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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:19 am 
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Hi Everyone,

I'll be posting my adventures in real life here.

Let me tell you a little about more.. well.. a lot about me, but only the important stuff.

I am 26 years old, nearly 27. I've known about the game since I was seventeen years old but haven't really taken it that seriously. My first exposure to PUA material was when I typed 'How to kiss a girl' in Google and the old message board came up. I've been going down this rabbit hole ever since, mostly reading theory and videos online.

My real life experiences so far have been rich and varied. I've lost count of how many women I've slept or fooled around with, but the number isn't astronomically high. I've had some really attractive girls, fucked some fat chicks, but in general the quality of women I have been with is below average.

I had a really, really difficult childhood which led me growing up extremely insecure and depressed. I spent the years of 17 to 25 mostly living in my bedroom, living vicariously though computer games and the life experiences of others. During this time I was still living how I wanted to an extent: I was getting laid, I was playing in a band, had a job and a few friends.. so it wasn't that bad.. I definitely don't feel sorry for myself and could be a lot worse!

I realized the other day that my time is running short. After knowing about this for nearly TEN YEARS I still haven't reached the level of abundance that would satisfy me. It literally feels like my dreams are being ripped away from me, and what's worse is that it's something I'm doing to myself through a lack of consistency and work ethic. I am the first to admit that I am lazy. But laziness is a luxury that I can no longer afford to indulge in. My time is running out every time I don't approach a girl I want to meet.

The positive is that my situation is far from hopeless. It's not like this is my first time or anything. I moved to a new city and country far away from my family and friends. I've hooked up with a few girls here from cold approach and got some solid numbers and responses. But then I started falling back into my comfort zone of smoking weed and playing video games ten hours a day. I've realized that although I may like doing this, and that it's okay to do this sometimes, I don't really get any satisfaction from doing it. I mean, it's like eating a triple cheeseburger; you don't even remember eating it once you're finished and you feel guilty and shit afterwards.. and you definitely don't feel satisfied.

I have game, I know how to be charismatic, lead and be dominant and let my introverted nature work for me instead of against me. Girls tell me a lot 'You're so mysterious', and because I'm naturally quiet it tends to make the chick more in her head than me, because I'm not trying to make any sort of impression. I'm just being myself.. which is a chill reserved guy. I have a job where I am interacting with lots of people every day, I am a business development manager, so I can absolutely talk away when the situation calls for it.. but it's not my primary reality. I'd rather listen, absorb and reflect. As I'm sure most introverts do.

Here's the bottom line: I have an absolute clarity on what I want my life to look like in almost every area. Now it's time to execute like a motherfucker. No more theory, no more KJing, no more procrastinating. I've hit my threshold for how much BS I will take for myself and this it. I've clenched my fists and howled 'Enough!'

There are no external factors holding me back. It's one hundred percent me. Which makes this realization all the more painful and liberating at once.

I don't like night game.. I did for about a year and could never really get into it. The environment is retarded and almost everything about it is overstimulating. I still pulled occasionally, some with really cute girls and met a great girl who I had relationship with for two years at a lounge.. so it does work. It's just not for me.

So I'm going to focus on day game. Street game is hilarious and is something I have dabbled with where I live. About a month ago I approached a cute girl on the street and we had sex the next day. Last Friday I approached another girl and I had my first ever instadate to a restaurant. These experiences if anything just help me realize that picking up is a completely normal thing and that there's nothing special about it at all. When you read so much theory and content I think the danger is turning pick up into some kind of superpower or fairy tale. So when you go out into the real world and don't get those instant results.. you take it personally. You think it's something you are doing wrong. Material conceals a basic truth that the vast majority of girls will want nothing to do with you whatsoever. Maybe as high as 90% of girls you meet will have absolutely no interest in.. and you are exactly the same with other people.. so it's not that your game sucks or that you aren't alpha or high enough value.. it's just how people are.. and there's literally nothing you can do except to talk to the next chick.. to find someone who actually DOES dig your vibe. But that's a concept which is hard to sell to people.. which is why it's uncommon to hear.

Anyway, sorry for digressing.

Here's my plan:

Focus on WARMING UP to be in a social mood. I can't believe I didn't think of this when I would sometimes walk around for hours and not make a single approach. Approach everyone, continually give myself evidence that no one is going to get angry if I talk to a cute girl.. and when I see that one girl out of a hundred.. go for it!

Approach ten quality girls per day at a minimum , and work on talking to EVERYONE as a normal part of my daily routine.

Join some special interest clubs that I know my ideal girl will frequent.

Get a larger social circle. Hang around people I that I find cool and make an effort to stay in touch and develop the relationship with. (I am naturally a loner so I am terrible at this).

Keep game as simple as possible. Don't have any plan in mind. I already know what I'm doing. Just approach until you find the cute girls who want my in my life.

The rest of this journal will detail my day to day activities, my internal thoughts and reflections.. and hopefully give the reader some inspiration or at least be mildly entertaining.

I'll come back to this tomorrow..

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:53 am 
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As promised, an update.

After I finished work at 7:30 I boarded the tram to get to the city.

I had reminded myself to keep present throughout the day and was feeling pretty good.

As soon as I stepped on the tram a hot blonde boarded at the same time.

I didn't feel the usual anxiousness when I looked at her. I felt at peace and completely at ease. When I am in a logical headspace the feeling is completely different. This was a small victory in itself.

After I got the to city I walked around for a bit and approached a guy smoking. We chatted for awhile, cracked some jokes and gave me a bro handshake as he left.

I idled around for a bit before going to an internet café.

After that, I walked around some more and spontaneously tried to open a cute Asian girl walking the opposite direction to me. All that came out was a quiet 'Hi', she didn't seem to notice and kept walking. I felt really good for opening.

Then I saw this really hot girl walking in the opposite direction, our eyes locked.. then nothing. I couldn't do it. My legs froze and I had an intense feeling of vertigo throughout my entire body. FUCK! I smashed my fist against my hand for fucking up.

I walked around angry for the rest of the time. Knowing that it wasn't ME that didn't want to do it, but my mind holding me back. I've overthought approaching so much and it has blown up to being such a big deal that my mind has created a lot of resistance to actually doing it.

Now I am walking back home.. quite pissed and in a foul mood.

I see this girl walking down from my street and I walk slower so our paths can intercept.

I am almost at my door. The leverage from the past self-rejection gives me the resolve to open no matter what:

'Hey! Stop!'

She keeps walking.

'You are really cute. Come here for a second.'

Still walking.

'I'm walking home', she replied, and disappears in the shadow of the street light.

First of all, I felt amazing and very proud for doing this. I picked myself up and pushed through my approach anxiety. I'm starting to Believe that the pain of self-rejection is much harsher than words ANY girl could say to me. Once I get going my sets go pretty well.

I guess it's my own narcissism that thinks people actually give a shit. Especially when I don't do it out of fear of what people think of me. Everyone is inside their own little reality, concentrating on their own shit.

I could have walked with her and shown empathy,

'Yeah I know this is totally random meeting a stranger from the street! Just two minutes, two minutes..'

She probably didn't have enough compliance to stop, plus we were pretty far away making the approach awkward.

I go to bed feeling amazing and inspired.. and ready for tomorrow.

Today my goal is to approach more sets and commit to them.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:15 pm 
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With the exception of yesterday, today I felt like this was my first really taking this seriously. I don't have any wings to approach with so I am doing this completely solo.

It takes me awhile to warm up to doing approaches. I idle around for maybe about half an hour before I get into the right headspace to actually go and do some approaches. This is probably not good for my state.. not mention a huge waste of time. It's something I'm working on to change gradually. Warming up helps me a lot. I need to remind myself that if I talk to a girl I'm not attracted to or a dude for instance it's not because I want to show intent or get anything from them but to build social momentum.

I notice that sometimes I approach automatically sometimes. Like I will look up and suddenly there will be a girl there. There's zero time to hesitate or overthink.. and it feels amazing.

So today was pretty fun.

I started the day with some random faggot on a bicycle asking if I 'Believed in Jesus Christ?' I thought of the most offensive reply. 'No. I'm a satanist.' then I walked away. He gave me a kind of shocked look and sulked away.

