're more valuable than you are.

YOU think they are more valuable than you are.

Women don't think (or even want) that they have more power than you.

YOU think they have more power than you.

As a society, we have DEHUMANISED women, and we have definitely OBJECTIFIED them.

We guys are like dogs running after a fresh piece of sausage. We have lost touch
with our own self and our own sense of worth
, and put women on this pedestal of
goddessy and superiority.

We forgot that women are fucking HUMAN beings too, who have their own problems and challenges
like anyone else in the world.

They have hopes, dreams, aspirations. They have worries and fears. They even have - now
you won't believe this - APPROACH ANXIETY.

Yes, they actually feel UNCOMFORTABLE about walking up to a guy and starting a conversation
with him.

Here's the trick guys - women are humans FIRST, women SECOND.

And they DON'T WANT to be on a pedestal.

They DON'T WANT to be put into power.

Women actually HATE when guys see them as more powerful.

Your biggest shift in thinking will come in changing your view of women from

"To hot to talk to"


"I wonder what worries her..."


"I wonder how much she loves her parents..."


I'm sitting in this caffe one day, drinking my coffee, when this amazing girl walks in.

She is GORGEOUS. Her ass is like nothing you've ever seen, and every single person looks
at how she walks to get her coffee.

She has this aura, this strong presence and literally scares guys away with her look.

She sits at a table in front of me, with her back turned towards me, so my ways of starting
a conversation with her are limited.

So I say, "Hey.." so she can hear me. When she turns around I go: "Yea you, I want to ask you something..."

She says, "What?"

I say, "Did you come here for me?"

She smiles for some reason, and isn't bitchy. She says, "Heh, what makes you think I came her for you..."

and I say, "Well I saw you looked at me when you walked in, and I could definitely tell you like me..."

She smiles again, and says, "Aren't we confident..."

And I say, "Yea, that's actually my last name..." and let that sink in with a smile.

The reason why a girl like that responded to me in a pleasant way is because most guys
are plainly SCARED of even talking to her.

So it comes as a surprise to her when someone is actually confident around her.

Then I continue "So what are you doing here anyways?"

She says, "I'm here after work, needed some coffee."

I say, "Really? What do you do?"

She says, "I'm a hairdresser, I work nearby."

Then she says, "you know it would be more comfortable if I didn't have to be turned this way to
talk to can sit next to my desk you know..."

And I say, "Only if you promise not to touch me too much..."

She smiles, and I sit next to her. We talk, and here's where this gets really interesting.

We get into this conversation, and it turns out she's living on her own. She get's deeper and tells
me how her dad is an alcoholic and how he said to her some awful stuff.

Then I look at her and say, "What would happen if you saw your dad told you the thing you
always wanted him to say..."

I look straight into her and I notice a tear coming from her eye.

She looks away, and clears the tear.

All of the sudden that great image of her, her amazing ass and body - all fall away
because I can see a real person underneath.

The illusion of this grandiose woman she was carrying with her has disappeared, and now she
is just a little girl in front of me.

Now she really opens up. She has this wide smile, her arms are open and all the B.S fake
confidence is now out of the window.

So what am I saying here?

Your first shift in thinking is in understanding that women are HUMANS just like you are.

So stop putting women above you.

They have their problems just like anyone else, and if you want to get good with women, your first
step is in RECOGNISING their human side, and CONNECT with them on that side first.

So let's put everything together:

1. Women are not better than you, they are your equal partner.

2. Even though a woman is hot, she is still a little girl inside, looking for a man who can allow her
to be that girl.

3. Women don't have more power than you, unless you give them that power.

4. Women don't want that power - they want a man with that power.

That's your first mindset shift to understand. Stop being like a hungry dog chasing after a sausage.

Burn those ideas into your head before you even walk out of your house.

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:16 pm 
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So the second rule to understand is that your EXPECTATIONS determine your

You see if you approach a woman with shaking anxiety and you imagine all the worst
things that will happen when you say Hi, then that is probably what will happen.