I went to the mall and started opening girls about when it closed. I noticed their closed, attracted nervousness. Some of them couldn't control themselves from smiling, others were more cold. Every girl I spoke to was polite and seemed happy to chat.

It was late and it started to rain pretty hard. After having short chats with around three girls in the mall I spoke to this cute but chubby asian chick near the bus shelter. We spoke for maybe ten minutes with the occassional interruption from random people pushing past. 'This is boring', I thought as we talked. I was compeltely relaxed. I didn't feel that intense approach anxiety anymore. She smiled and laughed at all my jokes. Quiet and attentive. She asked if I was getting on the same bus as her, I told her no. Anyway she had to go so she boarded and left.

For the next half hour or so I opened random people, gave a street musician some of my change, fucked with a couple on an escalator and chatted to random dudes on the street.

I noticed how that, people were chasing for my approval. If I made a joke with a random guy or just started a normal convo, he would try to impress me subtly by keeping up or make some sort of impression. That was a small realisation as I used to feel the need to do that, and it comes across as kinda pathetic when I see it from other people.

The final set was the most fun and kinda painful. I hadn't done a direct approach for a long time. I felt really weird doing it, and half-expected failure before I stepped up to her. This is how it went:

'I know this is random'. I said, bracing myself for what I'm going to say. She was pretty cute.

'I saw you there and um.' I looked away as I said this. I did not want to see her reaction.

'Yeah I saw you over there and I wanted to say you're.. you're cute.'

She then just kinda glanced around. I assumed she was half processing what I just said as well as literally looking for an excuse to brush me off.

'Oh yeah. Well.. um.. I'm kind of busy.'

I really did not know what to say to that.

'Thank you....!' She said in her best customer service voice as I walked away, feeling proud of myself, and for the first time in a long while, rejected. Not because she didn't immediately unzip my pants, but because I folded too early. Next time I will persist for longer. I need to stop rejecting myself like this. She probably just couldn't accept the compliment.

I can already feel myself growing stronger and hardening my ego to this kind of thing.

My goals for tomorrow are the same: show me more persistence and open more. But today was a huge improvement from yesterday.. especially going direct and forcing the words to come out even though I really was not comfortable doing that.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:01 am 
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I woke up ridiculously late on Sunday.. it's Monday afternoon as I am typing this.

The thing I dislike the most after feeling in state is going to sleep and resetting your baseline in the morning.. and I'm really not a morning person.

Anyway.. nothing really happened on Sunday. I kind of just walked around on the street which is getting really REALLY boring and old. In a way this is a positive thing, because it forces me to approach or walk around bored out of my mind. I will stay out until I get in the right frame of mind to approach.. which is really a misconception as I already know.

I activated my online dating profile awhile ago and started messaging a few girls. One of the most frustrating things is that you can have an awesome conversation over a couple of days.. then they fizzle out and you never hear from them again. I think most girls are on these sites just for the attention and having no commitment to meet with the men that flirt with them. Apart of me believes that every girl there wants to get fucked.. but I guess it all depends on the girl. Your image and appearance matters way more online than any other medium.. if you aren't her particular 'Type' then she probably won't even respond.

My approach to online game is to screen for the date in the first message. If she doesn't want to meet up then I'm not going to waste my fucking time talking to these chicks for days. The following 'Opener', is what I'm using now and so far I've set up two dates:

'Hi. You seem cool. This will seem forward, but I'd like to meet you in real life and hang out. I'm not weird or creepy, just a regular guy.. so what do you think? :)'

Then maybe she wants to exchange a few messages first and get comfortable with the idea of a date.. which is fine. It definitely helps screen out the attention whores and black holes that just want to be validated. It shows that I am not fucking around. She might still want to play her little games of taking a few hours to respond per messages and all that stuff, which is fine for me. I've always viewed online as an auxiliary method to meet women just for the experience, cold approach is king. I've had a lot of dates from online, and in general the girls that do meet up are easy to fuck because why else would they be on there?

I was listening to some music last night and I had a small realization. People are always looking to make something.. anything.. into a comfort zone. Right now my comfort zone is to chat for awhile and get her number. That's what is becoming normal to me. I am rarely in the mindset of walking up to her with the intention of FUCKING HER. I think it's partially a head trash issue for why I can't project this to her. I am going to focus on being more sexual, and pushing each set to its' limit. I've forgot how to be a sexual threat early. This is going to change.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:48 pm 
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Today I just got home from an exhausting day of work and spending about an hour chilling out with this girl I met from the street. I am typing this as I want for my Dominos delivery.

As per my usual routine, as soon a I stepped off the tram in the city I go to the 7/11, grab a caffienated drink, smoke a cigarette and start unwinding from my day. Where I live there's a town square where there's usually at least a few beautiful women sitting and playing with their phones, even in the extremely cold weather - not quite snowing, but close to being in single digits.

I scope out the place. It's empty with the exception to one Asian chick and two Indian guys sitting on the steps. It's becoming easier and easier for me to be myself, which is a beautiful thing. Usually AA would leave me dead in my tracks and not do anything, but I was able to walk up to her and commit to opening.

'Excuse me'

'Excuse me..'

'Excuse me......'

I peer over my shoulder to look at the Indian dudes. They are not paying attention to what's going on at all, even if it looks odd. One thing I've realised is that people are focused on whatever the fuck they are doing. You could be doing anything within reason and no one will give a fuck, at all. People are way too self-absorbed and stuck in their reality that they can't see beyond. It feels like you are walking around with an invisibility cape when you realise this. It's the most liberating reality of game.

So she's not responding but I don't think she's ignoring me. I do something which had intimidated me for awhile, opening physically by tapping her on the outside of her shoulder. I really didn't want to do this, but pushed through.

She opened well, did not seem shocked or surprised at all that a stranger touched her.

I start asking a few questions about how to use the Wifi on my phone, she seems confused. I talk to her for maybe a minute. She's not attractive but seems receptive. I walk away and she gives me a trailing glance which could have read: 'Where are you going? Stay and talk to me..' No thanks.

I immediately walk into one of the main train stations across the road and open a woman asking more or less the same question. Now I feel good and loose. I start scoping out more prize worthy targets.

On the street I notice a woman walking slowly and had a dreamy look in her eyes. I know from experience these type of girls are often bored and wouldn't mind a friendly sidewalk chat.

I ask her some logistical opener about how to find a certain street that I had been to a million times. She is a business traveller from Asia. Very cute, friendly, a little shy and wary. We continue walking around the city as we both have nothing better to do. I won't post the verbal content as I don't remember 90% of it. But the vibe was very laidback and chill, with a 'Let's get to know each other', kind of vibe simmered with the occasional tease or shocking comment to amp the arousal.

We talk for perhaps an hour and end up on the outskirts of the city, looking at the cityspace on a comfortable bench across the river. She learns a lot about me, and I do the same for her. I commit to my promise earlier today by keeping an intense eye contact and playful kino. I hug her, touch her arm, touch her hands. She seems to like it and starts giving some overt IOIs. 'I like guys from (your country). I'm adventurous. We met for a reason.' She laughed at all my lame jokes and touched my arm more than once. I wasn't consciously processing this as it happened, they were just things I noticed throughout the interaction.

I learn that she has a hotel nearby and is only staying here for four days. I am getting laid, but not tonight. There was a flirty but not a sexual vibe between us. She didn't want to drink or have a coffee and honestly I just wanted to go home. She kept asking me questions like 'Where do you live?' More than once. 'Who do you live with?' She even lied to me initially saying that she had room-mates, then opened up and said she was staying in a hotel.

So the end of the night I led her back to where her hotel was. We exchanged contact details and agreed to see each other again. I could have tried for the kiss at this point, but there was no blood in the water. I could tell this experience alone was slightly overwhelming for her, so I left it at a handshake and walked home.

The second date will produce results. She had been hinting that 'Drinking makes her crazy' and this other suggestive shit that when we're alone with plausible deniability then it's game over.

She doesn't live far at all from me so the lay will be an easy pull.

My phone just lit up. She sent me the first message now.

I have a date from online game tomorrow (using the opener I shared in the previous post) and she's probably one of the hottest girls I've had a response from so far. I got frustrated from giving so many value-giving messages only to waste my own time on girls who never had the intention of meeting up to begin with. My methodology is to close first and then work backwards. Keep closing the idea of the date while giving value, never ask anything from her unless she asks a similar question.

I'll update this again tomorrow.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:56 pm 
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I don't really know how to begin this entry.

My feet ache, I'm smelly and I have smoked far too many cigarettes.

The date I had arranged turned out to be VERY different to what I had expected, and the night which eventuated.

To start off with, she was using some else's photo on her profile. She owned up to this before we met, over text message, a little over four hours before we were due to meet.

My first reply to this was "What the fuck?"

She had quite a long complicated explanation which isn't really relevant, but she did send a real picture of herself in the end. The short version is she is caught up with her first love, stalking his online profile of all things. Second flag. She apparently was in an abusive relationship with him, and it ended really badly. He hit her.. and still has all his shit in her home. That's another red flag.. already. But it kind of gets worse as you go deeper.

At this point I was ready to Next her as I am religiously anti-drama. I hate dramatic girls that bring chaos and disorder, but I decided to go along with the date anyway. This was a very cute girl, naive and seemed a little lost. The older, (parental?) side of me really felt for her situation which looking back was probably a mistake if I wanted to fuck her that night, which didn't happen. Nothing happened.

First of all I am a fucking retard sometimes. We were due to meet on a certain street and I completely missed that, at the same time my phone decides to lose battery. Awesome. So I go home, and we arrange to meet at another place. I completely miss that too, so I have to go home and call her.. AGAIN. This time we meet up at a bar. I buy her some drinks and we talk, we talk about her ex boyfriend who I assume she is still empathically in love with. I sit and listen for some time. I feel kind of used, kind of like a girlfriend, even though I am leading her, being physical, holding intense eye contact, using push pull, calling her out, spiking her emotionally. I don't think I could have gamed her any harder than I did. But I still feel.. used.

This should have been enough to let me know that it's probably not going anywhere.. even though she was hitting me with every IOI you can think of. There just wasn't a sexual vibe.

Now I AM a sexual person. I love sex, I am comfortable with being physical, talking about sexual topics etc.

I don't know how much of this comes down to my deficiency of game, and how much is her just wanting the attention and validation. I have pulled and fucked plenty of them, this was when I'm younger. But since I have matured I've become more laid back, but mentally stronger. I'm torn between these two ideas, but I think they're both true. There has to be some way I can improve what I'm doing now, but I don't really know what that is. I could go even more hardcore in terms of physicality but that would probably seem a bit forced.

The only thing I can think of.. which as I'm writing now seems obvious from tonight and yesterday.. is that I didn't pull the trigger. I didn't pull her in close and try to kiss her. That's the only piece that I can think that's missing, either that or she's just a crazy bitch that wants to make her ex jealous. And.. to be honest.. even if I did fuck her tonight I know from experience that shadow of crazy would linger the more time I spent with her. Would she be a good one night stand? Probably, fuck buddies? Definitely not. Too much baggage. I've been caught in these types of situations before and they really are not worth pursuing in the long term.

I never used to have a problem with kissing or heavily escalating before.. I would finger girls on the dancefloor. I had such a narrow focus of what I wanted, and I believe that this is what made me successful during those times. But my conversation skills sucked, I was kind of awkward and couldn't lead for shit, so I used to get at least one makeout per night and go home with nothing.. when I returned to the game I found I could do everything and was pulling at least one new a girl a week.. but was scared of the approach. Now, I feel like my beginning game is the stronger it has ever been, I'm able to connect with people easily, but perhaps I'm unconsciously avoiding heavily escalation.. maybe it would invalidate the progress I've made so far.. which is ridiculous.

BUT awesome work for me to keep to my previous commitment of being more physical and showing sexual intent. Next commitment to make is to go for the close, try to kiss her, then bounce, and try to fuck her in the same night.

I've been rolling last night's date in my mind with the girl from the street and feel kinda dumb that she was giving me all the signs she was down for a ONS. She couldn't make it any more obvious, and if I am being completely honest with myself I guess I was afraid of losing the set or making it seem weird. Fuck that. Fuck scarcity. You can never lose what you never had, and me walking home only to jerk off alone in the dark is a testament to how retarded that line of thinking is. You gotta go balls to the walls, and I'm ramping it up the more dates I have.

I sent my date tonight a text saying it's probably for the best that we don't see each other because of what's going on with her ex. I think it's for the best for both of us. She really isn't someone I'd like to be involved with in the long-term, not in terms of friends or otherwise. As I get older I find my tolerance for bullshit gets less and less, especially from myself and others.

The positive of all of this is feeling even more leverage to make changes. My life is a mess in a lot of ways, but I finally feel like I am entitled to do something about it. Pick up allows me to express this idea in the most beautiful way. I feel fully alive and engaged with life.

Next time I will pull the trigger no matter what. I will see how far I can push things before things.. get really bad. I will just accept their negative reaction or freak out.. just because I can. I need to know how safe I am playing it so I can push each set to their absolute maximum.

I keep reminding myself that I have only been doing this in a committed fashion for.. about a week. I compare my game to people like Tyler who have been going out for TEN YEARS. Time to stop these stupid comparisons. I will get there. I've only had three solid interactions in the past two weeks(!) If I am going to get better faster I need to do more sets, get more numbers, more dates.. and I will have abundance.

I didn't approach any sets today because I thought this was in the bag.. Big fucking mistake. Very stupid. Pickup is an art of constantly hedging your bets against the girls you meet. Not to say that you should distrust yourself, but rather distrust the women you are meeting. It's called living in truth or being at one with reality.

I compare it to my work in sales. I know that if I do so many dials (approaches), maybe half will want to have a conversation. Out of those dials, a few will lead to a meeting (date), and even fewer will buy (sex). It's a funnel for a reason, wide at the top, narrow at the bottom. Every business in existence has to deal with this reality. So for me knowing that I only had three meetings and no one brought.. is completely normal. I also know that if I keep making dials I will eventually find someone who is looking to buy.. right now. By sheer volume of work you can make sales if you are committed enough. I am going to apply this same work ethic to my pick up.

Overall I am very happy with how my game has been developing, especially in the areas of approaching, leading (which I seem to do naturally), physicality and eye contact. I just need to do more approaches to get more at the start of the funnel, so that more will be left at the end.

There's a twist to an old saying I'd like to conclude this with:
'It doesn't matter what you say, or how you say it, but who you say it to that matters the most.'

Most of the time.. the date or prospect of sex was never going to eventuate anyway.. so why take it personally? Some chicks have boyfriends, some are emotionally unavailable like tonight, and sometimes.. you just fuck up. But it mostly comes down to the girl and how she views you which matters the most.. which is something you can't control.. even with instructor level game not every girl they pull actually ends up having sex with them, they deal with exactly the same shit because we are dealing with PEOPLE with many elements of randomness.

Approach more, and you start working the law of large numbers. Approach a little, and you torture yourself. People get what they deserve, not what they want.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:46 pm 
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FR: She told Me She Loved Me in Three Hours.


Holy fucking shit.

I just had the craziest experience with online game.. it changed how I view women forever, and led to a new paradigm of skill in my game.

Let me tell you how I was led to this with an experience of real life.. then I'll post the whole convo here.. shit is SO fucking crazy. I laughed my ass off.

Anyway, after work I approached a girl sitting down on a bench near a park. It's late at night but people are still humming around the streets. She's cute but not hot, absorbed in her cellphone. Before I approached I was in a very logical headspace, one 'Hi' to a a blonde girl was all that was needed to put me in social mood. I am becoming fearless.

'Hi. I'm bored. I want to meet you. What's your name?'

And then we started chatting.. just chatting.. about lots of neutral topics. She was asking lots of questions and laughing.. but there just wasn't that vibe which I have eluded to in my previous entries.

She asked me at least ten personal questions about myself.. where im from, whats my name, what am I doing here? etc So I asked for the number, and she says no. This was token resistance as I realised later.. right after she says no she hints at justification of giving it to me, then asks me even more questions. She's very curious.. but not emotionally engaged.