Brian Tracy, the all-time personal development GOD taught me that whatever you
EXPECT WITH FEELING is what will happen.

And it's not because of some esoteric law in the universe, but simply because when

So let me give you an example:

Let's say you want to approach a girl. You look at her, she's beautiful. But as you
think about going there, you feel like she's going to reject you or say something

But then I come to you and tell you that I just spoke with her - and she said that
she really likes you, and that she's really eager for you to talk to her.

Immediately, how would that affect your state?

  • > Would you feel more confident about walking over there and talking to her?

    > Would you feel more at ease with what's about to happen?

You probably would.

The question is WHY?

Nothing has changed. She is the same girl. You are the same guy.

But somehow you feel different about talking to her.

What changed?

What changed are your EXPECTATIONS as to what will happen when you walk over to her.

Instead of EXPECTING her to reject you, you EXPECT her to like you.

And just your expectation affected your behaviour.

You started feeling more confident, you were more relaxed, you smiled more
and you didn't think as much - but you just breathe.

And because you approach a girl in this state, she is much more likely to
respond positively to you.

Is this making sense?

Your expectations determine your results, because your expectations determine your
behaviour that will lead to those results.

So if you psyche yourself up with how she's going to reject you, embarrass you, say NO
to you, and ignore you...

Then those things will make you walk nervously, smile awkwardly, and breathe like a rabbit
being squeezed into a corner.

So what to do about it? How can you change your expectations?


The thing to understand is that you are ALWAYS visualizing, whether you're conscious of it or not.

When you imagine her rejecting you and blowing you off, you're visualizing.

So you simply want to visualize a different response, the one when she likes you and smiles at you.

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is that before any situation,
successful people imagine the situation going well - and unsuccessful people imagine the
situation going bad.

Your mind can be your boss or your bitch. You can make it your bitch by directing your
thoughts into the direction you want them to go.

So do this right now:

Step 1: Imagine a really hot girl you'd want to approach.

Step 2: Imagine approaching her and saying Hi, and notice her smiling and saying Hi in return.

Step 3: Now imagine her touching you, liking you, even hugging you. Imagine her telling you that
she likes you.

Now notice how this makes you feel?
  • > Do you feel more at ease and confident?

    > Do you feel more relaxed and calm?

    > Do you feel like you can HANDLE a girl like that now?
That's the power of visualization.

I want to encourage you to spend 5 minutes each morning just imagining approaching
beautiful women
, and have them respond to you in a positive way.

In just a short time, like 3 days, you'll notice a significant increase in your level of

As a side benefit, you'll start noticing women smiling at you or giving you the look.

You'll just have this aura of approachability, where women feel like they WANT to
talk to you.

I want to know from you - did you notice a difference when you expect something
to happen in a positive way versus a negative way?

Send me a pm or comment below. I read every comment and pm you send.

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:51 pm 
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So the next part of getting good with women is eliminating the #1 thing
that will stop you dead on in your journey of getting good with women.

It's called FEAR.

Fear is the thing that will kill any chances of ever getting good with women.

Here's the simple truth: most guys live in their COMFORT ZONE.

  • > Their comfort zone rules their life.

    > They like their comfy warm bed in the morning.

    > They like their comfy job that gives them security.

    > They like their comfy idea of who they are so they don't risk rejection.

So when they think about walking up to a girl and starting a conversation,
they feel STUCK.

They get this sinking feeling in their stomach, they can't think, breathe or
do anything.

They feel PARALYSED.

Here's the thing: Our mind is millions of years old, and it's not
designed to make us happy or successful - it is designed to make us SURVIVE.

So it's in our nature is to always seek comfort and security.

The smarter the guy is, the more his mind will have control over him - and the
more it will keep him in the comfort zone.

I have an expression "The dumber the guy, the hotter the girl"

If a guy isn't very intellectually developed, he is more prone to be using his instincts - and
less prone to be trapped by his mind.

But smart guys have it much worse. Their strongly developed mind is smart in pointing out the
DANGERS of the world.