I get up and leave after about ten minutes of talking. After this I realise that my interactions are always very chill, the girls are interested but there's little emotional investment. They want a guy that will completely fuck with their emotions despite what they'll say. They love drama. Anything which gives them good and bad emotions they will gravitate to. This is kind of PUA 101 stuff but for some reason I forgot.

When I got home I decided to go balls to the walls with push pull and creating massive amounts of drama (and value).

The results are so shocking, so inconceivable to me. Part of my soul has lost respect for women that they will hypnotise themselves into being sucked into it so deeply. It's kind of scary.

Here's the full convo from a girl I had messaged earlier on a dating site. You won't be disappointed. It's pretty long but fucking HILARIOUS. All I was doing was pushing her approval and disapproval buttons over and over.. then that got boring.. so I decided to add nitrous to the fire just to see what would happen. I'm still in shock.

Keep in mind this conversation took place over two hours.. not real time.

Here you go:

Me: Hey!
Her: heyyy
Me: You seem so sweet and kind of shy. I like that a lot.
Me: Very cute. We would make a good couple.. Actually you are too cute for me plus im kind of an asshole. It would never work
Her: how do u know i m sweet?
Her: thats okay
Her: i like assholes
Me: You are too sweet. I am a bad guy. You wont like it. But you are just my type I wanna hold in my arms.
Her: oh
Her: thnx
Her: :)
Me: We would fight a lot and maybe you will cry your heart out. I want you to happy with a nice guy. But maybe we could see if we could hang out. I dont know
Her: no i hate dramas
Her: u better find someone else
Her: i can be cranky sometimes
Me: Oh thats okay haha I was only joking. Cranky is normal. You seem cool and I think it could be fun to meet someone nice
Her: whats ur facebook?
Me: my date last night was sooooo terrible
Her: what happened?
Me: I deleted my facebook sorry over exams. I have other photos though.

I met this evil skank who turned out to be a fucking prostitue and wanted 300 to have sex. She had a bf that used to beat her up and steal her money while he lived in her place rent free. Then shr says she will give me oral sex if I beat him up and I can stay at her place. Weirdest shit ive ever seen in my life. And she was dead serious
Her: Wow
Her: lmao
Her: what did u do at the end?
Me: As soon as she said that I just walked out. Such a crazy bitch. But I really felt sorry for her. She seemed so hurt, like a dog that has been kicked too many times. I really wanted to help her because she did have a sincere sweet side
Her: oh ok
Her: humanity is disgusting
Her: everyone is so mean
Me: She keeps messaging me and I really dont want to do any more damage. But shes psychotic so im pretty fucked. I read them and dont respond.
Her: u should block her straight away
Her: thats the best way for both of you
Me: You could be right. People only care about themselves. You seem really sweet though. Its a nice change.
Her: u dont even know me lol
Her: id like to be friends with you..
Me: why.. are you bad? are you crazy?
Her: did i say im bad or crazy?
Me: cool do you have wechat or kik?
Me: haha you seem like a nice girl so far. thats all i can say for sure :)
Her: ok
Her: lol
Her: add me?
** she gives me her username. log is continued from there **
Her: yo
Me: hello little girl :P
Her: how big r u? lol
Her: wwwwhats up
Me: you are dirty!
Me: So bad.
Her: send me a pic of you?
Me: haha I'm 6'0"
Her: send
Her wwwwhat
Me: You first
Her: you are the one that's dirty
Her: I have thousands of selfies in my moments
Me: Send me a picture of you looking cute.
Me: Then send me the best one
Her: I'm looking cute all the time
Me: Show me.
** Sends a really big smiley emoticon..**
Her: pretty?
** I send her an even bigger emoticon of a dancing banana..**
Me: two can play at this.. little girl
Me: don't make me blow up your phone with bananas
Her: im soooo scared
Her: bring it onnnn
Me: I'm looking at your pictures now..
Her: Enjoy :)
Me: You seem kind of vain. I like that
Her: no
Her: this is called confidence
Me: :-)
Her: :)
** I try to send her a picture **
Me: It's not working
Me: you fucking broke my phone
Her: I didn't even touch your phone
Her: I'm going to sleep. Goodnight
Me: Ahh I'll send you tomorrow
Me: Sweet dreams :0)
Her: nooo
Her: send it nowww
Her: Or i'm too curious to sleep
Me: hmmmmm
Me: do you have kik?
her: yep
** I add her on kik.. this is where it starts to get fucking MENTAL **
** Her name is different to the one on wechat **
Me: whats your real name?
her: guess
Me: Stephen
Her: I knew youll ask that
Her: no. my name is Mary
her: lol
me: im skeptical
me: its to hide from all those other guys ae? :-)
her: yep
her: lets make a good couple?
me: haha you are terrible. i dont know. can you cook and rub my back?
her: yes
her: i can cook food until it's black
her: and rub you until you bleed
her: good night
her: mr.weird
me: you are awful. the worst i've ever seen.
her: shut up
her: you are the worst
me: i like you
her: damn
her: dont make me blush at 1 am
**I send her a picture of me **
me: this is old when i had black her
her: you are cute
her: but im cuter ;)
me: you have really nice lips. i want to suck on them
me: you are so weird
her: eww
her: not as weird a you ;)
me: i hate you
her: i like you too
me: you are one of the best girls ive talked to on here
me: go to sleep little girl. run to your mummy
me: its past your bed time
her: thnx
her: wanna kiss me?
her: im a good kisser
me: im not convinced
her: i dont care
her: i know you want to
me: stop seducing me
me: i can't say no
her: u dont have to
me: id kiss you
me: but we shouldnt. its bad. im too old for you
her: how old r u cheeky?
me: guess
her: 50?
me: ...
her: you look like 18
me: Wrong.
her: your lips are so sexy
her: they are so thick
her: im just being honest
me: Thank you.
me: Im 26
her: I know
me: feel my wrinkles
her: awww
me: feel my wrinkles you dog
me: i want to kiss you so much
me: i guess
me: you are asleep
me: sweet dreams. really nice talking xx
me: wait..
me: tell me something about you. im really curious. you seem so cool and easy to talk to. sorry if I come across as too much of a dick
me: let me know if i say something really rude and ill tone it down a little. you seem different to others here. someone maybe I could open up to
me: even if we never see each other in person, or never talk to each other again.. im glad I met you.
her: do you feel like it's hard to trust people?
her: do u always feel insecure?
her: do u feel u r really intense inside?
me: well ive been hurt before really bad. since then ive never trusted someone
her: i know
her: i know you very well
me: you do?
her: cuz we are the same
her: yes
me: I dont know. it's kind of scary and confusing.. are you sure?
her: i never want to trust people
her: no
her: i don't know you in person
her: i meant
her: i relate to you personally
me: it's like i want to open up.. but I just cant
her: its ok
her: you dont have to
her: i understand
me: no you don't.. no one understands
her: well i do
her: like i said
her: it's not up to you to open or not
her: because it's hard to trust people
her: it's not safe
me: yeah but when im with you i feel like I could be comfortable.. you seem so caring
her: yes i am
her: you can trust me
her: i'll never, ever hurt you
me: but it's not good enough. i want soemone that can love me. and you wont ever do that. noone can
** at this point i am laughing my fucking off. it gets better **
her: how do you know?
her: love will find you
me: people are scum. my mom died in a car accident and dad didnt even go to the funeral because he was too busy fucking someone else.
** a huge lie.. but.. drama! LOL **
her: i know
her: thats what I said
her: humanity is ugly
her: im sorry about your mom
me: he moved on so fast. after that i never trusted people and I never will. EVER.
her: he sounds like an asshole
her: I'd kill him if i were you
me: but with you it just feels right. lke a theres a small ray of hope in the darkness.
** LOL **
her: at least punch him and put him in hospital
her: aww
her: you are so sweet
me: ive thought about killing him but it's not worth it
her: right
her: u did the right thing
me: i could make out with you all night
her: u are cheeky
me: but it's so hard to let people in. sometimes i just cry and dont stop for hours
me: because im so sad by the world
her: i know
her: i know
her: i know
her: i wish i was there
me: really?
her: yes
her: I'd hug you as tight as I can
me: i dont think i can
her: u dont have to
her: its ok :)
her: i'll buy some chocolates and laugh at u while u cry lol
** (bitch) **
me: but I want you to. you are the first person that understands me
her: damn..
her: this feels so right
me: i dont know
her: look
her: u dont have to do anything
her: for me or what
her: i dont care
me: Okay.
her: i just want u to know
her: that im always here
her: whenver u need someone
me: ohh thats what ive always wanted. where have you been?
her: heaven
her: I'm an angel
** GAY! **
me: hahah :-)
me: are you going to hurt me? tell me the truth
her: why am i going to hurt u?
her: i wanna love u
me: Do you..
her: it sounds stupid
me: thats what ive always needed someone to say to me. oh my god
her: because we havent know each other for more than 2 hours
her: but yes i really want to
her: i wanna make up for the love you should have had before
me: i know. its so fast but seems to natural
her: i dont want you to be sad anymore
me: i feel like you can mend my broken heart
her: i want you to be happy
her: i want to love you.
me: i really dont know. i dont think i can do this at all. i think we should stop.
her: ok
her: lets stop
me: .. do you promise not to hurt me?
her: yes i fucking do
her: ill never ever hurt u
her: no matter what
me: im sorry. i just feel so amazing talking to you
her: am I that amazing aye? ;)
me: im just afraid. i want you to be in my life. i think we could maybe love each other.
me: but that's crazy and stupid
her: aww
her: thats so sweet
me: we dont even know each other. this is crazy and stupid
her: love IS crazy and stupid
her: nooo
me: yeah but it feels so good
her: i can give you all the security you need
her: we can just be friend
her: if u feel it's safer that way :)
me: ohhh you are amazing
her: its amazing to talk to you too
me: it's too bad we probably won't work out, or even meet in real life
her: i want to meet you in real life
her: i want to be part of your life
me: .. what about the other guys?
her: what do u mean?
me: the other guys you like, the other people are are both seeing. isnt that complicated?
her: no
her: its so simple
her: ill ditch them all for you
her: i dont like to date too many people
her: i like the feeling of one and only
me: okay.. sorry im such a mess. it's all my fault.
her: i feel like you are a good person inside
her: you are warm and sensitive
her: soft
her: and weak
** LOL **
her: you have to learn how to love yourself
me: i cant
her: not depend on me or anyone else
her: yes you can
her: cuz u are a fucking awesome person
me: .. i can't

** then the conversation kind of just trails off, she got me to promise to her i will message her to meet up later in the week to watch some movies in her room **

I'm still speechless.

Talk tomorrow,

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:17 pm 
Dedicated Member

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:14 pm
Posts: 689
FR: She told Me She Loved Me in Three Hours.


Holy fucking shit.

I just had the craziest experience with online game.. it changed how I view women forever, and led to a new paradigm of skill in my game.

Let me tell you how I was led to this with an experience of real life.. then I'll post the whole convo here.. shit is SO fucking crazy. I laughed my ass off.

Anyway, after work I approached a girl sitting down on a bench near a park. It's late at night but people are still humming around the streets. She's cute but not hot, absorbed in her cellphone. Before I approached I was in a very logical headspace, one 'Hi' to a a blonde girl was all that was needed to put me in social mood. I am becoming fearless.

'Hi. I'm bored. I want to meet you. What's your name?'

And then we started chatting.. just chatting.. about lots of neutral topics. She was asking lots of questions and laughing.. but there just wasn't that vibe which I have eluded to in my previous entries.

She asked me at least ten personal questions about myself.. where im from, whats my name, what am I doing here? etc So I asked for the number, and she says no. This was token resistance as I realised later.. right after she says no she hints at justification of giving it to me, then asks me even more questions. She's very curious.. but not emotionally engaged.

I get up and leave after about ten minutes of talking. After this I realise that my interactions are always very chill, the girls are interested but there's little emotional investment. They want a guy that will completely fuck with their emotions despite what they'll say. They love drama. Anything which gives them good and bad emotions they will gravitate to. This is kind of PUA 101 stuff but for some reason I forgot.

When I got home I decided to go balls to the walls with push pull and creating massive amounts of drama (and value).

The results are so shocking, so inconceivable to me. Part of my soul has lost respect for women that they will hypnotise themselves into being sucked into it so deeply. It's kind of scary.

Here's the full convo from a girl I had messaged earlier on a dating site. You won't be disappointed. It's pretty long but fucking HILARIOUS. All I was doing was pushing her approval and disapproval buttons over and over.. then that got boring.. so I decided to add nitrous to the fire just to see what would happen. I'm still in shock.

Keep in mind this conversation took place over two hours.. not real time.

Here you go:

Me: Hey!
Her: heyyy
Me: You seem so sweet and kind of shy. I like that a lot.
Me: Very cute. We would make a good couple.. Actually you are too cute for me plus im kind of an asshole. It would never work
Her: how do u know i m sweet?
Her: thats okay
Her: i like assholes
Me: You are too sweet. I am a bad guy. You wont like it. But you are just my type I wanna hold in my arms.
Her: oh
Her: thnx
Her: :)
Me: We would fight a lot and maybe you will cry your heart out. I want you to happy with a nice guy. But maybe we could see if we could hang out. I dont know
Her: no i hate dramas
Her: u better find someone else
Her: i can be cranky sometimes
Me: Oh thats okay haha I was only joking. Cranky is normal. You seem cool and I think it could be fun to meet someone nice
Her: whats ur facebook?
Me: my date last night was sooooo terrible
Her: what happened?
Me: I deleted my facebook sorry over exams. I have other photos though.