"Well now, don't go and talk to her, because if you do, she may reject you - and then your entire
social circle will reject you and you'll die"

"Don't go and talk to her, because you're supposed to be somebody - you're smart - you can't
get rejected - that will crush the illusionary idea of who you are - and we can't have that"

So what to do about it?

How can you overcome the fear?


The first shift in your thinking has to come from seeing fear as something you run away from, to something
you challenge and attack.

A man has to have a very personal relationship with fear. Because fear is with you since the day
you were born, and if you don't get familiar with your fear, it will literally RUN your life.

The relationship you have with your fear is going to determine how you live your life.

If your relationship with your fear is such where you don't even know it exists, it will control
you when you want to do something that's "risky".

It's going to come out in the form of a self-talk with things like, "She'll reject you" and "Everybody will
laugh at you..."

The relationship I suggest you develop with your fear is that of LISTENING to what it's saying, and then

That’s right.

When you hear your fear telling you about what "might" happen if you do X, play the REBEL.

Remember when your parents told you "You can't go out and play" or "I forbid you from doing that"

... you went and did it JUST BECAUSE they said you can't.

It's almost you were spiteful.

This is exactly the same process you want to use with your fear.

Instead of allowing fear to intimidate you, like some boggie man - you CHALLENGE it and say,

"O yeah? They're going to laugh at me? Well if that's the case, let's go there and make them laugh
at me with double the intensity. I'm actually going to go there and INTENTIONALLY try to make
them laugh at me. What now? What are you going to say now, bitch?"

When you act this boldly in the face of your fear, here's what will happen:

The fear will blink.

The fear is really the biggest bluffer there is. And you want to call it's bluff.

When you develop this spiteful, challenging, rebellious attitude towards fear, 2 things will happen:

1) Your CONFIDENCE will increase instantly. You'll go from scared, shaking, trembling AFC, to a confident
challenging "spark in the eye" SOB.

2) Because of your confident challenging attitude, you're going to DECREASE the possibility that the thing
you're scared of happening will even happen.

Because if you approach a girl in the attitude - I dare you, reject me - she'll have a different response to you
just because you're confident.

Make sense?

So let's say you want to start a conversation with a girl, and you're afraid she'll reject you.

You say to your fear: "O yeah? You're scaring me with that? Let me go there and make her reject me.

What now, bitch? Have anything else on me?"

Remember in 8 mile, the movie - when Eminem looked Papa Doc in the eyes and said EVERYTHING papa doc
could use against him - IN ADVANCE?

"Yea Wink did fuck my girl, but I'm still standing here screaming fuck the free world!"


When you act with whatever fear has in store for you, you take away it's weapon to intimidate you.

So shift your brain right now that when you see that girl you want to approach next time, you'll fucking
attack and try to invoke the thing that your fear is telling you might happen.


Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:13 am 
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thanks man very useful info as always.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:17 am 
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thanks man very useful info as always.
Glad you're enjoying it. Hope you're applying it as well.

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:05 am 
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Thanks man! Keep it coming.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 9:37 am 
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Have you ever wanted to approach a girl, but in the back of your mind you thought

"If I approach her, she'll just look at me weird and give me that "what the fuck does this guy want?" face"

Some women just have that face expression like they're going to murder someone.

It's a combination of sexy and bitchy - and often you can't tell the difference between the two.


This is one of the main fears guys tell me they have about approaching a woman.

So what's the thing? If you approach a really hot girl, will she act bitchy and reject you?

Will she give you the weird look and act like you fell from the moon?

Here's my most honest answer to this question:

It's possible that a girl will give you a weird look. It is possible that a girl will look at her
friend and be like, "Wha'?"

However, that will happen only in two cases:

1) You approach her with a quiet "I can barely hear you" voice and you act REALLY nervous.

2) She already has a bitch-face on her and is clearly in a very irritated state which you
ignored and still approached her by being "nice".

I call this the Rotwailer meeting pudle effect. It's the equivalent when a pudle walks up to an
angry Rotwailer.

Here's my point: To avoid getting that weird look, don't approach in an awkward, insecure
body language.