I met this evil skank who turned out to be a fucking prostitue and wanted 300 to have sex. She had a bf that used to beat her up and steal her money while he lived in her place rent free. Then shr says she will give me oral sex if I beat him up and I can stay at her place. Weirdest shit ive ever seen in my life. And she was dead serious
Her: Wow
Her: lmao
Her: what did u do at the end?
Me: As soon as she said that I just walked out. Such a crazy bitch. But I really felt sorry for her. She seemed so hurt, like a dog that has been kicked too many times. I really wanted to help her because she did have a sincere sweet side
Her: oh ok
Her: humanity is disgusting
Her: everyone is so mean
Me: She keeps messaging me and I really dont want to do any more damage. But shes psychotic so im pretty fucked. I read them and dont respond.
Her: u should block her straight away
Her: thats the best way for both of you
Me: You could be right. People only care about themselves. You seem really sweet though. Its a nice change.
Her: u dont even know me lol
Her: id like to be friends with you..
Me: why.. are you bad? are you crazy?
Her: did i say im bad or crazy?
Me: cool do you have wechat or kik?
Me: haha you seem like a nice girl so far. thats all i can say for sure :)
Her: ok
Her: lol
Her: add me?
** she gives me her username. log is continued from there **
Her: yo
Me: hello little girl :P
Her: how big r u? lol
Her: wwwwhats up
Me: you are dirty!
Me: So bad.
Her: send me a pic of you?
Me: haha I'm 6'0"
Her: send
Her wwwwhat
Me: You first
Her: you are the one that's dirty
Her: I have thousands of selfies in my moments
Me: Send me a picture of you looking cute.
Me: Then send me the best one
Her: I'm looking cute all the time
Me: Show me.
** Sends a really big smiley emoticon..**
Her: pretty?
** I send her an even bigger emoticon of a dancing banana..**
Me: two can play at this.. little girl
Me: don't make me blow up your phone with bananas
Her: im soooo scared
Her: bring it onnnn
Me: I'm looking at your pictures now..
Her: Enjoy :)
Me: You seem kind of vain. I like that
Her: no
Her: this is called confidence
Me: :-)
Her: :)
** I try to send her a picture **
Me: It's not working
Me: you fucking broke my phone
Her: I didn't even touch your phone
Her: I'm going to sleep. Goodnight
Me: Ahh I'll send you tomorrow
Me: Sweet dreams :0)
Her: nooo
Her: send it nowww
Her: Or i'm too curious to sleep
Me: hmmmmm
Me: do you have kik?
her: yep
** I add her on kik.. this is where it starts to get fucking MENTAL **
** Her name is different to the one on wechat **
Me: whats your real name?
her: guess
Me: Stephen
Her: I knew youll ask that
Her: no. my name is Mary
her: lol
me: im skeptical
me: its to hide from all those other guys ae? :-)
her: yep
her: lets make a good couple?
me: haha you are terrible. i dont know. can you cook and rub my back?
her: yes
her: i can cook food until it's black
her: and rub you until you bleed
her: good night
her: mr.weird
me: you are awful. the worst i've ever seen.
her: shut up
her: you are the worst
me: i like you
her: damn
her: dont make me blush at 1 am
**I send her a picture of me **
me: this is old when i had black her
her: you are cute
her: but im cuter ;)
me: you have really nice lips. i want to suck on them
me: you are so weird
her: eww
her: not as weird a you ;)
me: i hate you
her: i like you too
me: you are one of the best girls ive talked to on here
me: go to sleep little girl. run to your mummy
me: its past your bed time
her: thnx
her: wanna kiss me?
her: im a good kisser
me: im not convinced
her: i dont care
her: i know you want to
me: stop seducing me
me: i can't say no
her: u dont have to
me: id kiss you
me: but we shouldnt. its bad. im too old for you
her: how old r u cheeky?
me: guess
her: 50?
me: ...
her: you look like 18
me: Wrong.
her: your lips are so sexy
her: they are so thick
her: im just being honest
me: Thank you.
me: Im 26
her: I know
me: feel my wrinkles
her: awww
me: feel my wrinkles you dog
me: i want to kiss you so much
me: i guess
me: you are asleep
me: sweet dreams. really nice talking xx
me: wait..
me: tell me something about you. im really curious. you seem so cool and easy to talk to. sorry if I come across as too much of a dick
me: let me know if i say something really rude and ill tone it down a little. you seem different to others here. someone maybe I could open up to
me: even if we never see each other in person, or never talk to each other again.. im glad I met you.
her: do you feel like it's hard to trust people?
her: do u always feel insecure?
her: do u feel u r really intense inside?
me: well ive been hurt before really bad. since then ive never trusted someone
her: i know
her: i know you very well
me: you do?
her: cuz we are the same
her: yes
me: I dont know. it's kind of scary and confusing.. are you sure?
her: i never want to trust people
her: no
her: i don't know you in person
her: i meant
her: i relate to you personally
me: it's like i want to open up.. but I just cant
her: its ok
her: you dont have to
her: i understand
me: no you don't.. no one understands
her: well i do
her: like i said
her: it's not up to you to open or not
her: because it's hard to trust people
her: it's not safe
me: yeah but when im with you i feel like I could be comfortable.. you seem so caring
her: yes i am
her: you can trust me
her: i'll never, ever hurt you
me: but it's not good enough. i want soemone that can love me. and you wont ever do that. noone can
** at this point i am laughing my fucking off. it gets better **
her: how do you know?
her: love will find you
me: people are scum. my mom died in a car accident and dad didnt even go to the funeral because he was too busy fucking someone else.
** a huge lie.. but.. drama! LOL **
her: i know
her: thats what I said
her: humanity is ugly
her: im sorry about your mom
me: he moved on so fast. after that i never trusted people and I never will. EVER.
her: he sounds like an asshole
her: I'd kill him if i were you
me: but with you it just feels right. lke a theres a small ray of hope in the darkness.
** LOL **
her: at least punch him and put him in hospital
her: aww
her: you are so sweet
me: ive thought about killing him but it's not worth it
her: right
her: u did the right thing
me: i could make out with you all night
her: u are cheeky
me: but it's so hard to let people in. sometimes i just cry and dont stop for hours
me: because im so sad by the world
her: i know
her: i know
her: i know
her: i wish i was there
me: really?
her: yes
her: I'd hug you as tight as I can
me: i dont think i can
her: u dont have to
her: its ok :)
her: i'll buy some chocolates and laugh at u while u cry lol
** (bitch) **
me: but I want you to. you are the first person that understands me
her: damn..
her: this feels so right
me: i dont know
her: look
her: u dont have to do anything
her: for me or what
her: i dont care
me: Okay.
her: i just want u to know
her: that im always here
her: whenver u need someone
me: ohh thats what ive always wanted. where have you been?
her: heaven
her: I'm an angel
** GAY! **
me: hahah :-)
me: are you going to hurt me? tell me the truth
her: why am i going to hurt u?
her: i wanna love u
me: Do you..
her: it sounds stupid
me: thats what ive always needed someone to say to me. oh my god
her: because we havent know each other for more than 2 hours
her: but yes i really want to
her: i wanna make up for the love you should have had before
me: i know. its so fast but seems to natural
her: i dont want you to be sad anymore
me: i feel like you can mend my broken heart
her: i want you to be happy
her: i want to love you.
me: i really dont know. i dont think i can do this at all. i think we should stop.
her: ok
her: lets stop
me: .. do you promise not to hurt me?
her: yes i fucking do
her: ill never ever hurt u
her: no matter what
me: im sorry. i just feel so amazing talking to you
her: am I that amazing aye? ;)
me: im just afraid. i want you to be in my life. i think we could maybe love each other.
me: but that's crazy and stupid
her: aww
her: thats so sweet
me: we dont even know each other. this is crazy and stupid
her: love IS crazy and stupid
her: nooo
me: yeah but it feels so good
her: i can give you all the security you need
her: we can just be friend
her: if u feel it's safer that way :)
me: ohhh you are amazing
her: its amazing to talk to you too
me: it's too bad we probably won't work out, or even meet in real life
her: i want to meet you in real life
her: i want to be part of your life
me: .. what about the other guys?
her: what do u mean?
me: the other guys you like, the other people are are both seeing. isnt that complicated?
her: no
her: its so simple
her: ill ditch them all for you
her: i dont like to date too many people
her: i like the feeling of one and only
me: okay.. sorry im such a mess. it's all my fault.
her: i feel like you are a good person inside
her: you are warm and sensitive
her: soft
her: and weak
** LOL **
her: you have to learn how to love yourself
me: i cant
her: not depend on me or anyone else
her: yes you can
her: cuz u are a fucking awesome person
me: .. i can't

** then the conversation kind of just trails off, she got me to promise to her i will message her to meet up later in the week to watch some movies in her room **

I'm still speechless.

Talk tomorrow,
They want a guy that will completely fuck with their emotions despite what they'll say. They love drama. Anything which gives them good and bad emotions they will gravitate to. This is kind of PUA 101 stuff but for some reason I forgot.

This goes for guys as well at some level.

We don't want someone to give us one emotion - we need a RANGE of emotion. We'll leave someone who is too good OR too bad, but add in the right mix and it's DYNAMITE.

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2015 4:47 am 
MPUA Forum Enthusiast
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Joined: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:27 am
Posts: 50
LR: Too easy

So that girl came over from last night's online dating rampage and we had sex. It was pretty good, my sex drive was faint from hunger.

There isn't really much to tell, but this girl is like psychotically in love with me now.

I managed the expectations. Kept being an ass to make her keep the distance.

I am a private person and personal space is something that's sacred. Having some chick sleep in your bed is very uncomfortable for me. I couldn't sleep until much later and kicked her out. She wasn't very impressed. She told me that she 'Loved me', during sex. For any normal person that would freak them out, but I know it's just part of her self-hypnosis. She knows I don't really give a fuck but she wants that romance and drama with someone cool, not some needy codependent guy. She wants the fantasy much more than the real thing.

Yesterday I opened two girls and nothing came from it. I was feeling really shitty and noticed my mind coming up with lots of excuses to not approach.

Funny thing is that I was two PUA wannabes talking about approaching in the city. I think the voyeur in me wanted to show off, so I approached a girl sitting down right next to them while they clenched their balls between their legs, paralyzed from AA. I remember when I used to do that.

If I'm in my head, the approach is legitimately scary for only about half a second before returning to a natural relaxed state. That half a second of fear is all that separates you from meeting a girl of your dreams, it's the bridge between scarcity and abundance that no man dares to tread. The same applies when you do approach, if the girl isn't immediately receptive and smiling like a little girl, most guys take it personally and they eject. That tiny amount of resistance is all it takes to screen out wimpy, boring guys.

The way I look at it is that when you are stuck in scarcity (I still am to an extent) you filter people's reactions through your ego and world view. You are always trying to figure out the meaning and make a connection between their reactions to you and who you think you are. I've started to realize that almost every person is doing the same. Everyone is interpreting reactions they get from people and relating it to themselves. They look for meaning when there really is none, they think everything is about them. It's not because they are insecure, but rather completely self-absorbed and narcissistic. The newbie is afraid to approach because he's afraid others will judge him for it. He has the delusional belief that people give a fuck about him, when the bystanders are absorbed in their own little reality, having the same fears of being accepted and rejected.

When you see it for what it is it's truly disgusting how people live their lives completely through their ego. Relating every action and word to themselves. People truly only care about themselves. In some ways this is a harsher reality than believing people actually ARE paying attention to you and passing judgment, at least then they are noticing your existence. To other people, you are not a person, although they might use that word. You are whatever you do for them and how you make them feel. They will only pay attention if you are a threat or have value to them. This is just human nature. You are mostly invisible to others unless you choose to make yourself known in either a good or a bad way, otherwise you are a faceless spector passing through this world.

This entry was more emo that I intended.

Talk tomorrow.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:00 pm 
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FR+ the throw away lay and j-girls who have a gaijin fetish

Hi there,

Hmm where do we begin?

On Saturday I didn't do many approaches at all, in fact the only interaction I had with a girl was when a girl opened me for a light.

Now I was really out of it. I had spent the last 4 hours at an internet cafe and was just walking home when she approached me.

We just sort of talked about general stuff and she was giving me all the signs she wanted to get laid, right now. She was just coming down from ecstasy (lol), and her house was RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER FROM WHERE WE WERE STANDING. I only found this out as we were leaving as I really thought the interaction was going nowhere, but as always I seem to be not so good at picking on these subtleties yet, and often lack the decisiveness to take action when these things occur.

It's weird to know what to do when the girl is the person who is taking the initiative. Because it's so rare it often takes me surprise and I must look like such a pussy or simply oblivious because I just sorta stand there and not know what to do next.

That was a pretty much a guaranteed lay, and a big fuck up from my end. All it would have taken was to ask where she lived and an excuse to enter her home, combined with some physicality. It would have been easy as that.

Today I did some street approaches as always. I've started my days by simply talking to everyone I meet, even if it's just to throw them a random comment. I do this maybe ten times until I am warmed up, and man my feet hurt when I simply walk around and don't approach. It's like training myself to be in set. Being in set = fun, walking around in the cold = fucking boring. Seriously try it if you are afraid, you will approach simply to occupy yourself.

I had just finished dinner and was sitting down on a bench. I see her and my mind comes up with a thousand excuses not to do it. I've started framing every approach as positive. I either get what I want and have fun, or I don't, but I get more leverage and motivation to find a girl that likes me. There is literally no downside at all to approaching. This isn't just mental masturbation, it's how I actually think now, even if my emotions and physiology aren't always playing for my team.

She's sitting down on a chair outside and I take the seat next to her, much like the girl a few days ago.

'Hi. I'm kinda bored..'

I let the awkwardness set in for a moment to build a little bit of tension.

'I saw you sitting over there and I wanted to meet you.'

I love how much girls appreciate this. She absolutely lights up even if her english is not very good. This is a Japanese girl. Immediately I find out that she's here only for a few days and is travelling with friends, they share the same room so the pull would have to be at mine. She invites me to go drinking with her friends (3 other girls) that's part of a larger group of around 6 extra people.

I decided not to go.. because of cockblock issues.. plus it was really early in the night. I would have to be with them for at least five hours before the night gets into that twilight zone where anything is game.

I didn't really like her that much. She was pretty cute and bangable but I was content at that point to just have a cool conversation. Her friends show up a bit later and we all talk. I am pretty fucking nervous having the attention of three really cute girls competing my time. It doesn't really show though, they are all laughing and the original girl is talking over the igirls and interrupting so she can get my attention again.

Anyway, they are going drinking so they eventually leave. I start looking around for the next girl to talk to until they come back to me as a group.. I know what's up. The original girl sheepishly asks if I have facebook and I give her my mobile instead. This was quite unexpected, but not surprising. Japan is a really homogeneous country with something like 95% of the population being Japanese. You don't often see white guys, so for her hooking up with a gaijin has extra value, plus she's here for a short time.. and her friends approve.. and clearly no one is going to judge her or find out.. so fuck it.

We've been sending messages back and forth and we're meeting tomorrow for a date. The plan is to meet somewhere chill and relaxing, go somewhere else, then bounce back to mine for an afternoon of sex.

I am so fucking lazy. I know I should be pushing myself more but I am already getting laid from doing a minimal amount of work. I am a chronic underachiever in other aspects so I'm not shocked that this has bled into my dating life.

I got laid on Friday, I could have had sex with that girl from Singapore last week and yesterday was just a huge fuck up which would have been easy.

I'm not really happy with my results but I get enough sex to curtail my leverage to approach and put the effort in. It's really a double edged sword. I can see myself getting into a new comfort zone of doing a few approaches per day and having sex with one new girl a week. I know that doesn't sound bad at all.. but pick up is so fucking fun. There is literally no better feeling in the world.

I want to see how far I can take this, how much I can push myself.

I think maybe for the next month I will go on an absolute rampage. Set myself a huge goal of say, ten numbers every time I go out, and only set up the dates with the girls that I really want to see again. that's nearly 300 phone numbers.. and I would need to talk to maybe a thousand women. Geeze.

It's not inconceivable. Numbers are easy to get.. and it would really push me to do this fucking hardcore.

No more choding around. It's time to fucking execute.

So, from next Monday, that's my goal. I've decided. Not going home until I have ten numbers in my phone, every day. I will wake up early, do morning game, in between breaks at work, and of course when I get off work.

I don't have to do this forever, but I feel like this massive immersion period will get me close, if not directly to, my goal of having a rotation of high-quality fuck buddies. Then maybe after this period I can go back to being more chill if I want to, but this is like a rite of passage.

I know that If I don't commit to to this then nothing is going to fucking improve. And I want this this for myself. so. fucking. badly.

Let's do this.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 5:19 pm 
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LR: J girl Day 2


This will be short because she is literally on my arm right now asleep in my bed.

Damn this girl is sexy. Im typing this on my phone.

Before I go into the LR I want to retrace meeting her friends and our convo over text.

When her friends arrived I made sure to engage the whole group. Especially the confident 'Mother hen' of the trio. This girl is a little shy compared to her. I held the value and gave the confident one a little bit of supressing fire. She was asking a few questions and was skeptical of me at first. She said: 'I thought you guys knew each other..' while staring at us sitting down. I replied: 'Yeah we do! Best friends since ten minutes ago!' She said they haf been out before, I asked 'Did you meet anyone nice?' she got a bit flustered and smiled with anime eyes. The other girl was the ugliest and the most outgoing to the point of being annoying. I just smiled and joked with her. When they all got up to leave I kinod the whole group with a hug, which looked like a football huddle. Gaming the group like this had so many positive implications. If I had alienated anyone the
original girl would not have come back or even replied to my messages. The group is so important, more important than your personal value to the girl even. The friends will either make you look amazing or the biggest creep.

After they left we sent a few texts clea[/color]ring up some logistics. When they were clear I said: 'Lets go on a date this Sunday 9pm at xxxx'. She said.. 'Sure! :-)' It was pretty much done at this point. Oh and shes here for another 8 months, not 4 days as I said earlier. Her friends are going back, not her

I met the girl at a place near bars and the train station. I bought her one drink and we chatted for an hour. I kissed her at the bar and she didnt reciporcate. Not unusual. Most girls feel weird kissing a stranger in an empty bar. We walk outside while she holds my hand. I push her against the wall, this time with no one around and get the same reaction. Shes into it, but mentions something about PDA and being japanese, how its weird. Whatever. No big deal. We start walking to mine, I make sure to keep up her state with jokes, compliments and a bit of teasing.

'Come to my house for 5 minutes'

'Okay. But only 5 minutes'

And then shes in my room. Kinda shocked at how messy it is. Its been a lot worse haha.