Instead, follow these guidelines:

1. If you walk up to her, don't MUMBLE over your words. SPEAK UP. Make sure she hears you.

A cool technique I use to open my vocal cords is to say "I AM A CHOCOLATE DRRRAGGONNN" couple
of times out loud before I go anywhere out. Especially emphasise the word DRRRAAGGOOONN and
make sure you say it from the bottom of your gut.

I know, it's stupid - but when you say these words, they open up your vocal cords so your voice is
clearer, sharper and you're better understood.

2. Stop smiling nervously like you're about to get a lollipop. Smile when you say Hi, but
then wipe that smile away and talk to her in a normal way.

3. State why you're there from the beginning. If you want to get her opinion, say, "Hey, can I get your
opinion on something?"
with a clear and strong voice.

If you're there because you like her and want to talk to her, say "Hey, I saw you from over there and
thought you were cute, and I wanted to say Hi. What's up?"

Never mumble or fumble. Clearly state why you're there in the first place.

When women can hear the decisiveness in your voice, they get their act up quickly. They won't be getting
any bright ideas to tear you apart, because they'll assume you're a confident guy. And you just don't
mess with confident guys.

Now I want to hear from you. Have you ever approached a girl and she gave you a weird look? Do you
remember if you approached in this state as I described above? What happened?

Make a comment or send me a pm - I answer to every one.

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:07 am 
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So I was thinking about creating this article for guys and share with them some of the things
that I see guys do all the time when approaching women.

It’s those things that make women lean back and ignore the guy, or flat out reject him.

Sometimes just knowing what not to do can help you immensely, even more than knowing what to do.

So I want to share with you 4 of the most common mistakes guys do when approaching women - and how to
avoid them.

Mistake #1: Having An INSECURE Body Language

When I say being insecure, I mean being insecure through your body language and voice tone.

More specifically, I see guys approach a girl with that “I’m sorry I exist”
body language, sounding quiet like they’re in trouble for getting an F in school.

They slouch their shoulders, stick a nervous smile on their face, put their hands in their pockets and say:

“Um, Hi, um..he he, I’m sorry to bother you, he he, but I um… kind you.. he he”


Of course I’m over exaggerating here, but I’m not far from the truth. I see guys do this all the time in bars,
clubs and even on the street.

PLEASE, for the love of GOD - when you approach a woman, fix your body language.

> Stand ERECT.

> Push your chest up - even if you feel uncomfortable with it.

> Get your hands out of your pocket, and put them next to your body.

> SPEAK UP. Don’t mumble or fumble. State your intent right there and then.

> Say out loud “HEY, I saw you from over there and thought you look cute, so I wanted to
say Hi. What’s up?”

And then smile and look at them.

Mistake #2: Being TOO CREATIVE With Their “Lines”

The next thing I see guys do is they give a lot of thought into what they should say to a girl
to go and talk to her.

They think of all the clever, creative ways of saying something unique. Something that no
other guy ever thought of.

Well, I have a unique idea for you:

Your desire to be unique, is your most un-unique idea ever.

Because here’s what - EVERY guy tries to be unique.

Every guy wants to say something *special* and by doing that, ends up sounding
like every other guy.

But here’s whats actually unique - a guy who is open and authentic about his intentions
from the get go and acts NORMAL.

Do you understand how RARE it is for a guy to approach a girl and not be weird?

Are you aware how rare it is for a girl to experience a guy to walk up to her, and in a confident (normal) way

“Hey, yes you. Stop for a second. You know I saw you from over there, and thought you look really cute,
so I wanted to walk over here and say Hi. What’s up?”

Most guys think they need to have some creative line like, “I had a dream about you
yesterday” or “your eyes are like an ocean”.

When you think of going creative or confident and simple - always go confident and simple.

The simpler, the better. Just state it out loud. Raise your voice and make your body presence felt. You’ll go
a long way.

#3 Not Having An EXIT PLAN

The final mistake I see guys do is they walk into an approach, without an approximate idea of how
they’re going to end the interaction.

Two things are going to cause anxiety - not knowing what you'll say, and not knowing how you’ll
end the conversation.

So they’ll start a conversation, and then kind of linger in it.

“Hey how’s it going? Aha, that’s nice… soo, what’s your sign, heh.”

You want to design an universal exit line you can use at all times. And when you know exactly
how you’ll end the conversation, you’ll feel more relaxed, and most importantly - like you have the control.

So here’s a universal line you can use to end the conversation:

When you notice the conversation dying down, you say this:

“Ok, well I gotta go. But it was really nice meeting you. Have a great day. Bye bye.”

And you walk away.

When you know exactly how to end the interaction without running away like a hurt loser, you’ll feel in power.

And when you feel in power, you’ll look more confident.


This one is a biggie. When most guys approach a girl, they focus on getting a girl’s number, or a date,
or even a kiss close.

But very few focus on the process itself.

Here’s a question: What’s the purpose of approaching a girl?

> To get laid?

> To get her number?

> To ask her out?

All those things are not the purpose, they are the CONSEQUENCE of the approach.

Like when you go to work - your point is to make money, but you don’t go to work and say, “give me money.”

But you go to work and you say, “What can I DO so I receive money in return?”

And when you go to work every day, you focus on DOING what you need to do, and you don’t think about
the money - because money will be there if you just DO.

Make sense?

So it’s the same in the approach.

If you focus on the outcome, you LOSE.

But if you focus on the process, you’ll WIN.

The purpose of the approach is this:



When you say “Hi”, your purpose should be to introduce yourself so she can get to know more about you.

And later to find out more about her.

1. So what is she doing here?
Why is she on the street?
Where is she headed?

2. Why is she in the bar?
Tired from work?
Had a long week?

3. What’s her thing?
Does she work or goes to school?
What made her study/work in that field?

4. Does she have a hobby?
What made her take up that hobby?

5. Is she the creative type?
Or is she very structured and logical?

Focus on the PROCESS, not on the outcome.

And naturally, the outcome will happen - because when the moment comes, it’ll feel natural to ask
for her number or ask her out.

Now I want to hear from you - can you recognise yourself in doing any of these things? Do you have
a story to share with me about it?

Let me know in the comments or send me a pm - I answer every one of them.

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:29 am 
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When guys are starting out with getting good with women, they connect
a lot of emotion to the idea of “failure” and “success”.

For most guys, failing means not getting a date or her number the first
time they approach a girl.

And also, what they see as success is getting a number or a kiss close
with the first girl they ever approach.

New guys set their standards so high that if anything else happens that
doesn’t meet their standards - they feel emotionally destroyed.

> Oh I approached her but she ignored me.

> Oh I walked over there and said Hi but she wasn’t really friendly

> Oh I approached her but she didn’t want to give me her number.

There is one thing that will DESTROY your chances of ever reaching significant amount
of success.

This one thing is responsible for guys persisting and succeeding, and for guys
quitting with their head down.


In business, there is a concept called “Be the bigger person”.

What it means is that in every situation, you want to keep a cool head and
never get emotionally on a low level with the other person.

So if you’re negotiating with a person and he loses his cool, you keep your cool.

You detach yourself emotionally from the interaction.

And you win by default.

When you’re learning how to get good with women, avoid getting
EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED to the outcome of the situation.

1. Emotionally detach yourself if the girl ignores you.

2. Emotionally detach yourself if the conversation doesn’t go well.

3. Emotionally detach yourself from getting her number.

Keep your head cool.

If she ignores you, don’t act all offended and say, “bitch”.

But treat it like a scientific problem, a math equation you’re trying to figure out.

Totally cool.

“Aha, this doesn’t work. Let me try something else.”

> Don’t analyse and ponder on to “why” she didn’t respond well.

> Don’t think about “ahh I should have said this and that.”

Just make a note, and move on to the next one.

Take this analogy:

Let’s say you’re learning some random skill, like playing chess or learning to code,
or something as simple as typing on a computer.