We start kissing, talking, tickling. She takes off her top, we fool around some more. Im grazing her breasts with the outside of my hand, not touching between her legs yet. Things escalate very slowly but shes not resisting. About halfway we take a nap and then pick up where we left off. Now shes in her underwear. Damn what a nice body. A tiny bit of baby fat on her body fills out her curves for an asian chick. We stop again and gets dressed to use my bathroom. She comes back, and this is fucking key, she takes off her jewellery, checks her phone and gets into bed. At that point therr was no going back. I kept escalating slowly, other stuff happened, she told me my dick was too big, then I fucked her.

Peer approval and calibration made this pulll easy.

Talk tomorrow.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:46 am 
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I want to make a non-fr post here really quickly to get down my thoughts on this.

I see so much material online that's very polarizing. Fuck being nice, polite and charming. Women want a BAD BOY.

Then guys go out and alienate everyone around them. They start behaving weird and sociopathic and end up in a worse position than they started at.

I buy drinks. I listen, learn, forward, open doors for girls, I remember their birthdays and send them cards. Does this make me a whiny beta orbiter virgin? I make all these 'Classic mistakes', yet still get laid more than Mr.Cool who tries too hard to mask his true nature.

I don't give a fuck. Being polite and nice is part of who I am.

If a girl wants an asshole who is going to treat her badly then she can find someone else. That's not me.

It's not to say that I am ALWAYS nice and considerate. I have a duality to my personality which means I can be challenging and break rapport IF I WANT TO. It's not coming from a place of making an impression on the girl, to make her think I'm cool by showing how little of a fuck I give. It's just a part of me which comes out naturally. If I feel like being nice I'll be nice, if It want to be a little bit aggressive or daring then I'll do that. Either mode is good.

People take this advice too far and start self-rejecting themselves. They feel like they can't ever be nice or charming, or that girls will be instantly turned off. This is classic KJ bullshit.

The truth is that you can change your behaviors but you cannot change who you are. That is largely set in stone and takes many years for it to develop as you get older with life experiences etc.

The secret is to simply assume you a good enough as you are already and go for what you want, and don't worry if you are coming across as too nice. Experience will show you when you should calibrate and operate more on the opposite end of the spectrum. You need to be flexible and have the intuition of knowing when to change, back off and re-initiate.

People say that nice guys finish last. This is a misconception. Weak guys finish last. Weak men don't push themselves and aren't passionate to better themselves. It's nothing personal.. it's just a consequence of living that way.

Weak men don't escalate, lead or combine their natural niceness with a small amount of push. It's all pull, pull, pull. But really, the reason why girls don't like the 'Nice guy', is they can sense that it's not who they really are. It's usually not some kind of manipulative front, but rather the guy doesn't know himself very well, and slips into this passive frame where he just ends up laughing and agreeing with everything by default. Again, it's nothing personal, it's never, ever, personal. She just isn't emotionally aroused by that.

So.. BE NICE and assume it's enough for any girl to like. Combine it by doing things which are neutral, bad, shocking, the whole spectrum.. and you'll never be categorized and simply a 'Nice guy'. You'll be someone captivating and unpredictable. Don't buy into the idea you need to be someone you are not, don't play the character of the player or the asshole. Just be you, and work on expanding yourself every day.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 3:04 am 
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FR+ 10 Numbers for 28 Days: Day 1

What an original title for this little series. I know.

I approached maybe 40 girls yesterday, and got my 10 numbers for that day.

It was exhausting, and I have to do this 27 more times. Awesome.

I'll just give a mini FR of each girl I spoke to instead of detailing every girl. I probably spoke to more than 40.. perhaps 50.

Number 1:

She was literally the first person I saw when I opened my door this morning at 6:30 AM. I am waking up early to do these approaches.

She lives in the same building. General morning chit-chat. I suggest we exchange contact details and maybe have a house warming as she just moved in. She agreed.

Number 2:

This girl was just saying goodbye to her friends as I was walking around the corner of my home. She was pretty average looking, decent body and very friendly.

I think I scared her a little at first, but she slowly started to loosen up. She gave me her facebook after a few minutes of chatting.

At this point I start thinking that 10 numbers a day is not as hard as I thought it would be. I was kinda right and wrong.

Number 3:

I spoke to a a few more girls briefly walking down to my bus stop. She's standing there leaning against the bus shelter. By far the cutest girl I've seen all day. I tell her this, she smiles really big. She has a boyfriend but wants to keep in touch(?) gives me her facebook, wechat, and mobile. I don't really know what to think of this.

Number 4:

Older corporate lady I assume is about 30. Weirdest approach to date. It's pretty late in the morning now and I just wanted to do it for the sake of it. She was loving it and we spoke for about 15 minutes. My D got hard. She suggested drinks later in the week.

Number 5:

Last morning approach before I head to work. She was sitting down on a bench facing the sidewalk. I say hello and ask for a lighter. She didn't like me. I think she just gave me her number to make me go away. Whatever.

Number 6:

After work I go to my usual spot and perch like a vulture at the top of the stairs. You can see everyone coming and going from here, and it's the warmest place to be.

I see a cute girl walking with a friend. This was my first 2 set, I am really nervous. I go up and talk. No big deal. It's a little bit intimidating but I had been doing this all day. Both girls give me their facebook.

Number 7:

I am really tired of pimping girls by now, looking forward to going home. I start walking to a lesson and literally bump into a this girl walking the opposite direction. She's from France and pretty outgoing. She kept hinting a drinks but I passed up.. to do this stupid goal. I said maybe later in the week and she said Okay.

Number 8:

During my lesson I facebook closed someone.. I don't know if it counts as it's not cold approach. But I've been feeling this vibe between us for a few days.

Number 9:

I usually go to an internet cafe after my lesson to just relax and kill some time. After I leave there's a girl smoking absorbed in her phone. I start asking about it and tease her for owning something made by apple. She gave me every IOI but there was no way she was going to give me her number. I asked three times. She gave me her facebook instead.

Number 10:

Oh my god I can go home!

As I am walking towards my house I see a very short girl coming towards me in a hurry. She would have been about 5'0" or maybe even shorter.

"Hey! Wait. Stop!"

To my surprise she actually turns around and starts walking very slowly while looking me in the eyes. Every other time I've tried this it didn't work. And this girl was running late for a class. I talk to her for maybe 60 seconds before she REALLY needs to go and hurriedly puts her number in my phone.

I am fucking exhausted.

I will hit up these numbers and facebooks I got and see what happens.

This was so much work, I really don't know if I can do this 27 more times. I can't even sleep because my mind is in such a social mood. I have an intense feeling of vertigo throughout my body and feel kinda afraid for some reason. Bah.

I will keep doing it, but I feel like I might be pushing myself too hard.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:09 am 
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FR+ 10 Numbers for 28 Days: Day 2

Here we go again.

When I woke up I had 7 messages on my phone from girls. Winky face emoticons, date arrangements, flirty messages.. everything.

I had sent the list a mass message before I went to sleep.

If this isn't what abundance looks like then I don't know what is.

But I head out again, feeling the cold morning air, into the unknown.. down my street.

As I'm walking it occurred to me that I probably won't have enough time to actually follow up on these numbers. And I do actually want to have sex, not just play some flirty game over text messages.

I think I'll do this one more day and then follow up on some of them, then repeat the process until my penis falls off.

I will post the results tomorrow.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:03 am 
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Quick tip:

Here's a simple tip you can use to keep people engaged, and control the conversation.

Don't pause at the end of sentences.

Pause DURING sentences.

Like this:

'Yeah, I was out walking.. and I saw this really cute girl, and I said.. 'Hey. Come here' .. then she came over and.. introduced herself.

Compare it to:

'Yeah I was out walking. I saw this really cute girl and I said: 'Hey Come here.' Then she came over and introduced herself.

You create and release tension simply by pausing. It keeps people engaged. It's like fucking her with your words and people can't help but be sucked into your frame because you are creating the emotions, they end up reacting to you whether they are conscious of it or not.

Combine this with push pull and she will be dripping.

You are.. so bad. The worst I've.. ever seen.

Man.. you are so hot! I bet.. you are a player girl.

You want the pause to be small enough so that it's not noticable.. but big enough that she feels the tension and release. Much like sex.

Sometimes I like to make kinda of a longer pause mid way through conversation where we just give each other intense eye contact for like 2 seconds then keep going. Girls REALLY like this.

Man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers: "No. It requires revolt."

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