How do you go about moments when you make a mistake?

Do you get all emotional and soft, analysing your every move - or do you
simply discard it and do it again?

And again.

And again.

And again.

Until you finally get it.

You want to do the same here.

In business, with women and in life - people who win are the people who can experience
“failure” and keep a cool head
- not be emotionally attached to it - AND DO IT AGAIN.

“Success consists of going from failure to failure, without the loss of enthusiasm.”
Winston Churchill


So here’s your action plan to use this in the real world.

Set a goal of approaching 3 girls every day, without ever being emotional about their
response. You detach yourself completely from it, but you take is a skill building experience.

You don’t care.

Whatever happens, detach yourself from creating meaning about who you are, what you’re
about, what this experience means for your ego.

Just let that all go, and treat it as dry as a math equation.

You’ll win.

Again, I want to hear from you. Have you ever experienced emotional attachment? Have you ever gotten a “no” or a girl ignored you, and you flipped out?

Let me know in the comments below, or send me a pm - as always, I respond to every one.

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:30 am 
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Posts: 1020
Thanks man! Keep it coming.
Appreciate it man.

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:49 am 
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Posts: 206

Have you ever wanted to approach a girl, but in the back of your mind you thought

"If I approach her, she'll just look at me weird and give me that "what the fuck does this guy want?" face"

Some women just have that face expression like they're going to murder someone.

It's a combination of sexy and bitchy - and often you can't tell the difference between the two.


This is one of the main fears guys tell me they have about approaching a woman.

So what's the thing? If you approach a really hot girl, will she act bitchy and reject you?

Will she give you the weird look and act like you fell from the moon?

Here's my most honest answer to this question:

It's possible that a girl will give you a weird look. It is possible that a girl will look at her
friend and be like, "Wha'?"

However, that will happen only in two cases:

1) You approach her with a quiet "I can barely hear you" voice and you act REALLY nervous.

2) She already has a bitch-face on her and is clearly in a very irritated state which you
ignored and still approached her by being "nice".

I call this the Rotwailer meeting pudle effect. It's the equivalent when a pudle walks up to an
angry Rotwailer.

Here's my point: To avoid getting that weird look, don't approach in an awkward, insecure
body language.

Instead, follow these guidelines:

1. If you walk up to her, don't MUMBLE over your words. SPEAK UP. Make sure she hears you.

A cool technique I use to open my vocal cords is to say "I AM A CHOCOLATE DRRRAGGONNN" couple
of times out loud before I go anywhere out. Especially emphasise the word DRRRAAGGOOONN and
make sure you say it from the bottom of your gut.

I know, it's stupid - but when you say these words, they open up your vocal cords so your voice is
clearer, sharper and you're better understood.

2. Stop smiling nervously like you're about to get a lollipop. Smile when you say Hi, but
then wipe that smile away and talk to her in a normal way.

3. State why you're there from the beginning. If you want to get her opinion, say, "Hey, can I get your
opinion on something?"
with a clear and strong voice.

If you're there because you like her and want to talk to her, say "Hey, I saw you from over there and
thought you were cute, and I wanted to say Hi. What's up?"

Never mumble or fumble. Clearly state why you're there in the first place.

When women can hear the decisiveness in your voice, they get their act up quickly. They won't be getting
any bright ideas to tear you apart, because they'll assume you're a confident guy. And you just don't
mess with confident guys.

Now I want to hear from you. Have you ever approached a girl and she gave you a weird look? Do you
remember if you approached in this state as I described above? What happened?

Make a comment or send me a pm - I answer to every one.

I find this type of girls at clubs social events usually, them girls looking hot in mini dresses, I found this regular 2 chicks maybe 7.5, last saturday in a club I approach with all the confidence in the world and I get the bitch face from one of them..did not care much and started talking with the other girl 5 or 10 minutes I left excusing me that I had friends waiting for me in the patio...funny thing an hour later the girl that got bitch face from, approached me with the excuse of she never expected me I spoke spanish, we talked for about 30 minutes fun time I had talking with her.

my favorite opener for clubs that I used is: "excuse me I know this is a little awkward but I saw you from what I was, and decided to come and introduce myself, my name is xxx"

works all the time, I guess that when I approached the 2 girls my ego was just too high because they were 7's girls that I was so overconfident approaching and one of them rejected me.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:52 am 
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Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:50 am
Posts: 206
thanks man very useful info as always.
Glad you're enjoying it. Hope you're applying it as well.
I do my best applying them phantom.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:55 am 
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I do my best applying them phantom.
Awesome man, keep it up!

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:29 pm 
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Posts: 1020

So you're walking down the street, and you see HER.

And she's beautiful.

She's just the kind of girl you always wanted to meet.

You want to start a conversation with her, but you have no idea what to say.

Well what could you say?

Let's think together here.

You could say:


"Hey, I have to tell you something. I saw you from over there and thought
to myself, "she's gorgeous" and I had to come and say Hi."

That would work, right?

But you have to have the balls to say that. Because in all honesty, saying something like that
really puts you on the spot, doesn't it?


To ease off the pressure a bit, you may use a lie and say something like:

"Hey, quick question. I need to find the nearest bus-station and can't find it.
Do you know where it is?"


That would work, but the problem is you wouldn't ENGAGE her in a conversation with this.

In the first example, you were very direct and open about why you want to talk to her,
which leaves a lot of space to keep talking.

In the second, after she tells you where the bus station is, it's done.

So is there a middle option?

Yes, it's called:


Now the third option is to OBSERVE something about her, and make a COMMENT
about it.

For example, as she's walking...
  • Did you notice her new gucci bag?

    Did you notice she walks super elegant, like a dancer?

    Did you notice she has this great positive energy?
After you notice that, you could easily comment on it, right?

You could say,

"Hey, you know I noticed you from over there and couldn't help
noticing you walk really elegant...are you a dancer by any chance?"

"Hey, you know I saw you from over there and I wanted to come here and say I've
noticed have this amazing energy about yourself... "

"Hey, you know I saw you from over there and noticed your style, it's really classy...
..are you a fashion designer?"

Now I know, you may be thinking: "But I would never think to say this..."

I understand, that's why I want to give you a...


You see, instead of thinking about WHAT to say for too long, the best way is to

NOTICE what is the FIRST thing that you notice about her.

And let me give you an outside example of this:

For example,
  • When you see a random guy passionately taking pictures with a camera,
    your first thought could be "Is he a professional photographer?"

    If you see a girl in a dress with butterflies, your first thought could be
    "Is she an artist?"

    If you see a girl walking really elegantly, your first thought could be
    "Is she a dancer?"[/color]
So your first challenge is to become AWARE of what
people around you are doing, vs. being in your head and thinking about what to say.

Then your next challenge is to walk up and say it.

"Hey, quick question - are you a professional photographer?
Because I've noticed how passionate you are with taking pictures."

Hey, quick question - are you an artist? Because I've noticed your dress with
butterflies, and I thought only an artistic soul would would wear something
like that."

Hey, quick question - are you a dancer? Because I couldn't help noticing your walk -
it's so elegant."

Make sense?

So the gist of it is this:

1. Become AWARE of your surroundings

2. NOTICE something about the people

3. ASK them about it

Pretty simple.


For all of you just starting out, I have a challenge - if you choose to accept it.

Step #1: Go out and observe 3 different girls with what they're doing.
Notice how they walk, their dress, or anything that stands out about them.

Step #2: Walk up to them and make a comment about it. Ask them about it
using the examples above.

Step #3: Say, "Awesome, well I wish you a great day, bye" and leave the

If you're just starting out, just walking over there and saying something is enough to
get your feet wet.

When you do it, send me a pm with the story of how you did it, and for anyone who
sends me a story of his experience, I will give a free coaching session, where I will
personally help you get to the next level.

Test out my new Approach Anxiety technique, that eliminates your AA
in UNDER an hour (2022 updated)

You can try it here Here: New AA Cure

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